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I felta Iphone Mini Review inside


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the iphone is pretty slick. The web browser is easier and faster than i thought it would be for navigation and its quite an improvement over anything else out there.

The interface is nice as expected

The keyboard is ok for slow typers-b ut if your used to your blackberry or blackjack or want to two hand type with your thumbs, forget about it. To many mistakes. Having owned 3 touch screen phones before like this i can tell you that you will never get fast at it, no tactile response is just too tuff. But if you don't care about that and don't care about slow data - its an amazing phone

I guarontee by christmas iphone 2.0 will be out with hspda dta -which is what i get on my blackjack - its DSL like speed, very nice, good response, i regularly view forums on my blackjack, small screen, but very viewable.

I am likley going to get the toshiba g900 when it comes out - 2 and 1/2 times the screen resolution of the iphone and slide out keyboard.

Also - I don't think there will be a slingbox client for it anytime soon - and its things like that, the lack of open access to make apps that will be tuff for uber users such as myself to adopt

Apple clearly has moved the bar forward to anything else out there and all smartphones will benefit.

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As I was driving home from work yesterday outside of the ATT/Cingular store a block from where I live they had a line of people sitting in lawn chairs and standing, the line went half way up the block...I'd never seen that in my neighborhood before, amazing.

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Guest avitt

It's really too bad that this couldn't come out of the box with 3G capability. The at&t Edge network is next to pathetic. Without a doubt, there will be an HSPA version available at Christmas time.

This article sums up the situation pretty well:

Stylish devices in search of a network

By John Gapper

Published: June 24 2007 18:49 | Last updated: June 24 2007 18:49

Apple fans are preparing to camp outside its US stores to get their hands on an iPhone this Friday. They are lining up to be disappointed.

The first buyers will find that their new device is a wonderful mini-computer and a great repository for songs, music and videos. It is probably even a good phone. As a communications device, however, the iPhone will be a letdown.

No matter how fine its software and elegant its physical appearance, it is connected to a painfully slow data network. AT&T

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You will have to tell us how good it is. I assume that it is the world's coolest phone/ipod. My kids are all dying for it. At the moment it does not work with most corporate email or blackberry. I do hope that will change.

It depends on how you define cool :)

its cool factor is a 10, its functionality is a C-

We'll "corporate" email means MS email

and unless they open up the OS to developers youl never see enough apps like exchange or BB support.

Kruz, if you like your BB keyboard, you won't like this. But the phone ipod part is pretty sweet.

Get a G900 with me :) yeah, it doesn't have "Stretch" touch control, but it sports a screen with twice the number of pixels, gets 3 times the internet speed and has a keyboard :)

and you can run 3rd party apps like slingbox on it and watch your TIVO on the go !!!

I've setup basically the ultimate device with my blackjack, i have a mini GPS bluetooth unit for it, a MINI wireless headset/ fm radio

so i have

Email (with real keys)


real High Speed Internet

Real GPS tracking

120 Channels of DirecTV + my tivo

2 gig of music

movies (mostly of my kid) - yes, movies i put on there not that i took with it

a Crappy Digital Camera

fm radio (for catching the news on the overhead tv at the gym)

oh yeah, a phone

But the IPHONE is way cooler than i thought it would be. To someone who doesn't need the functionality that i do, i'm sure its going to be loads of fun Its way small too.

Enjoy Best of Luck!!!

i highly recommend going to check one out at the ATT stores, its definitely worth the drive

Except for like kenburg and pugs - that would be a long (and wet) drive

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:lol: I am feeling better about being on CDMA. As it is I have to keep an extra GSM phone for international travel as my carrier who does offer BB World kills you on roaming. I end up picking up a sym card on the way into the country and forwarding my base line. Big hassle but I have gotten used to it.
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For me, it is the best option out there. I have been producing medical infomatics videos for the past 2 years, and I have had to carry a notebook computer with me all over the place, as my partner in NY emails me lo res dailys for me to review in quick time. I am able to reveive them and watch them using the email. having all of my attachments arrive and be usable is a big, big plus for me.

Pho- I need to respectfull disagree with the functionality rating of a C-.

