randstad Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 Hi I have been a browser/occasional poster here for a while which is fine and dandy for me, I
RWG Technical Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 I joined the original version of this board on October 14, 2004. I had a difficult time even garnering the courage to post a few items, and was even more afraid to send a PM to anyone. Since that time, I have come to meet and make many great friends. It's no different than walking into a room of strangers and trying to fit in. It took me 6+ months to feel comfortable, but what I did was try and contribute things that were in my area of interest and ability. When I joined, there was little to no discussion on watchmaking or technical matters, that area interested me, so I decided to contribute what I could, no matter the responses I got. And believe me, not all the responses were positive... To make the board successful, I think everyone needs to participate and contribute what they can...since we all share an interest in watches, it should be easy to fit in if you contribute your part. Sitting on the side lines is not going to make the board grow, or allow new members to get to know the existing members. RG
Guest avitt Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 You haven't been around long, but it seems that you have made some keen observations....which from my perpective, seem quite accurate. What you have to realize is that, as open as this board and community is, you cannot buy replica watches just anywhere, and not everyone will work on them. With that it mind, it is natural that members will lavish praise, in order to maintain their "favored" status. There are many here who are in it for the same reasons as you...I would encourage you to post, and share your acquired knowledge. In the same manner, I urge you not to be discouraged by those who measure their own self-worth by their ability to tear down people from behind a keyboard. Enjoy your time here.
Usil Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 In any on-line community you are going to get a variety of personality types and responces. You have to weed through them and gather the golden bits of wisdom. You will grow old trying to change people to fit a particular mold. There are lots of good people in this forum and dealers who provide us all a service we want. I don't see an issue in letting everyone know when we get a great watch or the service was fast and friendly. This is a forum barometer for us to see the health of the transactions over a period of time. If anything goes sour we learn about it. This is a community service. Usil
TwoTone Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 @Randstad Good Post... Stay around, make some friends, buy some Watches, and enjoy the hobby... Forum Life is much like Real Life~ "Where People Gather, Life Happens" TT
Chronus Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 If anyone wants to tear you down, just skip over their post. I'm not on as much as I used to be but I guess maybe there could be an intro message to any member just to read? I think most derision comes from questions asked over and over again over the year(s).
Raijor Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 Forums embolden people in a way that sitting around a table having a discussion with strangers would not. The anonomity of the virtual world offers a sense of protection for some such that they become brazen in "talking down" to others. All the forums I have been on have the same type of people and postings. The clubby behaviour exists on every forum I have been on. I have learned that it is easy to ignore the people that bother and to not read threads that inflame. Your forum experience is in your own control. Cheers
TwoTone Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 @Raijor Love your Avatar & Siggy... One of the best movies I have ever seen... TT
Stephane Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 Hi Randstad, I sincerely hesitated to post a reply but as a Noob, I think my opinion can be published. 1. I agree with some of what you say: old members being in a club using a special language and code is really hard to understand and makes us, noobs, afraid of being flamed when asking questions. 2. I disagree about some other statements: some of the old members/experts/dealers here have allways been very nice we me since the very beginning, which was only 3 months ago. For point 1: - As it has been said above, I try to ignore the bad replies from people to my posts and try to ignore bad threads (it's not easy to resist but it is smart to try). - I have posted several threads about SUBS. Why ? Because I love SUBS. Most of the members never flammed me for that. I guess they might feel like a Dad looking at their son although I'm older than some of the dads. Questionning about subs to me is normal. But it is also normal that 2, 5 or 10 years experienced collectors are fed up about "who has the best sub" ! - Have all my questions been answered ? Nope. I guess some were (and still are) stupid...and I presume I now have most of the answers because I read this forum for hours per day during 3 months, and still do so. For point 2: - Pug, Ubi, By-tor, Kenberg, Admin, Ziggy, Birdman, Phoband, FlavFav, LovePanerai, AjoeSmith, Falco, TTK, PT, Repaustria, Babola, Richard_Uk...and many many more well known members (sorry guys not naming everybody) have allways answered my PMs or posted replies to my threads. - I have bought several watches from members that trusted me althought they don't know me. Now they know and can say I'm honnest. But they couldn't know that prior to try and they did try, thanks guys. - I have access to the best high end reps from our dealers including MBW or TW just as anybody else would. As a noob, I pay the same price as older members. - I have a green light from some of the tech experts to send them my watches for mods or service. CONCLUSION Being a noob here is not easy, it's true. But being a noob anywhere else isn't more easy, is it ? The noob first mission is allways to look, listen, read, understand and try to integrate, isn't it. This place should be looked at as a new job, a new team, not a virtual internet forum. There are some very very nice people here like everywhere else, but there are some ******* A**H**** too. Let's bear in mind that we are nothing else but humans: well educated animals ! Some better than others. As for contribution: I have not enough knowledge yet to publish revolutionary news. All my knowledge comes from this board anyway and is only growing day after day. My only contribution is to shoot tons of pics of the watches I receive with my noob eye and post pictorials of my deals with my noob feelings so that others can have a better opinion of what is out there to buy. My advice to you ? Nothing else than what Ken said: "Stay around, make some friends, buy some Watches, and enjoy the hobby... Forum Life is much like Real Life~" Cheers Stephane
Richard Tracy Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 I understand your views with regards to snobbery and brown nosing, which is natural when some gain their feet, to pass their spankings to those that follow, though not right by any means,.. or fighting for favor with dealers and watch mechanics,. as I think we all feel a bit vulnerable, because, in reality, we are in a big transparent fish bowl with dealers observing us and using watches on hooks to pick our pockets. As for the board stagnating,.. I don't think that's the case at all,... it's only spring fever and everyone is out & about, wearing their favorite pieces in the warm open air. Also we had to do some spring cleaning...
