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That's funny. The 'spin' is getting hilarious; the Right Wing in the street prefaces every comment with, "Did you hear what the Teleprompter said today about AIG!? I can't believe the Teleprompter is going to give the Treasury Secretary full power over every public financial entity about to default. That Teleprompter is one Left Wing piece of electronics. What will he make the President say next?!"

Speaking of AIG, this has got to hurt; if the corporation was bailed out by US tax money, levied from the citizenry, the people of the United States, in legal effect 'own' AIG and it's subsidiaries benefitting from TARP by proxy. I wonder what the Brits think about us owning the Manchester United? :lol:

the Right Wing in the street prefaces every comment with...

I don't know. I'm pretty thrilled to have a chief exec who can speak in complete sentences for a change. And even though, "Will the highways on the internet become more few?" is a complete sentence, you could make the argument that if W. paid a little more attention to *HIS* teleprompter fewer people would have seen him as an illiterate fratboy who was born on third but acted like he'd hit a triple.

I don't know. I'm pretty thrilled to have a chief exec who can speak in complete sentences for a change. And even though, "Will the highways on the internet become more few?" is a complete sentence, you could make the argument that if W. paid a little more attention to *HIS* teleprompter fewer people would have seen him as an illiterate fratboy who was born on third but acted like he'd hit a triple.

Zzzzzzzzzz and what if W. went on Leno and stated in front of 5.7 million members of the Union "I bowl like I should be on the Special Olympic team [sic] duuuuuuuuuuuuuh I'm a retard!" and then laughed about it? What would you and the media myrmidon's have said about 43 then? Because you're surely not saying anything about that or Billy D. Williams reading off the PM of Ireland's teleprompter on St. Patty's.

That's the point, without the teleprompter he's just a pretty lawyer, better suited to the cover of Jet than the Oval Office because there is no 'POTUS Cam' in there.

I'm pretty thrilled to have a chief exec who can speak in complete sentences for a change.

is not a politcal philosophy and hardly a political platform, but is exactly why he was elected. That and a slogan that was slightly better than 'Coke! It's the real thing!"

You can have them. Now Celtic..........keep your grubby hands off! :D

Yeah, what he said!

without the teleprompter he's just a pretty lawyer, better suited to the cover of Jet than the Oval Office

I won't try to reason you out of something you clearly were not reasoned into. I came into this sub looking for humor. If all you're selling is racist hated, I'll pass.

I won't try to reason you out of something you clearly were not reasoned into. I came into this sub looking for humor. If all you're selling is racist hated, I'll pass.

Yes, well, that would be you merely misunderestimating me. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go sew some bed sheets together. Besides, this is cutting into my O'Reilly Factor time. :)


This is why political commentary should just stay out of RWG. Our friend Nanuq was making a harmless joke (which I thought was very funny and forwarded to all my right wing cronies for a laugh), and now we are talking about racists in less than 8 posts? Give me a break.

I won't try to reason you out of something you clearly were not reasoned into. I came into this sub looking for humor. If all you're selling is racist hated, I'll pass.

Hold on just a wee minute Mick. I think where this thread waivered off the humour track was around post #5 actually. I see no evidence of "racist hatred" whatsoever and suggest that you take a second or two to re-evaluate and offer your immediate abdication as thespian regal dame. Now let's get back to humour please.

Prince Phillip........now there was a guy whose public persona would have benefited a hundredfold had someone stuck a teleprompter in front of his nose before he allowed his brain to engage with his gob! :D



Thank you JTB. May I say the American equivalent who could use the Teleprompter might be former Vice President Dan Quayle ...... wait, you have to be able to read the thing. My bad.

May I say the American equivalent who could use the Teleprompter might be former Vice President Dan Quayle ...... wait, you have to be able to read the thing. My bad.

Now that is funny!

Potayto, potahto.


.......and with a cymbal crash too!


Oh Prince Phillip, he's a 'card'!! Wanders around the world slagging people off!

