stilty Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Seeing as this is the loony bin, and as loony as this sounds. McCain will win tomorrow. Voters will be turned away, ballots will be destroyed, etc. Obama doesn't have a chance. But if Obama does win by some miracle. I fear he will be taken out by some nutjob. In the meantime, fellow Canadians, please see this link and watch out. We're doomed!
Nightstroker Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Obama will win comfortably. Many Americans have found it hard to vote for McCain for the following reasons: 1. He chose Palin as vice president for ALL THE WRONG REASONS. He didnt choose her because he thought she was the best person for the job, or even someone who could do a sufficient job. He chose Palin to gain some votes from a few of the disgruntled Hillary supporters who were all excited about having a woman in the white house.....but that is only part of it. McCain chose Palin because she is inexperienced. By choosing Palin, he forced the media to shift their narrative to that of "Experience" and the importance of having "Experience in the white house"....and that is exactly what happened. It opened the door for McCain to say...."Is it experience that you are all worried about? Then look no further, because all the experience you need IS RIGHT HERE." Thats all he excuse to talk about his experience. Most Americans have seen McCains choice of Palin for what it actually is.....PURE POLITICS. 2. McCains vision of the future of America is unclear. He has not shown any consistency in his approach to solving Americas economic problems. His explanations for how he intends to make a difference, seem to change from week to week. 3. McCains plans to reform the American economy do not reflect any NEW ideas. Hense the term "Its just more of the same." Many Americans are not happy with Bush, and they are not thrilled about the idea of the new president continuing his work, which is exactly what will likely happen. 4. McCain says the America needs to "Hold face" before pulling the troops out of Iraq. A serious problem is attached to his statement...."We must hold face." AT WHAT POINT IS FACE HELD??? HOW IS SOMETHING LIKE THAT DETERMINED??? HOW MANY SOLDIERS HAVE TO DIE TO HOLD FACE??? HOW MANY BILLIONS OF TAX DOLLARS MUST BE SPENT TO ACHIEVE HIS UNDEFINABLE VISION OF VICTORY??? It is absolutely absurd. 5. McCain shot his campaign in the foot by making Obama out to be a terrorist. He attempted to connect Obama to a 1960's radical (Bill Ayers). You see....Back in the 1990's Obama decided to work on educational policy and school reforms issues. Basicall, he tried to improve U.S. scholastic quality and help low income families put their children through school. Because he got involved in those issues, he became associated with other people who were working on the same thing. One of those people, was Bill Ayers. Ayers was a 1960's radical who bombed government buildings (Zero fatalities) in protest of the Vietman war. Ayers served his time in prison, and focused his energy on current issues, like school reform, when he was released. Obama and Ayers served on the board for The Woods Fund of Chicago....BIG [censored] DEAL. Woods Fund website 6. McCain has tried to make Obama look like a Socialist. Because of his terrorist and Socialist allogations towards Obama, many Americans have been left with a sour taste in their mouth from John McCain. McCain really went over the top this time; he displayed pathetic efforts of a desperate republican, scrambling for ammo to fight a losing battle with. Although Obama's plans for America do indirectly reflect aspects of Socialism, his plans do not conform with a standard, typical, ideal or partial Socialist agenda. An ideal Socialist government tax system will consider the average income of of all its nations citizens. Then money will be taken from the wealthy and spread around to the remaining citizens untill everyone has the same or a determined level of equality. That is Socialism. The United States tax system generates a certain amount of revenue every year. Under Obama's tax plan, that revenue will remain the same. The DIFFERENCE is that a higher percentage of that revenue will come from from individual and families who earn over $200,000 per year; a lower percentage of that revenue will come from the rest of the country who earns less than $200,000 per year. That is NOT Socialism. Obama made a huge mistake when he said "Spread the wealth." It opened the door for a bunch of pea brains to point the finger at Obama and say...."Hes a Socialist." Surely it has costed him some votes. Colin Powell hit the nail on the head....I agree with everything Powell said about Obama and McCain; he represents the majority of the USA....the Obama supporters....take a look at this video. Colin Powell supports Obama Nightstroker
alphakazi Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Seeing as this is the loony bin, and as loony as this sounds. McCain will win tomorrow. Voters will be turned away, ballots will be destroyed, etc. Obama doesn't have a chance. But if Obama does win by some miracle. I fear he will be taken out by some nutjob. In the meantime, fellow Canadians, please see this link and watch out. We're doomed! What about evolution? LOL
JohnG Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 I ask you: Do you think that balance sheet above is healthy?No. Would you invest in a company with those financials?The United States is not a company. And debt issued by the United States Treasury earns the lowest interest around - and yet people continue to buy it. Why do you suppose that is? Answer: It is because it is the safest debt issue IN THE WORLD. And most importantly, would you leave a house of affairs like that to your child or grandchild? I would not. So I will continue to fight for higher standards, not just put it off another 15-20 yrs.It is one thing to acknowledge that there are serious problems and that they need to be addressed urgently, and it is quite another to start talking about the end of the United States. Before you say that is not what you were saying, go back and read your first post and the apocalyptic language it contains.
