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Sellita movements : many questions, let's investigate...

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Because I thought that Sellita's 2824 were sold apart and they were cheaper than the eta 2824 standard. (different quality of the same article, different price)

I see what you were thinking. No, the ETA Sellitas are ETA + the extra finishing, so they're a premium on a blank ETA.

The ETA's in reps are a controversial issue. They are surplus stock of some kind. ETA has factories in China where much of the movement is made, but then the final piece of the jigsaw must take place in Switzerland. It seems likely that our movements are assembled in China from ETA parts, or something of that nature.

The really interesting topic is this. ETA no longer wants to supply Sellita (they want to do Sellita's work themselves), so Sellita have created their own SW200 movement that is on sale in gens and has appeared in some reps. The question is going to be what supply of this movement is like to the rep industry. Also they have some very interesting ETA clones coming including the 7750.


I also think that we will see selitas coming out of germany and not switzerland in the future, and they will actualy be made there and not just assembled there like swiss ETA's


Do we know for sure if the parts of the SW200 and 2824-2 are *not* interchangable? Has The Zigmeister done a break down on one yet?

And where does the extra jewel go?


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