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Amateur Watchmaking


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After lurking here for a while (and doing some sporadic posts) I have come to the conslusion that I wanted to know more about watches, movements etc.

I searched for courses in Sweden, but these seems to be far and few between, so I Googled for books instead.

It turns out that there is a Swedish guy (Im from Sweden too) selling a book called "Amateur Watchmaking" which looked interesting and wasnt very expensive so I ordered it yesterday and is waiting the delivery of it any day now.

I found it on this site: http://www.watchmaking.se/index.htm and I will update you all guys whether the book is worth buying and reading or not.

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After lurking here for a while (and doing some sporadic posts) I have come to the conslusion that I wanted to know more about watches, movements etc.

I searched for courses in Sweden, but these seems to be far and few between, so I Googled for books instead.

It turns out that there is a Swedish guy (Im from Sweden too) selling a book called "Amateur Watchmaking" which looked interesting and wasnt very expensive so I ordered it yesterday and is waiting the delivery of it any day now.

I found it on this site: http://www.watchmaking.se/index.htm and I will update you all guys whether the book is worth buying and reading or not.

Good find

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I received the book 2 days ago and have been reading now and then as soon as I could get some time to myself...with 3 kids in the house (and a constant battle with my 2 teenagers on the value of doing homework instead of playing Warhammer Online) my time is quite limited...

Strange that it may sound, I have always thought in pictures while learning.

It could be that I am left-handed or that I am just a strange guy, who knows.

Some of the time with the book and particularly the first "theoretical" part I read quite slowly since I needed to "create" a picture in my mind how it all worked and how all parts interacted. I cant say that I am entirely satisfied with my mental picture yet, but since it has just been 2 days it will be better.

The second part of the book on how to disassemble, oil and assemble a movement is very brief and I havent been able to test this in practice since I lack the neccessary tools right now.

Anybody knows a good source in Sweden, Scandinavia or even EU for watchmaker tools?

I will take a look at the TZ Watchschool soon as well as I understand they have tools too.

I can recommend the book though, but I guess that if you know more than I did (ie. absolutely nothing) on movements this may be too basic for you.

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