TeeJay Posted February 28, 2008 Report Posted February 28, 2008 As folks may have gathered from my new signature, I have shaved my head, and now plan to keep it in such a condition. Electric clippers, while relatively cheap and efficient, do not give as close a cut as a wet razor, however, even disposeable wet razors, if used frequently, will not be cheap (especially if having to use 2-3 per shave) Are there any other members who frequently shave their heads? If so, what kind of razor do you find gives a close shave, but has the durability to last at least one shave without needing to change razor/blade cartridge? Has anyone tried shaving their head with a straight razor? Is this even adviseable? (Personally, I would have my concerns, but mention it only as it is manually sharpened, thus more 'cost effective') Any advice will be greatfully received
Martyd3 Posted February 28, 2008 Report Posted February 28, 2008 This is the site that you need ... http://badgerandblade.com/vb/index.php
Shundi Posted February 28, 2008 Report Posted February 28, 2008 Merker Safety Razor (www.classicshaving.com)
TeeJay Posted February 28, 2008 Author Report Posted February 28, 2008 Fantastic, thanks for the links, guys
doc savage Posted February 28, 2008 Report Posted February 28, 2008 My hair is very thick, but I don't think it is any tougher on my Mach 5 than my beard, I use the same razor for both. I was a little skeptical about the vibrating feature but it actually makes a big difference in shaving time/comfort. I don't shave my head regularly, let it grow for a week or so in between, then trim it with an electric trimmer set at zero before shaving. The type of shave cream/gel used makes a huge difference--I have tried every drugstore brand and the best (for me anyway, everybody's skin is different) is the Aveeno unscented gel. The Mach 5 blades last me several weeks each, I don't throw them out when the little strip wears off as it only takes one shave for that. I can tell pretty much immediately by feel when the blade starts to dull. There is a whole world of high-end shaving product out there--some day I will try a straight razor and some expensive soap but I'm a little wary of the learning process.
DemonSlayer Posted February 28, 2008 Report Posted February 28, 2008 Hi TeeJay hows it going? Been a while since we last talked properly I have shaved my head in the past and do so occasionally. At the moment I just use clippers on grade 0 but obviously that doesn't give a close cut as a razor. I've also had my head shaved with a straight blade too but I don't own one personally. From what I have read and my own experience, the best way to prolong the life of your razors, is to immediately after you have finished, wipe the blade dry thoroughly. This prevents the water on the blade from 'oxidizing' (I think thats the correct word) and so prevents dulling of the blade. I think the contact of the water with the blade causes small rusting which can't be seen easily with the eyes which causes the blades to dull. Most people who do this usually also dab the blades with rubbing alcohol (thats surgical spirit for us Brits ) and this also helps prevent dulling of the blade.
TeeJay Posted February 29, 2008 Author Report Posted February 29, 2008 My hair is very thick, but I don't think it is any tougher on my Mach 5 than my beard, I use the same razor for both. I was a little skeptical about the vibrating feature but it actually makes a big difference in shaving time/comfort. I don't shave my head regularly, let it grow for a week or so in between, then trim it with an electric trimmer set at zero before shaving. The type of shave cream/gel used makes a huge difference--I have tried every drugstore brand and the best (for me anyway, everybody's skin is different) is the Aveeno unscented gel. The Mach 5 blades last me several weeks each, I don't throw them out when the little strip wears off as it only takes one shave for that. I can tell pretty much immediately by feel when the blade starts to dull. There is a whole world of high-end shaving product out there--some day I will try a straight