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Group forming to catch & prevent scammers


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I have been a member here since September of 2006. I am also currently a moderator at RWI.

I am looking to start up a group consisting of one or two people, preferably mods or admins, from each of the replica watch boards in our community. This group would not be aligned with any one particular board, but would represent all of them equally.

Our mission would be to freely exhange and maintain information across all of the boards on known and suspected scammers. A rep watch interpol if you like.

The reason I am sugesting the participants be moderators or admins is because in order to be truly effective, we'll need to ability to search and collect IP addresses on suspected or known scammers.

I have a few ideas on how to make this work, including a dedicated board open to the 8 to 10 people that will be involved as well as all admns and mods from each site.

Let's work together to keep our hobby free from these people.

Please feel free to PM me here or at RWI if you are interested.

Thanks in advnace,


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I agree forming a multifora 'watchdog' is a good idea, although it may be more appropriate to discuss this via PM with Admin/Co-Admins first rather than openly posting. It's just common sense doesn't require a mandate from us, the masses.

Although, there will undoubtedly be some politics involved as some people here have been banned for 'scamming' type activities yet continue to operate freely and unblemished on other boards, some even holding mod-level positions. Don't think we need to name names here do we? :whistling:

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how about submiting payment details such as paypal address or bank account details?

Big brother!...I think however, that most of missunderstandings in these forums is due to little misrepresentation/condition of the goods advertised...I think that most of people here before comminting to make a transaction just search the forum in search for suspicious clues...

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These boards are privately owned and as such do not require the permission of members to do something like this. I think that the Admins of these boards can decide if this is worth doing and then act accordingly. Sometimes referenda create another set of problems. I support the idea of protecting people from scammers ... so go for it. - Cheers

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I'm certainly not trying to step on anyone's toes and I apologize if some of you took this post as me skipping a level in RWG management. That isn't my intent by any means. I did send a PM to one of the mods/admins here when I originally came up with this thought the other day, but to be truthful it was an offer to join with me in this kind of an effort and to date I haven't received a reply.

I am a member on all 4 rep watch boards, yet this idea is a totally non sectarian group as I envision it. I did not want to get bogged down with any formal propiosals and all the other red tape that hinders getting things done in my current corporate world and I sincerely hope to get support from the admins and/or mods at each board.

There will of course be a mission statement and guidelines as to what we hope to accomplish etc, but really wanted to get some idea of interested parties at this stage.

Certainly if we develop it to a point where we set up an information board for updates--we'll grant access to all forum mods and admins too in order to facilitate them getting known IP's to block, etc,

Right now I am simply putting the idea out there and hioping that I hear from the people that need to be involved. i already have a few volunteers from fellow collectors, I'd love to hear from the admins and mods.



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There isn't anyone from this board interested in helping out? Any mods? Admins?

Nobody wants to be part of something that could help prevent scamming?

I'm surprised

First, good job in trying to do this for us all, CISO. But I'm not really surprised. When I read the idea, I had some reservations myself, and I'm not even a Moderator or anything.

There's a lot closer relationship between Repgeeks and RWI, than between RWG and RWI. There are several reasons for that, that don't need to be got into, I'm sure you'll agree.

Bottom line is, if you feel it's a good idea, go for it! Best of luck too.

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The intent and heart of this Topic is truly appreciated...

However, the Mods & Admin here at RWG have always had a open and consistent dialog with the other Board leaders.

Information flows pretty freely...

And is always shared within our Admin section...

If anyone is ever aware of issues with trades or members that are a cause for concern...

Just PM one of us and we'll communicate through the established channels...


RWG Admin Team

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Admin is of course right. Then again he owns the sight. :lol: But irrespective of that I concur that simple notification of scammers amongst mods and admin should be sufficient. Different boards have different relationships with dealers, are located in different countries and go to different lengths to secure their sights. This is a good thing when dealing with replicas as you don't want to centralize too much. ;)

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