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Okay... I won't do my usual preamble; you guys know I don't post nonsense. But this has to be said.

I'm still staring at the screen in semi-disbelief. Normally I can collect my thoughts and get 'em out to you guys with relative ease. I can argue with the best of them, and (you POOR bastards) definitely get overly philosophical. But now I'm stunned.

I've been working my butt off the last two days, and haven't had a chance to check in. I logged in about fifteen minutes ago, and immediately saw the 'Dutchy' threads. I, like I'm sure most of you, read them with a mix of anger/pity/anger/sadness.

Here's this kid who spends his free time painting houses in an orphanage. He saves his cash (after participating as an observer in these forums for GOD KNOWS how long), orders some watches and gets ripped off. Instead of literally 'going postal', the kid's got the chops to post a 'sh*t happens' thread; Dutchy, there're million-dollar lawyers down the hall from me that don't have the balls to lose with that kind of dignity. Most of the posts in that thread are reactionary, and in the same vein as my initial anger/pity/anger/sadness response.

Then I see Ken's thread.

I damned near cried - twice (and I'm not even a crier). I still have trouble putting into words the kind of feeling that a gesture like this brings out in me. Is it awe? Or amazement? I don't think so. I can simply describe it this way:

Ken, I am humbled to be in your presence, albeit in cyberspace.

Now, the more cynical of you can think I'm a kiss-ass; I really don't give a sh*t at this point.

Here's what I know about Ken:

I know that he was here when I arrived. I know that he is always friendly, courteous, and helpful. I know he helped organise the whole move from RWGI. I know he's Australian. I know he's into Yoda. I know I kicked his ass at the stupid Orca Slap game, and despite his warning, he didn't ban me. So, I guess I don't know much about Ken, and am therefore perhaps not the appropriate person to post this.

But Jesus, if anyone deserves a friggin' shout-out for being a good guy, it's Ken.

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Thanks for your words Ethan.

However, two things I'd like to add on:


The painting is something I dont want to be praised for. Its something I enjoy doing, I have a whole week off and a friend of mine brought me into it before. This time around I was helping my friends finish some things off showing them how to help out, I dont want credit for it! I just hope to do actual work in the future, we'll see, exams are in the way!


As many know by now...I have numerously contacted Ken as well as many members as to convince Ken to not give me this SENTIMENTAL watch. Its something he should keep and like I said, even him pondering the thought of helping me out like that is too much!

Your support (everyone) is amazing BUT I must ask there to be limits to your generosity!

Indeed, its difficult to go through the feeling of being stolen from, but this makes me feel worse, as its taking something from someone who values it INCREDIABLY.

Thanks so much for everyone's support.




All the best to everyone else and those who helped Ken get back his reason :p

All the best,


Edited by Dutchy
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I wanted to re-visit this thread after the hype had all died down, for two reasons.

First to thank you Ethan for your kind words, you may not realise this but just by making this post you have continued the feeling of community that makes RWG such a great board.

The second thing I wanted to get across is the reason for my gesture and that all boils down to Karma.

We have a member from the old board (I wont name him) who is very big on Karma and believes strongly in the 'what goes around comes around' princple and for this reason he has been known on occassion to send a member a monogramed pen, the idea being to put the good vibes out there and help build the community feel to the board.

So my story.........For those that don't know, around a month ago I suffered a serious back injury through work, which will need corrective surgery to fix, by all accounts this has been a major jolt to my and my families lifestyle and we are looking at around 2 years before I will be fit for work again and then it will be a very limited field of work that I will be capable of doing.

Ok so how does this affect Floris, well two major points about my injury is the very long boring days and the very sudden drop in earnings to support my family, then in rolls RWG or more directly a member Alan (offshore) who has in fact sent me a great deal of watch supplies, parts and tools to set up a small watch repair gig (all cash only, thank you very much :) ) He followed that up by sending me a full working Briet to fiddle with and see if I can put it all together.

So quite simply I have been branded with the good Karma from RWG and of course Alan and my wish was to continue this good feeling through to Floris.

I do however understand now that I may have gone a little overboard but I am sure Floris will still like the watch I send him.



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I was indeed unaware of your injuries, I am really sorry to hear that... but as you say the generosity and goodness of the forum can make the rainy days seem so much better.

I thank you very much for your support and kind PM's and am very thrilled that you all have helped me out, appreciated very very much!

I wish you and your family well Ken, and my apologies for not having known about yoiur injuries.

All the best,


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Guest Bjørk

This is the first post I read on this forum. :thumbsupsmileyanim: I am now wondering if this is a genuine replica forum or a shelter for saints and altruist. I am much impressed by Kenbergs attitude. If this is an indication of how this place treats its members and the quality of thge posts I will love my stay here.


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This is the first post I read on this forum. :thumbsupsmileyanim: I am now wondering if this is a genuine replica forum or a shelter for saints and altruist. I am much impressed by Kenbergs attitude. If this is an indication of how this place treats its members and the quality of thge posts I will love my stay here.


Welcome! Its insane isnt it? This is indeed a religious place...heaven! :)

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Ethan, Ken is indeed a Gent in a class of Gents.

I have read his posts for eons it seems, & I have never seen him on the wrong side of

any conversation.

Not as easy as it sounds on a board, where one is free to throw bags of water from heights unseen.

Some may accomplish this feat by gracefully sidestepping any thicket of trees that harbors

potential shadows, but not Ken, he will dive head first into bar room brawl, duck flying bottles

with the slightest move and speak directly to a point so clear that calm after the storm,

instantly replaces chaos.

So when I learned that it was He, Ken, who was going to be the father of a new board...

I could not envision a riper soil to plant a root into, as Ken is all about Watches, Friends and a

Good ~Time,..

I have felt more free moments here than anywhere on the internet, in close to ten years..

Ken, I apologize for making fun of your back... I had no idea that the diagnosis was going to

require surgery, I was hoping and knowing it was just a sprain, the kind I'm so familiar with.

Regardless, You will be fine, it's only a matter of ~Time, and what better way to help it to pass,

by giving us a place to gather together with other's that appreciate the observation of ~Time and

the mechanical representation of it.

Just know that we are all here to assist you in any way we can, even if it's just to give you a fight

or two to referee.

Thanks for this place Ken, I really appreciate the oasis and hope to plant a few fruit trees ! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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First off Ken,

I have to say that I hope I speak for everyone when I say, WE LOVE YOU!!!, in a non heath ledger kinda way. You are of the ilk that we should all aspire to be. I admire you greatly and as you know I was aware of your back problems and am very glad to hear that you will have something to pass the time. I am SURE that your surgery will go without a hitch and that you will be up and going in no time.

I for one wish you all the best in everything that you do, you have been a good freind and I hope to someday be lucky enough to have a beer with you.

All the best and happiness to one of the greatest guys I know, Ken.


As per my Sig, "life is long, but in the end the journey is the destination", have a great journey Ken, you have certainly enriched ours.

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You know guy's now I think I really will go off and have a sook :(

Thank you all for your kind words..................I will continue to try and do my best for you guys and RWG :thumbsupsmileyanim:


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