razor and some expensive soap but I'm a little wary of the learning process. Thanks for the suggestion, I was thinking about using my Mach 5, but, I knew the blade cartridge wasn't 100% fresh, and, from what friends who also shaved their heads had told me, using a blade which was in any way blunt on the head was asking for trouble, so I bought some packs of Gillette Blue IIs (I can still remember the advert jingle for them ) I used two razors to get the 'initial shave' taken care of, then used a third to give everything a 'quick once over' to touch up and catch any missed areas. Strangely, this is the first time that I've actually found being ambidextrous of benefit I guess my concern was that if a Mach 5 cartridge would only last one shave (if that) then they would be very expensive to replace every few days. If you've had good results though, I might give it a try
TeeJay Posted February 29, 2008 Author Report Posted February 29, 2008 Hi TeeJay hows it going? Been a while since we last talked properly I have shaved my head in the past and do so occasionally. At the moment I just use clippers on grade 0 but obviously that doesn't give a close cut as a razor. I've also had my head shaved with a straight blade too but I don't own one personally. From what I have read and my own experience, the best way to prolong the life of your razors, is to immediately after you have finished, wipe the blade dry thoroughly. This prevents the water on the blade from 'oxidizing' (I think thats the correct word) and so prevents dulling of the blade. I think the contact of the water with the blade causes small rusting which can't be seen easily with the eyes which causes the blades to dull. Most people who do this usually also dab the blades with rubbing alcohol (thats surgical spirit for us Brits ) and this also helps prevent dulling of the blade. Indeed, it's been a while, amigo, all's well here, thanks I would've been happy to use clippers on the zero setting, but found that, when pulling on a T-Shirt, what stubble there was, held the shirt in place on my scalp like velcro I found the sensation of a pillow equally strange, so, from those instances, decided to take it right down to the scalp with a wet shave. Maybe I'll wind up like the guy in Predator who was shaving all the time I'm rather pleased that I didn't actually cut my head at all Not bad for a first try Thanks for the tip about drying the blades after use, I'll have to remember that A tip I picked up watching Goodmorning, Vietnam, was that using cold water, reduces razor burn What was the result like when you had your head shaved with a straight razor? I'm keen to try one, but don't want to cut myself to ribbons in the process
red71veloce Posted February 29, 2008 Report Posted February 29, 2008 I have shaved my head daily for years. I use an electric foil type razor, then once every other week I use a mach 5 or similar to get the stuff the electric misses over time. Works great.....Tracy
doc savage Posted February 29, 2008 Report Posted February 29, 2008 Cold water, never personally tried that. In fact I do just the opposite--ever since high school I shave in the shower. It's awkward for some with no mirror but I just do it all by feel. Now when I shave at the sink it doesn't seem like I can get the same results, seems like the hot water and steam helps soften the hair? I have a hair trimmer specifically for the scalp, I think it's referred to as a "balder". It does an OK job, and it's rechargeable/waterproof, so it can also be used in the shower. Drying the safety razor right after use is much better than letting it air dry, you want to avoid the buildup of minerals from the tap water on the edge.
The Mentalist Posted February 29, 2008 Report Posted February 29, 2008 you be needing one of these: www.headblade.com
P4GTR Posted February 29, 2008 Report Posted February 29, 2008 I hate shaving against the grain on my face, my hair is so thick the razor wants to dig down or catch. No idea what to tell you TJ. Its funny because I've been pondering something similar. How to mastermind the shave on, well.. the family jewels.