jfreeman420 Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 You are in a world of stubborn, picky, strong minded and as pugwash reminded me arrogant people. People who obsess ove a .1mm difference in size and minute details that 99.9999% of the world wouldn't even notice. It is not for the faint of heart or those without a thick skin to absorb lashings. You can have a great experience and learn a lot if you can see past the people not giving you the warmest fuzzies. Ironically enough, this is the way most of the real world is. I deal with people like myself and others here on a daily basis in my business. Personalities clash and opinions differ. Who are you to come in and mock and ridicule a forum of thousands of members when you have been here for a month and a half? i am insulted. I believe if you ask a stupid question you get a stupid answer. If you coddle people by holding their hand every time they want to find the best replica this or that we may as well just be an unpaid customer service line for all the dealers. Sorry if my view is too cynical for you but I am a realist, not an idealist like yourself. When your out driving and you come across a Learner Driver do you scream up behind them sticking to their ass like a limpet and revving the balls of your engine to show how unhappy you are that they are slowing you down No, I usually give them the finger and tell them to get out of the left lane. If you are going to drive 30 mph on I-95 stay in the right [censored] lane or get run over (get the metaphor?)
Raijor Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 My favorite movie for sure right with Ronin - rumors of a sequel persist but nothing tangible yet. "... and Shepards we shall be ..." @Raijor Love your Avatar & Siggy... One of the best movies I have ever seen... TT
who Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 What you said is every typical on almost any forum or online community....like many already pointed out....we are here because we enjoy watches, rep or gen. Like Ken said....stick around a bit longer, read more post/stories or even ask a question, I'm sure you will see the beauty of this place very soon. I'm only here for a few month and I already make some good friends, I don't know will I have a chance to meet them in person but they are my friends just like the one I see every week. We have the same goal here ............. Get the Best Sub
jfreeman420 Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 Like Ken said....stick around a bit longer, read more post/stories or even ask a question, I'm sure you will see the beauty of this place very soon.I disagree. Isn't this guy being a little hypocritical? First he says the forum is stagnant. It is anything but. There are hundreds of posts every day. Second we all have a bad attitude. Well, your attitude isn't so great either. Go troll somewhere else. What affect does this apply to the NEWB? Well the short and frank answer is they won't post for fear of getting an atypical retort from the old-timers or some smart alec who thinks he knows better. I wish it had that affect. Then I wouldn't be reading your drivel.
archibald Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 Thank god you only have to read the dealer reviews one time for an hour to figure out who's worthy of your hard earned dough and then about 10 minutes a month just to see if someone has gone insane and started posting pics of his pool. This place may be a club but there isn't a secret password. It's all about knowledge, I think. If you actually want to play a productive role in this freakshow you should read as much as you have time to read, do a search when you want to know something before you ask, and look at lots of pics of reps comparing them to pics of gens. It's all a matter of buildng your knowledge and making flaw spotting "automatc." Being able to point out a flaw and/or answering a question (how thick is a PAM 063 crown supposed to be would be nice, IMO) is the key to cred. If you put in your time, you'll know when you have something to say or ask that you're fairly certain hasn't been asked or said 100 times since. Before you know it you'll be as whacked out and jaded as any of us. And you won't get upset about dealer reviews...because you'll hardly ever read them.
oakland Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 For the record... I DO get on the ass of Student Drivers, honk my horn and scare them. It's fun. Seriously, it's really fun. On the other hand you, like the student driver I would honk at, should just ignore it and learn what you want to learn and contribute what you can. Skip over the Aholes and do what you want to do. That's the beauty of internet forums. There's no real danger (in Jersey road rage usually involves a baseball bat but that's another story). I'm a noob too, and I know what you mean. I personally don't feel qualifie to share my reviews since I've read some great ones from the usual guys, but in time I will. All in time. Enjoy the watches, ignore the schmoes who give you a hard time. Hell I still get crap for my avatar, but I'm not changin in. Cheers.
jfreeman420 Posted May 4, 2007 Report Posted May 4, 2007 @ Oakland: You may be a newb, but with an avatar like that you are all right in my book. Maybe part of the introductory rules for newbies should be to choose a cool avatar that everyone can enjoy. Just like Oakland. For the record... I DO get on the ass of Student Drivers, honk my horn and scare them. It's fun. Seriously, it's really fun.I'd like to honk your avatar. Hell I still get crap for my avatar, but I'm not changin in. I hope not. Just wish you had more posts................. I need help. Where's my Zoloft?
