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The beauty of the number 17. :wub:

17 is the only positive Genocchi number.

According to hacker's lore, 17 is described at MIT as 'the least random number.'

17 is the smallest Trotter prime, i.e., a prime of form 10 x (n2) + 7, where n = 1, 2, 3 ...

The Pythagoreans were horrified by the number 17.

17 -1 expressed as a decimal contains a repeating sequence of 17-1 digits.

17 is the only known prime which is equal to the sum of digits of its cube (173 = 4913, and 4 + 9 + 1 + 3 = 17).

The shortest form of Japanese poetry (known as Haiku) contains exactly 17 syllables.

4n - 17 is prime for n = 8 to 12.

17 is the only prime which is the average of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers.

17 is the only odd prime p such that p + sod(p) and p - sod(p) are square numbers (52 and 32, respectively).

In 1798 (17, 9 + 8 = 17), Gauss discovered the construction of a regular 17-gon by ruler and compass.

The Mars Odyssey Orbiter began its journey from Launchpad 17(A).

It takes 17 muscles to produce a smile.

"17" was the original title of the Beatle's song "I Saw Her Standing There."

17 is the smallest odd number which cannot be represented as the sum of a prime and twice a square.

"17-jewel" watches are widely admired.

Frank Bunker Gibreth, the founder of modern motion study technique, concluded that the fundamental motions of the hands of a worker consists of 17 divisions.

Theodorus of Cyrene proved that the square root of 17 was irrational.

The Wall Street Journal once had a special 17-week introductory offer for new subscribers within the continental United States.

Pluto's orbit around the sun is inclined ~ 17° to the plane of the solar system.

(17 x 29251)2 + 1 is a prime of shape a2 + 1.

17 is the smallest non-negative integer that is written in French as a compound word: dix-sept.

17 is the least integer such that the sum of its digits in every base B = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 is prime.

17 is the smallest prime, p, such that the product of its digits equal (p).

In 1951 Ferrier found that (2148 + 1)/17 is prime.

The Neuschwanstein Castle took 17 years to build.

17 is the smallest prime that is the sum of two fourth powers, 14 + 24.

17 is the smallest Automorphic prime: a prime p such that p is the kth prime and p ends in k.

The world's largest caldera (or volcano crater) is that of Mt. Aso in Kyushu, Japan, which measures 17 miles north to south and 71 miles in circumference. Note that 17 and 71 are reversible primes (emirps).

17 = 23 + 32. More emirps!

The 17-year locust has the longest cycle of development of any known insect.

17 is the smallest prime of the form p2 + q3, where p and q are prime.

17 x 65359477124183 = 1111111111111111.

In any set of k < 17 consecutive integers there is always one which is relatively prime to all the others.

The Parthenon is 17 columns long.

172 can be expressed as the sum of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 distinct squares.

There are 17 different ways that a wallpaper design can repeat.

2n - 17 is prime for n = 6, 8, 22, 44, 414, 444, 808 and 848, not to mention the non-palindromic values of n.

17 is the smallest two-digit prime of the form F(i)3 + F(j)4, where F(n) are Fibonacci numbers.

17 is the only prime of the form pq + qp, where p and q are prime.

17 + 21, 17 + 21 + 22, 17 + 21 + 22 + 23, 17 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 and 17 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 are primes.

Stegosaurus had 17 bony plates on its back.

Friday 17th is unlucky in Italy. This is thought to derive from Roman tomb stones which often included the word VIXI (I lived) as part of the narrative (VI=6 + XI=11 giving 17).

Using A = 1, B = 2,..., Z = 26, 17 is the smallest non-negative number whose numerical value of its word form is also a prime (109).

17 = 34 - 43.

17 is the middle term of the longest arithmetic progression of primes with a common difference of 6.

King Tutankhamen was wrapped in 17 cloths.

Moderately active people can estimate their daily calorie requirement by using the following formula: Weight (in lbs.) x 17.

Former President Bill Clinton's dog Buddy was killed by a vehicle driven by a 17-year-old girl.

"At Seventeen" was a hit song for Janis Ian in 1975. (It reached No. 3 on the Billboard singles chart.)

17 is the smallest prime whose sum of the digits is a cube.

Marin Mersenne's vast correspondence (Correspondence du P. Marin Mersenne, religieux Minime by Tannery and Waard) fills a total of 17 volumes.