The software is bug free, and works exactly as described. The iPod is remarkable (and gives you a glimpse of what the next iPod will look like)- and since I do all of my writing in places like Starbucks, I use my iPod A LOT- so this is a big deal to me. Also, I have already loaded it with some of my demo/promo videos for me to show to clients. Since this has a servicable internal speaker, I no longer need to carry the notebook or an iPod with external speakers to show folks our work.

The web browser is absolutely wonderful, and is the only option I have seen which circumvents many of the shortcomings of having to use a small screen- the ability to instantly enlarge and shrink as you move around a page largely ameliorates this issue, and when on a WiFi network (which is basically everywhere in Philadelphia.)

SInce all of my computers are Macs it is a really simple, seamless sync process)

There are a few issues;

1) Could use more internal memory or a card slot (I use lossless compression and the muaic files are pretty big.

2) If I use my own headphones (with an adapter), the internal microphone should work for phone calls (shure just released an adapter with a microphone built in, so this will be less of an issue.)

3) when not on a WiFi network, the internet is painfully slow.

All in all, the integration of the software, and the packaging of the hardware is a remarkable achievement.

On a side note, for the past 8 weeks or so, I had been reading pretty much everything there was to read about the iPhone. As you know, Apple had not released any devices to the general public- and it was remarkable to me how many blogs and reviewers had reported problems with the software, hardware etc.. that they could not have possibly had any knowledge of. Are there people hate Apple regardless of what they release so just say bad stuff about their produces without knowing what they are talking about?? It was really very strange to look around the internet and read things like 'The Safari browser crashes every time you change pages', then contact the person who then explained that they had not actually ever seen an iPhone, but they had heard from their cousins friends upstairs neighbors former college roomate that it crashed, so they posted that on the internet. What gives??

I love the iPhone. Apple will sell alot of them.


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For me, it is the best option out there. I have been producing medical infomatics videos for the past 2 years, and I have had to carry a notebook computer with me all over the place, as my partner in NY emails me lo res dailys for me to review in quick time. I am able to reveive them and watch them using the email. having all of my attachments arrive and be usable is a big, big plus for me.

Pho- I need to respectfull disagree with the functionality rating of a C-.

The software is bug free, and works exactly as described. The iPod is remarkable (and gives you a glimpse of what the next iPod will look like)- and since I do all of my writing in places like Starbucks, I use my iPod A LOT- so this is a big deal to me. Also, I have already loaded it with some of my demo/promo videos for me to show to clients. Since this has a servicable internal speaker, I no longer need to carry the notebook or an iPod with external speakers to show folks our work.

The web browser is absolutely wonderful, and is the only option I have seen which circumvents many of the shortcomings of having to use a small screen- the ability to instantly enlarge and shrink as you move around a page largely ameliorates this issue, and when on a WiFi network (which is basically everywhere in Philadelphia.)

SInce all of my computers are Macs it is a really simple, seamless sync process)

There are a few issues;

1) Could use more internal memory or a card slot (I use lossless compression and the muaic files are pretty big.

2) If I use my own headphones (with an adapter), the internal microphone should work for phone calls (shure just released an adapter with a microphone built in, so this will be less of an issue.)

3) when not on a WiFi network, the internet is painfully slow.

All in all, the integration of the software, and the packaging of the hardware is a remarkable achievement.

On a side note, for the past 8 weeks or so, I had been reading pretty much everything there was to read about the iPhone. As you know, Apple had not released any devices to the general public- and it was remarkable to me how many blogs and reviewers had reported problems with the software, hardware etc.. that they could not have possibly had any knowledge of. Are there people hate Apple regardless of what they release so just say bad stuff about their produces without knowing what they are talking about?? It was really very strange to look around the internet and read things like 'The Safari browser crashes every time you change pages', then contact the person who then explained that they had not actually ever seen an iPhone, but they had heard from their cousins friends upstairs neighbors former college roomate that it crashed, so they posted that on the internet. What gives??

