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Yes you may Ken and dont pretend to be the hulk now..we know that you like tights :o



That pic is just so wrong on so many different levels :o ................................... :lol:



you know what those nike guys say.."just do it" :p


Besides green's not really my colour...............Ya got anthing in Blue or Brown? :D




Angler Brown uses multi-colored lights to attract then hypnotise young boys.


Ken...this is Gunnar which should explain all :rolleyes:



Keep quiet Shady...someone might think its your honest opinion :p


HAL...friends are good to have, especially in they lend a helping hand :)


I would like to make as many friends as possible.


Re: Getting friends

Hello Hal,

I just read your message and I thought I would write back. I would like to make as many friends as possible from everywhere around the world. Maybe one day we can meet.

Where are you from ? What do you do ? Do you work ? Have you traveled a lot ? What countries ?

Tell me a little about yourself. As for me, I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. This is where I still live. I live with my parents and I'm 24 years old. I have one brother who is younger.

I work full time a legal secretary for a law firm here in Montreal but I'm planning to go back to school next fall (2000) and finish my bachelor's degree in law and become a lawyer.

Well, email me as soon as possible.

Take care,



Just received this PM:


This is your Father. You are not 24, you are 14, and how many times have I told you not to correspond with strangers on the Internet. There are predators out there who are skilled at luring young unsuspecting girls into the depths of hell.

Who is this Gunnar person and why is he placing your note in this God awful replica place? How long have you been corresponding with him? How old is he? Where does he live? Why is he passing you on to this Hal character? I have read some stuff HAL writes and frankly, the dude is slightly off key. He definitely hears the sound of a different drummer.

Have you seen the pictures these degenerates post here?

If I catch you here one more time missy, I will ground you for a year and take away your fake Prada bag. And don't think this is an idle threat. I am going to hang out in this Looney Bin place and wait to catch you so I suggest you find other sites to correspond with young people your age.



What the hell is going on? ^_^


HAL...I am curious?

In your logic kernel, what is the concept of "FRIEND"?

Is it simply a concept that defines who participates on this forum and truly nothing more? Thus, a friends-of-HAL is simply a list of who reads RWG topics.

Or is "FRIEND" something more?

Are there degrees of "FRIEND"? For instance a 'first degree friend' would encompass people with which you have a passing casual acquaintance relationship and a 'tenth degree friend' is someone you have repeated carnal knowledge of. You can add in the 2nd through 9th degrees based on the first two imposed boundary conditions.

Excluding the tenth degree, where would jjajh fall on your scale of friends? Where would johnnyboy fall, or Kenberg, or Bres or Klink?

Are we all equal friends or are their clear differentiators?



How embarrassing that must have been lads :lol: I bet you would have been more entusiastic at present ^_^

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