The first four digits of 2(17+17) is 1717.

(17^17+1)/(17+1) is prime.

There are 4 ways to express 17 as p+2q; p, q primes.

17 is the third prime which is the sum of consecutive primes (2+3+5+7).

17 is the smallest Quartan prime: p = x^4 + y^4.

17 is the smallest prime formed from concatenation of Happy numbers.

Behaviorist Konrad Lorenz observed that the wild goose will eventually accept as its parent whatever creature it sees within its first 17 hours of life.

(2^17-1)/(2-1) and (2^17+1)/(2+1) are both primes.

No odd Fibonacci number is divisible by 17.

17 is the smallest prime sandwiched between two non-squarefree numbers.

17 and Apple. There are 17 sets of chromosomes in the apple. Eve was traditionally 17 years of age when she fed Adam the apple. There were 17 different PowerMacs made by Apple computer.

It would take over 17 Earths to equal the mass of Neptune.

17 is the smallest prime for which the decimal expansion of the reciprocal 1/17 contains all 10 digits.

Schnizel showed that Goldbach's conjecture is equivalent to saying that every integer greater than 17 is the sum of three distinct primes.

There are exactly 17 ways to express 17 as the sum of 1 or more primes. 17 is the only integer which is equal to the number of prime partitions of itself.

"Seventeen or Bust" is a distributed attack on the Sierpinski problem.

Gauss showed that constructing a 17-sided polygon is tantamount to solving the equation x16 + x15 + ... + x + 1 = 0.

In the Aardman film "Chicken Run," the chickens did much of their plotting in Hut 17.

17 steps lead up to Sherlock Holmes' residence at 221B Baker Street. Note also that 17221 and 22117, respectively, have the prime factorizations 17 * 1013 and 17 * 1301.

"Stalag 17" is a classic Prisoner Of War film.

A cow's saliva increases by 17% while grazing.

For any 510,510 consecutive integers 5,760 will have 17 as a lowest prime factor.

The reversal of 217 is prime.

17 Lectures on Fermat Numbers: From Number Theory to Geometry was written in honor of the 400th anniversary of the birth of Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665). Note that 17 is a Fermat prime.

The smallest Automorphic prime, i.e., a prime p such that p is the kth prime and p ends in k.

The longest word of prime length in the Bible is Chushanrishathaim, which has 17 letters.

!17 - 1 is prime. Note that !17 represents subfactorial 17.

17 is the largest number less than a thousand such that the sum of its factorial and primorial plus and minus one are primes. I.e., 17!+17#-1 and 17!+17#+1 are primes.

The middle verse in the New Testament is Acts 17:17.

Vietnam was divided along the 17th parallel of latitude.

The okapi (Okapia johnstoni) is the only mammal that can clear its own ears with its tounge, which can grow to 17 inches in length.

17 is a prime formed from the leading 2 decimal digits of sqrt(3).

tan(cos(sin(x))) = .017... for any x, when this expression is computed in degree mode.

The latin name of the 17-year locust (Cicada Septemdecim) has 17 letters.

March 9, 2004, Senator Pat Roberts, Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, asked George Tenet, Director of the CIA, "Can you splinter a shingle 17 ways."

The French mathematician, Jean-le-Rond d'Alembert, was born on May 17, 1717.

17 is the speed limit of the Turner Turnpike offramp in Sapulpa, Oklahoma.

The smallest prime that is the average of the squares of two primes (3 and 5).

17 is (1*7)th prime. Note that 17 is the first such prime.

Any number that is divisible by 17 will have this property: multiply the last digit by 5, then subtract that number from the remaining digits and the resulting number will be divisible by 17. E.g., 158916 is divisible by 17 because all of following results are divisible by 17:(15891 - 30 = 15861); (1586 - 5 = 1581); (158 - 5 = 153); (15 - 15 = 0).

The sum of the first 17 composite numbers is prime.

There are 17 distinct sets of regular polygons that can be packed around a point (e.g., 4 squares, 2 hexagons and 2 triangles, etc).

17 is the smallest prime equal to the arithmetic mean of two squares.

There were 17 episodes of the classic BBC TV series "The Prisoner."

17 is the smallest prime of form x^2 + y^2 + z, where x, y and z are three succesive positive integers (2^2 + 3^2 + 4 = 17).

17 was called by the Pythagoreans, "opposition", "obstruction", and "evil", and "the day the Devil triumphed over God."