DemonSlayer Posted February 29, 2008 Report Posted February 29, 2008 What was the result like when you had your head shaved with a straight razor? I'm keen to try one, but don't want to cut myself to ribbons in the process I actually dont know how to use one, it was a barber who shaved my head with the straight blade Very close shave actually. Its also much more efficient as with a normal razor, the hair can get clogged into the blade, whereas on a straight razor you just wipe it after every few strokes. I have also seen straight razors with disposable blades, you might be able to sharpen them when they dull so that might be worth looking into if you want efficiency. I have shaved my head daily for years. I use an electric foil type razor, then once every other week I use a mach 5 or similar to get the stuff the electric misses over time. Works great.....Tracy Yes the electric razor is another option. I have never used one personally so I don't know how close it shaves, but I'm sure some of the better ones give a close shave. You can always do a 'once over' with a razor after the initial shave so you catch all the hair that you missed
TeeJay Posted February 29, 2008 Author Report Posted February 29, 2008 I have shaved my head daily for years. I use an electric foil type razor, then once every other week I use a mach 5 or similar to get the stuff the electric misses over time. Works great.....Tracy Thanks for the suggestion Cold water, never personally tried that. In fact I do just the opposite--ever since high school I shave in the shower. It's awkward for some with no mirror but I just do it all by feel. Now when I shave at the sink it doesn't seem like I can get the same results, seems like the hot water and steam helps soften the hair? Indeed, yes, the hot water and steam softens the hair and opens the pores. What I took the tip to mean, was to use hot water to wet the face and apply the lather, but then use cold water to rinse the blade, so the blade itself remains cool. I can honestly say I've never had razor burn following this method (even if the the last 3 years I had a full beard ) Drying the safety razor right after use is much better than letting it air dry, you want to avoid the buildup of minerals from the tap water on the edge. Ahh, interesting about the minerals you be needing one of these: www.headblade.com Sweet I might have to invest in one I hate shaving against the grain on my face, my hair is so thick the razor wants to dig down or catch. No idea what to tell you TJ. When I shaved my head with the wet razor, it was a few days after my head had been shaved with clippers (the barber went over my head first with a guardless 'large' clipper, but then went back over it all, with one of those tiny 'touch up trimming' clippers, which he kept cool by spraying with lubricant spray) so the regrowth was about what it would be on the face for the same period. I spent quite a while before shaving my head, simply running my hands over it to determine the precice growth patterns, so I wouldn't have to shave against the grain. I went over my head once with the wet razors, then re-lathered and went back over everything just to be sure The result, was, touching my scalp 'with' the grain, it felt totally smooth, it was only touching against the grain, that it felt like very fine finishing paper Its funny because I've been pondering something similar. How to mastermind the shave on, well.. the family jewels. I would say carefully On another forum, one person once said how they gave themselves a nasty gash with clippers, but were too embarassed to get help Another person (same forum) said that they used a wet razor, and, as they had an interview one day, were slightly more hurried than usual, and nicked themselves slightly (as can happen shaving the face) so, they used the old 'toilet roll trick', got dressed, and didn't think any more about it untill they undressed later, to find their Y-Fronts looked like they'd been castrated I actually dont know how to use one, it was a barber who shaved my head with the straight blade Very close shave actually. Its also much more efficient as with a normal razor, the hair can get clogged into the blade, whereas on a straight razor you just wipe it after every few strokes. I have also seen straight razors with disposable blades, you might be able to sharpen them when they dull so that might be worth looking into if you want efficiency. Yes the electric razor is another option. I have never used one personally so I don't know how close it shaves, but I'm sure some of the better ones give a close shave. You can always do a 'once over' with a razor after the initial shave so you catch all the hair that you missed I guess I'm really going for an unattainable balance of ultimate 'to the skin' closeness, but at the lowest possible price, due to the frequency of repetition I think the best thing will be to assess the options, and see what gives the best results, before then 'buying in bulk'. Then again, I could just take
DemonSlayer Posted February 29, 2008 Report Posted February 29, 2008 Try the tip of drying the blade immediately after shaving. You can also apply a little surgical spirit on it though I'm not sure if it has much difference apart from 'sterilizing' the blade. Nevertheless I read that it does help keep the blade sharp. From my experience, simply drying the blade after shaving has allowed me to use the same blade for more shaves than usual, in fact quite a bit more. EDIT TO ADD: Wilkinson currently have a buy one get one free deal on the blue II's
TeeJay Posted February 29, 2008 Author Report Posted February 29, 2008 Try the tip of drying the blade immediately after shaving. You can also apply a little surgical spirit on it though I'm not sure if it has much difference apart from 'sterilizing' the blade. Nevertheless I read that it does help keep the blade sharp. From my experience, simply drying the blade after shaving has allowed me to use the same blade for more shaves than usual, in fact quite a bit more. EDIT TO ADD: Wilkinson currently have a buy one get one free deal on the blue II's Indeed, that's where I got my Blue IIs from I like to buy in bulk That said, looking at the Headblade site, that certainly is a good price for the shaving products. My only concern, would be how long the blades themselves remain sharp for (although $s isn't bad for the amount when converted to
DemonSlayer Posted February 29, 2008 Report Posted February 29, 2008 How often are you planning on shaving your head?
