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It's not nice to make fun of special needs kids.

I don't give a fuck how many posts one has here or how high one considers himself on the virtual totem pole.

Being sir postalot does not smooth over bad behavior or give credibility to an indefensible position.

Anyone who thinks this is funny is disturbed.

What if it was your kid?

It's not nice to make fun of special needs kids.

I don't give a [censored] how many posts one has here or how high one considers himself on the virtual totem pole.

Being sir postalot does not smooth over bad behavior or give credibility to an indefensible position.

Anyone who thinks this is funny is disturbed.

What if it was your kid?

I think it's funny, and I'm not disturbed.

Well ok, just a little disturbed.

Well ok, just a little disturbed.

dont edit the post, we are in the circle of peace, it symbolizes the harmony and the good will that is in all of us, theres no judging here...

we are all one in this great cosmic power. we are the childs of the great earth conciousness, theres no right or wrong for such mere ideas that the society forced upon us, you must remember its wrong to judge..

now in with the gooood....

out with the baaad.....

It's not nice to make fun of special needs kids.

I don't give a [censored] how many posts one has here or how high one considers himself on the virtual totem pole.

Being sir postalot does not smooth over bad behavior or give credibility to an indefensible position.

Sir Postalot? 688 posts is a lot these days?


Actually re Sir Postalot I was referring to this nugget of yours:


The picture you requested removed is a well-known image macro that's pulled out every time an argument gets silly. I'm shocked you've not come across it before as it's been popular on most forums in the last 5 years.

Oh, and the text is "Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics ..." with a picture of a Downs kid winning a race. Yes, it's sick humour, but let's not become over-sensitive. Internet forums are like school playgrounds, we have sick jokes, bullies, cliques and over-protective minders; the humour usually regresses to school kid humour. Don't over-analyse it and don't over-react.

It was posted as an insult to my internet persona and as such was brushed off like all childish humour - in the manner it was intended.

Dude, it was just a crap joke.

dont edit the post, we are in the circle of peace, it symbolizes the harmony and the good will that is in all of us, theres no judging here...

we are all one in this great cosmic power. we are the childs of the great earth conciousness, theres no right or wrong for such mere ideas that the society forced upon us, you must remember its wrong to judge..

now in with the gooood....

out with the baaad.....

shut the FU Hippie ... ooohhhmmmm

ryyannon Posted Today, 12:13 PM

QUOTE (Pugwash @ Nov 16 2008, 11:05 PM)

Let's agree not to see eye-to-eye on this matter and walk away with respect intact.

Whose respect intact!?

That's an extremely insulting thing to say, especially for height-disadvantaged people.

Yeah, just walk away, Pugs.


Hey Ry ... that's "Vertically Challenged" peeps... Not bald but rather... Folically Challenged... not Fat... :mellow: ok .. fat is fat.. B)


Not all people believe in the right to life for all.

Some think its a sin/evil act to abort a handicapped child some other will see it as a blessing/good to be able to abort that exact same child.

Thing is in a forum different people will think different things..

I do agree that the quote is not a good moral thing to post, i did one time and i regret it and said sorry to any one hurt by it..


Actually re Sir Postalot I was referring to this nugget of yours:

Don't pick fights based on what you want to hear. Nowhere did I say I thought it was funny and nowhere did I make fun of special needs kids.

Damn, talk about over-reaction, again.

You're not going to find anyone condoning cruel behaviour so pack your strawmen away.


My friend's daughter has down's syndrome. She is one of the most loving, kind, and gentle persons I have ever met in my entire life. Images like these are absolutely despicable and especially so because they are intended as "harmless jokes".

I don't blame the person who posted the picture, but I can't help but feel sorry for us as a community when some people can't even understand why something like that is degrading and disrespectful.

However, and this is a big "however", I think that editing out these kinds of obscene images from people's posts is an impingement of their freedom of speech. Unless it is pornographic or something like that, let it stand forever as a monument to the shameful actions of a human being who cares so little about the dignity of a young man that they find humor in his disability.

Don't pick fights based on what you want to hear. Nowhere did I say I thought it was funny and nowhere did I make fun of special needs kids.

Damn, talk about over-reaction, again.