I love the iPhone. Apple will sell alot of them.


they will sell alot. - the C minus comes from not the crashing of safari or the use of whats there, but the lack of functionality that is included. Email, internet 3rd party apps.

my blackjack has a speaker and i show folks videos all the time on it. in fact, i will show you some when i see you in august :) the screen is 1/2 the size but teh same resolution the iphone is 320/480 the blackjack is 320/240 so its like 2 blackjack screens. (blackjack has the same resolution as the ipod video screen) - although the ipod video screen is also a little nicer.

the iphone screen is very nice, but this month the toshiba g900 will come out with a 800/480 screen, the same physical size as the iphone screen. - you want to see some beutiful videos? :) THAT is going to be a screen.

for the folks that the functionality works for - its a great unit. its much cooler than i thought. Very tempting - if it came out with high speed internet, and a slider keyboad i'd probably sell a few watches to buy one :)

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At the moment it does not work with most corporate email or blackberry. I do hope that will change.

Eh? It'll do IMAP and POP3 mail. If your corporate mail server doesn't do IMAP or POP3, fire your sysadmin as he's too stupid to work with standards. :unsure:

Journalists like saying it'll not work with "corporate email" because it sounds like a failing. What they mean is that they don't have Exchange clients (not surprising as it's a closed Microsoft application) but they fail to state that Exchange does IMAP and POP3, even if it doesn't link into the Exchange address books and calendars.

If you're not tied to Blackberry or Microsoft, your email will be the same as it's always been, and if you're on Yahoo, you'll have Blackberry-like Push email. Otherwise you'll have to wait every few minutes for your IMAP server to sync.

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Eh? It'll do IMAP and POP3 mail. If your corporate mail server doesn't do IMAP or POP3, fire your sysadmin as he's too stupid to work with standards. :unsure:

Journalists like saying it'll not work with "corporate email" because it sounds like a failing. What they mean is that they don't have Exchange clients (not surprising as it's a closed Microsoft application) but they fail to state that Exchange does IMAP and POP3, even if it doesn't link into the Exchange address books and calendars.

If you're not tied to Blackberry or Microsoft, your email will be the same as it's always been, and if you're on Yahoo, you'll have Blackberry-like Push email. Otherwise you'll have to wait every few minutes for your IMAP server to sync.

don't understate the difference between an exchange client and using pop or IMAP on a mobile device - its 2 different worlds, especially if you get alot of email and need 100% synchronization i.e. read, deleted ect . - also, polling every few minutes for pop or imap generally kills a battery

Exchange push or blackberry push is a real leap over everything else and once you have gone for it, you won't go back , and its not just the mail its also the calender ;) tasks ect ect

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Exchange push or blackberry push is a real leap over everything else and once you have gone for it, you won't go back , and its not just the mail its also the calender ;) tasks ect ect

Um ... the iPhone does Push. :blink:

Sure it's with Yahoo, but it's still Push. Oh, and how does it take less battery than IMAP? I'm not an Apple apologist, I've managed large-scale Windows networks, including BES on Exchange for instance, but I don't get how people want to find fault with anything Apple these days.

The iPhone doesn't do Push Exchange Sync? Whoop de doo, it'll still do what ever mail syncing I want with my servers and accounts. If I want Push, I just write hardcore Procmail rules (or use an off-the-shelf system any sysadmin can do for you) and selectively forward to my Yahoo. If you're not techie enough to do this or don't have a sysadmin managing your mail server, you're not going to lose out as you've not got a corporate exchange server in the first place.

Sure, the iPhone has failings, but not being a Blackberry is not one of them.

"No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame." - CmdrTaco, Slashdot, on the release of the iPod, October 2001.

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I bought one; greatest mobile phone ever. Sure other phones do the same stuff; perhaps even better. But this thing is a joy to use. Everything just works _right_ (apple people will understand). The network is a pain but I'll upgrade with the next version - a little expensive but hell, a HBB costs just the same at this point and this is much, much better than a fake watch. You really have to hold it and use it to understand. I was hypnotized for about 12 hours.

I want to call out whoever was saying the stock was a bad investment a few months ago and that the phone was going to tank; I have been in less than 6 months and I'm up over 50% with no leverage.

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