Guest avitt Posted May 4, 2007 Report Posted May 4, 2007 Hell I still get crap for my avatar, but I'm not changin in. Sheesh...who would give you a hard time about that avatar??? Now there's someone who should be banned
Guest TTK Posted May 4, 2007 Report Posted May 4, 2007 Ahhh......he's just a nooooob......stick a fork in his ass and turn him over....he's done already.......!
r11co Posted May 4, 2007 Report Posted May 4, 2007 We have the same goal here ............. Get the Best Sub Nah. Prefer Omega myself.......
fitmic Posted May 4, 2007 Report Posted May 4, 2007 One of the best movies I have ever seen... What movie is it?
eddhead Posted May 4, 2007 Report Posted May 4, 2007 I joined the original version of this board on October 14, 2004. I had a difficult time even garnering the courage to post a few items, and was even more afraid to send a PM to anyone. Since that time, I have come to meet and make many great friends. It's no different than walking into a room of strangers and trying to fit in. It took me 6+ months to feel comfortable, but what I did was try and contribute things that were in my area of interest and ability. When I joined, there was little to no discussion on watchmaking or technical matters, that area interested me, so I decided to contribute what I could, no matter the responses I got. And believe me, not all the responses were positive... To make the board successful, I think everyone needs to participate and contribute what they can...since we all share an interest in watches, it should be easy to fit in if you contribute your part. Sitting on the side lines is not going to make the board grow, or allow new members to get to know the existing members. RG I find it interesting that YOU were intimidated, given the wealth of knowledge and craftsmanship you bring to bear. Honestly, if that is the way you felt, you can imagine how timid the rest of us must have been. Hi I have been a browser/occasional poster here for a while which is fine and dandy for me, I'm not particularly articulate nor do i side with the "sarcasm" that dominates this board I for one prefer Irony, as sarcasm is not wit, merely a knee-jerk futile attempt at humour which demeans the poster as much as the recipient. Due to the fact that I only wish to gain information and maybe purchase a piece or two I do not feel particularly inclined to post anything other than a few pics of a recent purchase or maybe report good service. However Within recent posts many members in my mind are becoming brown nosing sycophants " this dealer is awesome" or "this Watch smith is my hero" IMHO these people are not prepared to see the other side of the coin or take on another's perspective. Anyone who has a different spin is ridiculed or jibed in some way! What affect does this apply to the NEWB? Well the short and frank answer is they won't post for fear of getting an atypical retort from the old-timers or some smart alec who thinks he knows better. I am not even sure of the date I joined the original forum ... sometime in 2005, but it was a good few months before I felt confident enough to post. 2 factors contibuted to my reluctance... 1. the knowledge level of the membership base is extraodinar and can be quite intimidating to a relative new comer. I have nowhere near that level of knowledge even today. It is at the same time both impressive and overwhelming. 2. Clearly strong long term interpersonal relationships exist between many of the members. Nothing wrong with this of course, in fact, the opportunity to meet new people and formulate new friendships is a motivating force to joining in the first place. And most of the members are very friendly and willing to engage and share their knowledge. But still, as a new comer it takes some guts to take the plunge. But when new members do so they bring new life and breadth to the board and keep it fresh and vibrant. I for one think new membership contributions are extremely important. From time to time we do see some noobie mocking and that is too bad. But I really think those instances are few and far between. For the most part the more knowledgable members are very generous in terms of sharing their experiences and expertise. At least they have been to me.
brook0 Posted May 5, 2007 Report Posted May 5, 2007 What I have found on other boards is that if you completely ignore the negative threads, (do not acknowledge in any way, shape or form) the thrill of posting them is diminished and they just go away on thier own without any intervention of rules or moderators. Just a thought?
Shabber Posted May 5, 2007 Report Posted May 5, 2007 I can understand what he is saying and to some extent agree, but I think it is the responsibility of everyone to try and make a change to whatever they feel is not right about the board. Complaining is not the answer and will not change any of the peoples posting styles. You must try to facilitate change yourself. I try to and feel like for many people, I have helped them out get used to the board. So, give it some more time, post more often and make this a better place.
Craytonic Posted May 5, 2007 Report Posted May 5, 2007 We all love watches; it keeps us coming back and provides enough of a unifying interest. Just like work or any other association; one big similarity and lots of little differences.
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