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A GTG in the Czech Republic  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Around Christmas time possible destination the Grand Pupp Hotel (Casino Royal)

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Please only vote if you would attend, ie 50 votes for europe i would hope most of those that voted to attend if held in that location

But looking at the poll results Europe is the most popular destination. I had an idea that this place would be nice, and the prices for the packages are very reasonable for where you are, There are loads of ADs on the main road by the river and the history there is astounding, also the location of casino royal. When i stayed there the accomodation in the package worked out about euros 50 per night (4 star) once you took into account of what you get in the package. Although it looks very posh (and it is) i fitted right in and i am not that posh, seamed very relaxed, got golfing for the golfers lots of things going on and if we had the take up i am sure that a bus trip to Prague could be arranged.

Prices are euro 237 for a double room for a 3 day package but i am sure that would be reduced if we only wanted 2 days and if there was enough uptake it may be reduced further.

If there is interest i will contact the hotel and see what could be arranged.

Last time i went there i drove and i was a good drive, i belive you can fly direct to karlovy vary but not sure where from. Prauge is about 80 min away/


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I used to participate in biannual advisory board meetings between 12 cardiologists based in Europe and the US. For 2 years we took it in turns like the Ryder Cup until we hit upon a perfect solution.....a halfway house if you like ;)


Not exactly a beach culture but they like their booze and my god are the women jaw-droppingly stunning :drool: (and very friendly too ;))

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OK, I understand that it has to be somewhere that everyone loves and/or could make without too much burden.


Not during Mardi Gras...but, during JAZZ AND HERITAGE FESTIVAL!!!!!

People come from all over to do the festival, but this does not fill up all the hotels in the city, like Mardi Gras would. The time is the last weekend of April and the first weekend of May. So, there's your WEEK. And no holiday prices.

I've been in New Orleans for 40 of my 40 years of life...I know the in's and outs like the back of my hand. Where to go...and more importantly, where NOT to go. Contrary to popular "out of towner" beliefs, we are NOT still underwater...and we have come back bigger and better than before. I don't have time to host this myself, but I sure could give you all the details, hotels, venues, events, restaurants, and local information that the general tourist would not know.

Most people here have no idea about reps...so, the laws are probably easy. However, the lawmakers here would own reps if they knew what they were. They're more concerned about making money for themselves to worry about reps. As far as crime here? If you look like a local, act like a local, and say: "I'm local" to any low life...they'll leave you alone. And I can teach you the rules on this one.

The European and American history here would take up about 100 posts or more, so I'll just leave it at that...but, if you don't know about this place, look it up on Wiki or something.

Just a lengthy thought.

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I really like this idea, it is likely to be a mission to get organized, but if we can get enough people who will go, it would be awesome. My thought on where it should be is somewhere people would like to vacation in the first place. I for one would put places such as Hawaii on the short list, maybe Cabo or somewhere such as that, the Bahamas. Obviously it would appear I like the beach! I do also like jfreemans idea of Miami Beach. Good tourist area, I would like to get back to Florida one day - I did vacation up at Ft Myers once (just after spring break. Doh!) so would like to see more of the area. Plus we have a lot of Florida members here.

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Its just a wild guess here, but what about:

Destination: South Africa

Date: During the world cup

Why? Because its probably the furthest place for most of us, so it wouldnt be unfair. Plus the world cup is sort of trying to bring people from all continents and countries together, same thing we are trying to do here.

And most guys will be able to cheer for their soccer team :)

( except for Andy if his team is playing like before the last world cup B) )

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Football does not even exist to me but i also think that would make it expencive.

I recently enjoyed this package in Czech Rep and when you took into account of the cost of the individual items in the package it workd our Euros 40 per night for Bed and Breakfast.

the place has a lot of history good comunications and good film heritage as it was used for casino Royal and last holiday

This area would be great to, only one hour from prauge, casinos, stiking scenery, a health aspect to it but not great for the kids, would make a great loong weekend break you and the wife/GF/secretary ect, i am not sure about the flight costs from the US but should be good from EU, oh and by the way the mane street is littered with every AD going!

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Football does not even exist to me but i also think that would make it expencive.

I recently enjoyed this package in Czech Rep and when you took into account of the cost of the individual items in the package it workd our Euros 40 per night for Bed and Breakfast.

the place has a lot of history good comunications and good film heritage as it was used for casino Royal and last holiday

This area would be great to, only one hour from prauge, casinos, stiking scenery, a health aspect to it but not great for the kids, would make a great loong weekend break you and the wife/GF/secretary ect, i am not sure about the flight costs from the US but should be good from EU, oh and by the way the mane street is littered with every AD going!

