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Not Holding Time?! Skyland ...


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Ok I need to know if anyone else is having problems with their skylands.. Ive wind it up, shaken it, but if I dont wear the watch for a couple days it dies on me.. is this normal? I also have a Super Avenger and it does the same thing.. So unless I have shitty luck and two crappy watches or im not doing somehting right.. Would like to know other people experiences thanks!!

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I think you're probably used to quartz watches - what you describe is normal with a mechanical watch. If it helps sometimes you can download the manual for the genuine watches online - the way the movements work is the same.

The power reserve of the watch builds up as you wear it - but it only lasts so long. Some movements have much better PR's than others.

The alternative is to buy a watch winder that keeps rotating the watch through the night, although I find that my Skyland will still be running the next morning. If it helps I find the Skyland takes a bit of work to get going from zero - probably it's the extra weight of the watch makes giving it a shake more of a memorable 'work out' :p


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Ok I need to know if anyone else is having problems with their skylands.. Ive wind it up, shaken it, but if I dont wear the watch for a couple days it dies on me.. is this normal? I also have a Super Avenger and it does the same thing.. So unless I have shitty luck and two crappy watches or im not doing somehting right.. Would like to know other people experiences thanks!!

Couple days :p , it is rep and if you can sleep over night without adjusting time and date it is ok.

Day or two power reserve is excellent if we a talking about replica from factory no mod`s( with no full service)

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They need movement to wind them.

I've a Skyland and I found the same thing to begin with. After a nights sleep it'd be stopped.

I work in an office and as I wear my watches face down (on the inside) I usually take my watch off when at my desk. Because of this I'm not auto winding it during the day.

So every now and then I give it a gentle shake for a bit.

It lasts longer over a weekend when I'm out and about and generally moving.

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When fully wound (a day with reasonable amount of arm movement), a properly functioning A7750 should have around the same amount of "power reserve" as the gen Valjoux 7750...which is around 44 hours...give or take a bit. Most of mine run this amount...but if you read various posts on RWG and elsewhere, you will see some people have PRs that last only a little bit...maybe 24-36 hours. I have one that lasts only around 30 hours. This low PR should be fixed when it heads to The Zigmeister for a servicing.

The problems with a LOW power reserve (i.e. <40) might be due to various things. You can check out these posts for more info:

A7750 Power Reserve and Rotor Spinning Problems

A7750 Spinning Rotor...is it a problem?

Care and Feeding of Automatic and Manual Watches

Care and Feeding of A7750s

Like Cornerstone said, you might be used to a quartz battery powered watch which runs until the battery dies....which is years. With autos (aka mechanicals), they have to keep moving to keep running. Inconvenient? Yes...but that mechanical marvel is the "soul" of our hobby.

You may find the watch loses or gains more time than a quartz based watch too...this is normal. Yup...you paid a chunk of money for a watch that needs more "hand-holding" only to produce less accuracy than your $25 Timex. Hah hah...sucker.

But at least you didn't pay $4000 for the genunine...which has EXACTLY the same issues.

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