"Your all a bunch of f**kers, why don't you all go home? Your problem is your all forigners!!" *whisper whisper "they didn't like it? Really? Too much, what part do you think??"

to a group of english students living in Hong Kong, "don't stay here too long, you'll go all slitty eyed"?!? WTF?!? The guy is off the map!! Next you will see him at public functions with a strip of gaffa tape across his mouth!!

(would like to thank Eddie Izzard for his help in this post!!)

Oh, and DMZ rascist??? Behave yourself!! As JTB alrady said, take the Rita Hayworth act to the panto!


You guys slay me. :p

Man is told he's being demoted from a high level position because the PR guys HE repeatedly choses are can't speak off the cuff.

He says:

I think we should talk talk about Joe.

Whos's Joe?

He was a PR speaker at Xcorp in 1979. Damn guy couldn't do it either.

And this is relevant here and now? We're talking about you aren't we?

It's simple. If I talk about something that has nothing to do with me then maybe you'll forget that it was all my fault. :rolleyes:

So what's up with the screws falling out of the Skylands?

Dan Quayle spelled it "potatoe"

Would that maybe have been "Dan Quayle SPELT it potatoe"??? :p

Into pedants corner, all of you!! :rolleyes:

Oh Fakey I know, I know!! You helped make em???? You get your own special corner!

Would that maybe have been "Dan Quayle SPELT it potatoe"??? :p

Into pedants corner, all of you!! :rolleyes:

Oh Fakey I know, I know!! You helped make em???? You get your own special corner!

Ha ha, yep thats better. Its all good folks, remember, this forum is supposed to be fun for all. Obama likes the teleprompter, eh, well remember that;

1. Richard Nixon was "not a crook"

2. Gerald Ford fell down the steps getting out of Airforce 1 a few times, and was labled a clutz.

3. Jimmy Carter was often characaterized as having a peanut for a head.

4. Regan was scrutinized over his "Voo-Doo" economics, and later did not recall.

5. George Bush Sr. was accused of being a "wimp" president.

6. Bill Clinton did not inhale (well, only "special" cigars with close personal interns).

7. George Bush Jr. looked alot like the kid on the cover of MAD magazine.

You just can't make all the people happy all of the time, you just gotta do the best you can with what you got. We all better hope that whoever is in office is sucessful to some degree, or we are all gonna wind up loosing out, big time.

(I see this thread getting locked down at some point....we'll see)


Indeed, it's all about fun!!!!

You think you got it bad over there?? You wanna try living in the UK, especially being Scottish with the lump we got in charge at the moment!! Now there is a guy who needs a teleprompter if ever there was one, you can lose count of the amount of "um, eh, mmm and *cough*'s" just in one sentence, it's painful!!!


@Southcoast, you got that right. We need the economy to succeed, and this is waaaaay bigger than partisan politics. Any good leader will surround him/herself with great employees, then stay out of their way while they do great things. That's where Reagan was good... picking good employees and then cheerleading for them and working deals to get other folks on board. It's called "leadership" and it's been remarkably scarce for quite awhile now.

As for Quayle spelling "potato" wrong, he was reading from cards when he did so. It seems the Teleprompters are rebelling... they even had Obama thanking himself in a speech at the White House in the St Patrick's Day celebration.

Great orator? :bangin: Nahhhhhhh.


We agree that this is a bi-partisan watch forum and we will work both sides of the isle to obtain the coolest watches on the planet B) .

BTW - NANUQ, this is off-topic, but did you get that black dial black lung Doxa that was on Ebay a while back? Speaking of cool watches.


Edit... I didn't mean to take this so far off topic with my Doxa post.

Yes I did get it! and I'm grateful to you guys for pointing out that piece so I could jump on it... I'd been looking for a Sub 300 Sharkhunter with the USD logo, and there she was! So many thanks to all.


Hey Pugwash!! How are you man? Haven't heard you on here for ages!! I thought you were off hunting bucket thieves without me!!

Damn Southcoast, it's not bad enough that the Foxes Mint Bear has his own thread about the "Lung" but now he has to haul it out here too!?! ;):p

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