oscarmadfish Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 i dont care alot for politics but my gut feeling tells me if obama gets in he will be killed awfull thing to say but there are awfull people in this world i really hope i have to eat my words
yellomen Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Begin rant: The US only has about 15-25 more years before it is effectively bankrupt. In the near future all of the taxes you pay to the govt. will go to paying interest on debt. If you think a credit crisis concentrated on retail banks and investment banks has been bad, how do you think we (and the world for that matter) will fare when the real BIG one hits The US Treasury, IRS, Federal Reserve, etc? By the way, there will be at least one major, possibly more financial crises before this ultimate biggy hits. (stepping down from soapbox) Please get out and vote. Uh??? I thought America already was bankrupt, only nobody had the balls to tell them
yellomen Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 :lol:
JohnG Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 So off all the people that think McCain is going to win, how come NOT ONE has the balls to put their money where their mouth is and place a little wager? Don
iceberg1459 Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Obama will win comfortably. Many Americans have found it hard to vote for McCain for the following reasons: 1. He chose Palin as vice president for ALL THE WRONG REASONS. He didnt choose her because he thought she was the best person for the job, or even someone who could do a sufficient job. He chose Palin to gain some votes from a few of the disgruntled Hillary supporters who were all excited about having a woman in the white house.....but that is only part of it. McCain chose Palin because she is inexperienced. By choosing Palin, he forced the media to shift their narrative to that of "Experience" and the importance of having "Experience in the white house"....and that is exactly what happened. It opened the door for McCain to say...."Is it experience that you are all worried about? Then look no further, because all the experience you need IS RIGHT HERE." Thats all he excuse to talk about his experience. Most Americans have seen McCains choice of Palin for what it actually is.....PURE POLITICS. 2. McCains vision of the future of America is unclear. He has not shown any consistency in his approach to solving Americas economic problems. His explanations for how he intends to make a difference, seem to change from week to week. 3. McCains plans to reform the American economy do not reflect any NEW ideas. Hense the term "Its just more of the same." Many Americans are not happy with Bush, and they are not thrilled about the idea of the new president continuing his work, which is exactly what will likely happen. 4. McCain says the America needs to "Hold face" before pulling the troops out of Iraq. A serious problem is attached to his statement...."We must hold face." AT WHAT POINT IS FACE HELD??? HOW IS SOMETHING LIKE THAT DETERMINED??? HOW MANY SOLDIERS HAVE TO DIE TO HOLD FACE??? HOW MANY BILLIONS OF TAX DOLLARS MUST BE SPENT TO ACHIEVE HIS UNDEFINABLE VISION OF VICTORY??? It is absolutely absurd. 5. McCain shot his campaign in the foot by making Obama out to be a terrorist. He attempted to connect Obama to a 1960's radical (Bill Ayers). You see....Back in the 1990's Obama decided to work on educational policy and school reforms issues. Basicall, he tried to improve U.S. scholastic quality and help low income families put their children through school. Because he got involved in those issues, he became associated with other people who were working on the same thing. One of those people, was Bill Ayers. Ayers was a 1960's radical who bombed government buildings (Zero fatalities) in protest of the Vietman war. Ayers served his time in prison, and focused his energy on current issues, like school reform, when he was released. Obama and Ayers served on the board for The Woods Fund of Chicago....BIG [censored]IN DEAL. Woods Fund website 6. McCain has tried to make Obama look like a Socialist. Because of his terrorist and Socialist allogations towards Obama, many Americans have been left with a sour taste in their mouth from John McCain. McCain really went over the top this time; he displayed pathetic efforts of a desperate republican, scrambling for ammo to fight a losing battle with. Although Obama's plans for America do indirectly reflect aspects of Socialism, his plans do not conform with a standard, typical, ideal or partial Socialist agenda. An ideal Socialist government tax system will consider the average income of of all its nations citizens. Then money will be taken from the wealthy and spread around to the remaining citizens untill everyone has the same or a determined level of equality. That is Socialism. The United States tax system generates a certain amount of revenue every year. Under Obama's tax plan, that revenue will remain the same. The DIFFERENCE is that a higher percentage of that revenue will come from from individual and families who earn over $200,000 per year; a lower percentage of that revenue will come from the rest of the country who earns less than $200,000 per year. That is NOT Socialism. Obama made a huge mistake when he said "Spread the wealth." It opened the door for a bunch of pea brains to point the finger at Obama and say...."Hes a Socialist." Surely it has costed him some votes. Colin Powell hit the nail on the head....I agree with everything Powell said about Obama and McCain; he represents the majority of the USA....the Obama supporters....take a look at this video. Colin Powell supports Obama Nightstroker Very well said, also imo Colin Powell is sooo right. I hope obama wont disappoint (also wont get killed hopefully, as oscar mentioned).