TeeJay Posted February 29, 2008 Author Report Posted February 29, 2008 How often are you planning on shaving your head? Probably every other day. I plan on keeping my scalp clean shaven, Lex Luthor/Hitman-style, rather than just zero-clipped, Jason Statham/Vin Diesel-style. Clean-shaven is neat and tidy, zero-clipped makes me look like a football hooligan
TeeJay Posted March 7, 2008 Author Report Posted March 7, 2008 (edited) Well, after a week of wet-shaves, a random trip to Argos turned into a slightly extravagent (and un justifiable) purchase. I saw a cheap Braun foil shaver, and, although it was 90% of the money in my wallet (at the time, I'm not begging for change here ) I figured, that, in the long-term, it might work out cheaper than blades, so what did I have to lose (well, other than money ) I've used Philips shavers before, and, to be honest, never really rated them over highly, and simply prefered the results from a wet-shave with Gillette blades. But, for the head, I figured a foil would work better than a tripple-head shaver. I got home and investigated my purchase. Came with two free Duracell batteries, and is rated as suitable for using in a shower/with foam (the battery compartment has a rubber gasget and a twist-lock closure). I decided to try it dry (try suggesting that to the Mrs one night ) and, on the first stroke, I was very impressed. I decided to give my head a once over before checking how close the shave had been, or going back for 'missed areas'. I went all over, and then ran a hand over my head. Smooth. I then ran my hand back over the grain. Or rather, I would have if there had been any grain It had shaved so close, there was absolutely 0% grain, just smooth skin. Wet shaving my head took fifteen minutes, and at least two razors to get everything, plus the hassle of doing round the ears without slicing myself. This took maybe five minutes, start to finish, with no concerns about nicks or cuts, and only minimum 'touch up' work afterwards. Absolutely awesome shave, I'm impressed by how much electric razors have come on in the past 15 years... I might invest in a rechargeable shaver so as to save on battery expences, but, this is certainly good enough for daily use, and will make a nice shaver to take away on vacation (it is, afterall, a travel model) Very satisfactory experience Here's what I used, a Braun PocketGo 570: I actually just read a rather negative review on the shaver, and can only think that that person either has ludicrously heavy beard growth, or had completely unreasonable expectations of the product. It worked fine for me Edited March 7, 2008 by TeeJay
Natron1 Posted March 7, 2008 Report Posted March 7, 2008 I am 34 and have been clean shaving my head for 10 years now. I use the Mach 3 razor in the shower every morning. *Let the shower fill with steam and wet the head. *use a gel, like the one a woman uses on legs A razor last me 2 days only so about 3-4 razors a week. Anyone that thinks this is low maintainance, think again. To keep this clean look I have to shave everyday. I am so use to it by now it is just part of my daily routine. Natron
TeeJay Posted March 7, 2008 Author Report Posted March 7, 2008 I am 34 and have been clean shaving my head for 10 years now. I use the Mach 3 razor in the shower every morning. *Let the shower fill with steam and wet the head. *use a gel, like the one a woman uses on legs A razor last me 2 days only so about 3-4 razors a week. Anyone that thinks this is low maintainance, think again. To keep this clean look I have to shave everyday. I am so use to it by now it is just part of my daily routine. Natron Indeed, definitely not a low maintenance style. As you say, the razors don't last very long, so a constant expense. That was what made me consider an electric shaver, even if it might have meant a slightly less close shave, but at a better price. However, with the shave from this shaver being closer than a Gillette, I think I definitely got lucky Braun obviously make good shavers
anton Posted March 7, 2008 Report Posted March 7, 2008 There is a whole world of high-end shaving product out there--some day I will try a straight razor and some expensive soap but I'm a little wary of the learning process. Here's a supposedly "high-end" shaving product: Price: $130! But look at the blade used: A Mach 3! And shaving is definitely NOT low-maintenance --- the cleanup afterwards puts off my wife, who in turn has caused me to grow back my hair.
DemonSlayer Posted March 7, 2008 Report Posted March 7, 2008 Is that handle ivory? If it is then thats the only way I can see why that razor is priced at what it is!!!
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