You're not going to find anyone condoning cruel behaviour so pack your strawmen away.

No fight picking here, I just cant rationalize the post denigrating special needs kids in any way shape or form.

Now Sir Postalot since you like to have the last word on things go ahead and have fun as I am out on this subject.




btw, i must confess....

some time i was also angry to sometime (i still do), to seal hunters..

you know the fishers and the idiots for stress relief in canada go to ice and kill baby seals for fun, money and "prevent overbreeding".

i watched videos how they club them to death, skinning alive, leave some injured to water in agony etc...and all cruelty for no reason


as animal lover and dog owner, i was ermm...deep disturbed and extremely angry

i've found a sealhunter online and argued pointlessly ( i dont remember how i managed to put so many dirtiest swear words in one sentence)

i tried every way, kind, logical, swearing & bashing..to make him realize what he doing is stupid....no...no result..theres nothing i can do

then i realized that

arguing in internet is like running a pointless race..you know.. ur still a nerd

but i understand lanikai, if i also saw here someone talking like about sealhunt" ahaha poor seal got owned" etc...i would also go angy, probably beyond that..

althought they are not comparable, im sry about my post...i really didnt realize there was a disabled kid in pic..

btw, i thnik "disabled" is more insulting than "retarded"..maybe that because english is not my mother language


@iceberg..I really believe it was a lack of knowledge about the facts .. and was not done maliciously ... :)

fyi .. "disabled" ... a few friends have been paralyzed .. through sports injuries .... they tell me .. they do not feel "hanicapped" if any term is to be used .. parking stalls etc. .. they would like it to be "disabled" and they are working through this "disability" .. they are adamant about this .. I cannot quote them verbatum, so I will not try and explain.. so that is jus why I alway's use that term .. out of respect for those that are..

Seal Hunters.. maybe we can ask Nanuq to organize the Polar Bears to go on a "Seal Hunter Hunt" .. that would be poetic justice...

Now you will find a host of members that are dog lovers here.. anytime that we start talking "best friend" .. the pics alway's pour in ... I go through a huge bag of biscuts a week ... I have furry friends all over my business district that wait for me every morning ... I look forward to seeing each and everyone of them each day.. and get stressed when the real old ones aren't around for a few day's.. and relieved when I do see them again.. I'm a whoose .. when it comes to four legged friends.. B)


"The moment you declare a set of ideas to be immune from criticism, satire, derision, or contempt, freedom of thought becomes impossible." - Salman Rushdie

Pretty much everyone was on the opposite side of this same argument when it was about the reactions to the Mohammed cartoons posted in Jyllands-Posten. It's the same argument, albeit on a lesser scale.

I'm not defending the image or the joke; I'm laughing at the reaction.

Of course it was offensive, but censoring it was all that was needed. Outcry was too far.

... and I'm done. You either get it by now or you don't.

"The moment you declare a set of ideas to be immune from criticism, satire, derision, or contempt, freedom of thought becomes impossible." - Salman Rushdie

Excellent quote from a fellow with a price on his head for his sense of humor.

"The moment you declare a set of ideas to be immune from criticism, satire, derision, or contempt, freedom of thought becomes impossible." - Salman Rushdie

Absolutely so. If something is strong enough, it can withstand such discussions, and still remain. People who fear such debates, are those whos convictions are less 'well grounded', and unable to defend their point (even if it is defendable) due to their own lack of knowledge. That is not so say, however, that something should be criticized or satirized just for the sake of criticism or satire. As much as I love satirical humor, I do feel that it can occasionally 'go too far', with the only 'justification' (self-justification at that) being "It's only a joke..." as if some fault lies with the audience for not being receptive to 'the joke', when in such cases, it is not a joke, it is just bad taste, and the true flaw lies with the teller, who should realize that they are 'crossing a line'.

Personification of such point/behaviour:


Huh? :huh:

Russell Brand. Some people find him funny, others just think he's a cunt of the first magnitude. Sure, he can be funny, but he also has a habit of frequently 'crossing the line', such as making prank calls to the police with information about a rapist (which the police were investigating) while live on stage. Whenever he's called out, his 'apologies' come across as utterly hollow, and not truly admitting that his actions were in the wrong, and that it 'was only meant as a joke'.

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