JohnG Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Very well said, also imo Colin Powell is sooo right. I hope obama wont disappoint (also wont get killed hopefully, as oscar mentioned). I agree.
marcl Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 I hope Obama wins, i think he will do wonders for the USA and the world for that matter. The one thing i have to say, to the people saying how America is on the verge of bankruptcy. It's your own fault! Now please don't get me wrong here, i don't want to offend anybody, but for years your consumption of fuel has been simply astonishing! Matched by your hunger for having or living 'the American dream' needing massive cars with even bigger engines, very large houses that take a lot of resources to build and run. This has left you relying on other countries to supply your needs. Now here's the problem Americans are now starting to drive smaller cars and act in a more socially responsible way, whilst in the UK we are buying bigger cars and consuming more and more energy. This is causing major problems over here. The celebrity obsessed culture costs a lot of money, money we simply don't have. So it is all borrowed with no obvious way to pay it back. so if we are not careful we will also be on the verge of bankruptcy. I'm of to France!
JohnG Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Now here's the problem Americans are now starting to drive smaller cars and act in a more socially responsible way Whoa, let
marcl Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Well you guy's are now buying loads of Toyota's and Honda's. More than us, we seem to be buying up all the 4x4's that you are no longer buying! And the crazy thing is Diesel is
marcl Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Sorry JohnG, you are in Spain, So less of the 'you' from me.
JohnG Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Sorry JohnG, you are in Spain, So less of the 'you' from me. No, no I am American, I just live here.
the osteopath Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 YES, YES, YES, YES, AND YES. And a few more yes's for good measure. Even if you were a McCain supporter- and he has done some pretty impressive things in his career no doubt, he chose that 'thing' as his runnning mate, and make no bones about it- that woman is Crazy with a capital 'C'. Even if the U.S. is too bigoted to recognize who the better candidate is, at least of the rest of the world is behind the right guy. The rest of the world was right about Bush- maybe this time Americans will actually pay attention. Nervous though- as Stig Andersen once said- People are not as stupid as you think they are. They are way, way stupider. Fingers crossed, toes too... -O
JohnG Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Even if you were a McCain supporter- and he has done some pretty impressive things in his career no doubt, he chose that 'thing' as his runnning mate, and make no bones about it- that woman is Crazy with a capital 'C'. Yup. I would have had had a HUGE amount of respect for him if he had chosen Lieberman as his runningmate as he wanted to. Instead, he caved into pressure to pacify the far right wing of the party.
oscarmadfish Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 the only good right winger is cristiano ronaldo
oscarmadfish Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 lmao thats the wrong ronaldo you cockmongler wtf one of them is
JohnG Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 YOU COCKMONGLER!!! :rofl: :rofl: :Jumpy:
Luthier Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 Even if the U.S. is too bigoted to recognize who the better candidate is, at least of the rest of the world is behind the right guy. The rest of the world was right about Bush- maybe this time Americans will actually pay attention.
sulimblim Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 I vote Obama but unfortunately, I'm French. President of the USA has so much influence in the world that every citizen on this planet should be allowed to vote for the U.S. presidential elections
JohnG Posted November 4, 2008 Report Posted November 4, 2008 I vote Obama but unfortunately, I'm French. President of the USA has so much influence in the world that every citizen on this planet should be allowed to vote for the U.S. presidential elections
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