A few years ago I visited Prague and stayed at an affordable nice appartement on the main street. Vodka was about EUR 1,- a glass. Food almost for free ouside the touristic areas. And girls..... yeah , girls, :D .

Count me in for a Prague GTG!

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I guess US would be the option if we want to be fair with Australian and Europeans ...

But of course, everyone is welcome in Brussels :D

But but but....*splutters*.....it's full of Belgians :o;):D

Just kidding Stephane, you know I love your country, well parts of it (little voice in head: keep digging Doc!) :whistling:

Actually, I'd vote Antwerp if we're doing Europe.

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What would our colonial cousins say to the first organised and held in europe, i feel a poll coming on!

Ah you see this is where it gets tough - we've already had people here suggesting based on their own US insularity "NY or SF" - doesn't really factor in the latter is a good 13 hour flight for us Euro folks (lovely town that it is though).

As I said before, I've come across this transatlantic issue before, and Reykjavik was the answer. Not cheap though admittedly but a very cool place.

I think ultimately we may be running before we can walk here - and that Continental GTGs are the best bet - a Europe one and a US one. Same with the convi....err, our Antipodean brethren, they could do an Asia-Pacific one with the SE Asia folks (now that WOULD be interesting, a tour of Guangzhou's watch markets or even better a reconnoissance mission in Ho Chi Minh City? ;))

A World GTG poll would be pointless as I think as it's a given that most members would vote accordingly, US or Europe. Much as I'd love to drop by Hawaii, the likelihood of it happening, short of me becoming independently wealthy or being granted 6 months' gardening leave, are slim at least in the next year. And with the dollar in the toilet for the foreseeable future, a European trip would be hard on our colonial cousins.

(FWIW, Europe - Prague is a good shout, maybe Geneva (ok I jest :p), or Scandinavia - Copenhagen would be perfect, SAS hub that it is. Not buying into the whole 'bring your wives/GFs' either - boys' trip only, otherwise difficult to manage....."you want to see the Tivoli gardens by moonlight? But darling, Ubi was going to give a talk on how he put together his Frankentona...... :unsure::vava: " Oh that and the opportunities for alcohol and *ahem* 'window shopping' :whistling: are vastly reduced. Boo hiss...)

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I'm all for czech republic, hot girls, cheap vodka, what more do we need (besides watches) ;)

Ah you see this guy has his priorities straight. Excellent summary. Prague gets my second-choice vote. Although it is hen-party central these days (groups of 15+ usually very unattractive English girls singing loudly and throwing up in the street - nice!) - not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing though? ^_^

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I will follow you Andy...anywhere.

Well almost....


But, I think a World GTG is not going to happen because of our Australian friends.

I mean, any city in EU is 2 hours max for europeans and any city in the US would be 9 hours max.

EU would be 24 hours for Australians :blink:

Forgot to say: I won't vote as I'm ok for EU-US-Africa...

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I will follow you Andy...anywhere.

Well almost....


But, I think a World GTG is not going to happen because of our Australian friends.

I mean, any city in EU is 2 hours max for europeans and any city in the US would be 9 hours max.

EU would be 24 hours for Australians :blink:

Forgot to say: I won't vote as I'm ok for EU-US-Africa...

after our 2 GTGs I can say that even a 24h trip would be well worth the trouble&time :D

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Not buying into the whole 'bring your wives/GFs' either - boys' trip only, otherwise difficult to manage....."you want to see the Tivoli gardens by moonlight? But darling, Ubi was going to give a talk on how he put together his Frankentona...... :unsure::vava: " Oh that and the opportunities for alcohol and *ahem* 'window shopping' :whistling: are vastly reduced. Boo hiss...)

You need a more understanding wife Doc!

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I am a smoker :huh:

It would require a little help from the Doc :shock:

Pffff, what I'm supposed to bring a nebuliser? <_< Your black necrotising lungs Steph, no sympathy my friend :p

Suggest my usual long-haul remedy for 'problem' fliers facing a 12-hour leg....

2 in-flight Stoli's plus 10mg zaleplon.....*poof*....wake up other end refreshed (short half-life = no drowziness, disorientation)

*legal disclaimer - if you have an attack of smoker's apnoea, don't come crying (or suing) to me :unsure:

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