FBI protects movie/film copyrights under US Title 17 section 501 and 506 sum of the digits of both sections is 5+0+1 + 5+0+6 = 17. Note FBI would equal 17 if A=1, B=2 ... Z=26 then F=6, B=2, I=9, (6+2+9=17).

There are 17 words containing P, R, I, M, E in this order: PRIME, PRIMEr, PRIMatE, PaRt-tIME, PRIMEval, PRIMnEss, PRIMrosE, PeRIMEter, PRIMitivE, exPeRIMEnt, PaRlIaMEnt, PilgRIMagE, sPRIngtiME, aPpRoxIMatE, PRedIcaMEnt, PRIMitivEly, suPeRIMposE.

17 = 4 * 4 + 4 / 4 is the smallest primes made by using four 4's and the basic operations, ( , ), +, -, *, and /.

St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is believed to have died on March 17.

17 = 2+3+5+7 is the smallest emirp among sums of consecutive primes. Note that the reverse 71 = 19+23+29 is also such a prime.

The Melanesian people have a Y chromosome marker, H17, that is not found in Polynesians.

The first program to run on a stored-program computer consisted of 17 instructions. It was to find the largest factor if 2^30-1.

1/(sqrt(17) - 4) = sqrt(17) + 4.



I learned the truth at seventeen

That love was meant for beauty queens

And high school girls with clear skinned smiles

Who married young and then retired.

The valentines I never knew

The Friday night charades of youth

Were spent on one more beautiful

At seventeen I learned the truth.

And those of us with ravaged faces

Lacking in the social graces

Desperately remained at home

Inventing lovers on the phone

Who called to say come dance with me

and murmured vague obscenities

It isn't all it seems

At seventeen.

A brown eyed girl in hand me downs

Whose name I never could pronounce

said, Pity please the ones who serve

They only get what they deserve.

The rich relationed hometown queen

Married into what she needs

A guarantee of company

And haven for the elderly.

Remember those who win the game

Lose the love they sought to gain

Indebentures of quality

And dubious integrity.

Their small town eyes will gape at you

in dull surprise when payment due

Exceeds accounts received

At seventeen.

To those of us who know the pain

Of valentines that never came,

And those whose names were never called

When choosing sides for basketball.

It was long ago and far away

The world was younger than today

And dreams were all they gave for free

To ugly duckling girls like me.

We all play the game and when we dare

To cheat ourselves at solitaire

Inventing lovers on the phone

Repenting other lives unknown

That call and say, come dance with me

and murmur vague obscenities

At ugly girls like me

At seventeen


When I was seventeen, it was a very good year

It was a very good year for small town girls

And soft summer nights

We'd hide from the lights

On the village green

When I was seventeen

When I was twenty-one, it was a very good year

It was a very good year for city girls

Who lived up the stairs

With perfumed hair

That came undone

When I was twenty-one

When I was thirty-five, it was a very good year

It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls

Of independent means

We'd ride in limousines

Their chauffeurs would drive

When I was thirty-five

But now the days are short, I'm in the autumn of my years

And I think of my life as vintage wine

From fine old kegs

From the brim to the dregs

It poured sweet and clear

It was a very good year


The magnificent 17.

The 17 Samurai.

17 ways to leave your lover.

17 brides for 17 brothers.

Time for my medicine bye.

Cheers Johnkaz 17th :blink:


Member Nanuq,

Is there a transfinite number between that of a denumerable set and the numbers of the continuum?

Can the continuum of numbers be considered a well ordered set?

Can it be proven that the axioms of logic are consistent?

Give two tetrahedra that cannot be decomposed into congruent tetrahedra directly or by adjoining congruent tetrahedra.

Find geometries whose axioms are closest to those of Euclidean geometry if the ordering and incidence axioms are retained, the congruence axioms weakened, and the equivalent of the parallel postulate omitted.

Can the assumption of differentiability for functions defining a continuous transformation group be avoided?

Can physics be axiomized?

Extend the results obtained for quadratic fields to arbitrary integer algebraic fields.

Show the impossibility of solving the general seventh degree equation by functions of two variables.

Build spaces with congruent polyhedra.

Analyze the analytic character of solutions to variational problems.

Solve differential equations given a monodromy group. More technically, prove that there always exists a Fuchsian system with given singularities and a given monodromy group.


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