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Ammendment to Photo Contest


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To ALL ~

After further review and thought ..

I have come to the conclusion that the "advanced~expert" division should be able to use full PS capabilities

the basic levels of PS were never going to be taken away.. as far as cropping ...colour .. etc.

having said that; my thinking is that if you are entering the "Pro" level" then I should not hinder anyone from using "Whatever" skills they have aqcuired... and at this level of competition.. everyone should have the ability to use PS at the highest levels.

The Novice level will stay the same as the basic PS programs will be fine ie. ... clolour; whitebalance.. brightness... contrast,.. crop and resize..

If you feel you should be able to use all levels of PS.. then "Advanced" level would be your niche.

Thank you for your patience as this is the first go around for me and to stay true .. I am fine tuning as I go along.

I didn't plan on the Contest going this way.. but .. "The Show Must Go ON"

So some things will not be written in stone .. or me .. keeping an "Open Mind " myself.

Thank you for your patience !! B)



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I think this is a good decision, contests are generally somewhat about 'ability' so the restriction was going to be somewhat problematic. In the advanced division it is likely that the photographers will be and should be of a high level of skill and ability. Advanced catagory shouldn't just be for people with an expensive camera..

In the other thread people were saying its not about the photos clarity or whatever and more about the concept/idea.. well if it was only about 'concept' of the photograph, there'd be no point me entering cell phone and or novice because I think I could come up with a concept/idea just as good as the 'advanced' guys ;)

All around a good decision, nice one L.

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Keep in mind that the judges will likely be taking in to account how much Photoshopping has been done to an image. As Lani had stated previously, this is after all a photo competition, not an art contest. So use PS to enhance your image but not to create it.

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Keep in mind that the judges will likely be taking in to account how much Photoshopping has been done to an image. As Lani had stated previously, this is after all a photo competition, not an art contest. So use PS to enhance your image but not to create it.

a photo contest IS an art contest. if not, then you just basically looking at if the photo is in focus.

Art is the key -

For the Record -i never argued for full photoshop, even though i agree with the decision, - There are clearly a half dozen people that know photoshop better than me. from reading the comments ;) So i probably have no chance

But, - i still look forward to this, Because, i want to be challenged, - its the only way you learn !! :)

and like someone else said, if were going to make different entry levels, why not have an unlimited level :)

So - Excellent, lets do this thing

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a photo contest IS an art contest. if not, then you just basically looking at if the photo is in focus.

Art is the key -

For the Record -i never argued for full photoshop, even though i agree with the decision, - There are clearly a half dozen people that know photoshop better than me. from reading the comments ;) So i probably have no chance

But, - i still look forward to this, Because, i want to be challenged, - its the only way you learn !! :)

and like someone else said, if were going to make different entry levels, why not have an unlimited level :)

So - Excellent, lets do this thing

Also for the recored, I never stated that the basic tools for any Photo program would be deleted !

I suggest you keep all opinions and concentrate at what you will be doing Pho..

And that is "entering" the Contest as a competitor . and a competitor only !

the issues with being delayed are irrelevant.. and don't need to be discussed by me..

with that said .. "I" am laying the rules for this contest once the Friday deadline comes..

"I" will decide what format will be used per individual image.

There are many "rules" in the real world that I don't like .. and with the Company I am contracted with there are many that don't make any logical sense..

like them or not .. I abide by them to the best of my ability .. and make no excuses... nor whine about them.

if this Photo contest becomes a problem with .. "Likes or dislikes" and starts to become an issue .. "I" will issue a red card for that individual to sit out the round.. thus that individual will loose points in that round.

Judge's are here to Judge .. PERIOD !.. not set down the rules for the contest.. Judges will be also be judging certain rounds and not be present to Judge for every round .. all judges will be given a point standard to judge by...

If this becomes another issue (not that there are any signs it will) I will ask the Admin Team to step in and over see the judging.

Our Admin Team gives us Wide Latitude ... don't take advantage of that fact !

We all have our guidelines for these area's of involvement.. so let's cooperate to carry them out !

No one is trying to be an all-star.. we all want to see a lot of great pics and have fun in the competition !

Like it or not this is how it will be..

I am not going to be over controlling .. but there needs to be one "voice" in certain areas of the Shoot. and "fainess" for all ..

This is how it will be !

This being our first Contest of it's kind I am sure we will learn from it and carry it on to the next event

We are all still learning..

I am not here to do anything but support OUR community..

And with the "Mind Set" we have going now .. If I am not here tomorrow... another member WILL step up to the plate and ...

CARRY ON ... because this community does not and will not think that 1 member is responsible for it's on going Sucsess !

We are a Team.. Not any 1 individual or 1 Star

we have 100's of humble Stars that make up the Universe of RWG !!



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what does that mean?

"I suggest you keep all opinions and concentrate at what you will be doing Pho..

And that is "entering" the Contest as a competitor . and a competitor only !"

from the beginning i was trying to help - how many photo competitions have we run here in the past? none - i was trying to lay some things out there that i i saw as issues down the road. As well as some personal questions i had about the nature of the contest and where i would go with creativity.

clearly i wasn't the only one with questions.

i doubt i'll even participate,

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what does that mean?

"I suggest you keep all opinions and concentrate at what you will be doing Pho..

And that is "entering" the Contest as a competitor . and a competitor only !"

from the beginning i was trying to help - how many photo competitions have we run here in the past? none - i was trying to lay some things out there that i i saw as issues down the road. As well as some personal questions i had about the nature of the contest and where i would go with creativity.

clearly i wasn't the only one with questions.

i doubt i'll even participate,

No worries.. I'll earse your entry


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No worries.. I'll earse your entry


did i ask you to do that? i don't think so

And i have held back from saying this, but, you know, these issues had to be brought up, because its just odd having someone develop rules for a photo competition from someone who is morally opposed to the consensus defacto industry wide standard photo software. You were trying to make rules about a process for which you have no first hand knowledge. I don't understand your opposition to photoshop, but, these things needed to be hashed out so folks would understand whats in and whats out.

you shouldn't take it as a personal affront to have someone ask you questions regarding rules for a contest that your developing. But i also think you should have sought information regarding the use or non use of software to which you refuse to familiarize yourself which. I gave you a copy of it. And as I and a handful of others have tried to point out, there is no "make my photo cool" button. Frankly half the time i use it to mess with a photo to much it comes out worse.

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This has gone on to long and to far ...

No I am not an expert and the rules are not personal..

I will no tolerate it anymore..

if you wanted things done a certain way you should of volunteered to organize this event and not compete in it

you been obtuse .. and frankly questioned everything that is put forth..

clearly you think yourself to good for any contest this time around..

you have not held back from saying anything Pho.. that is your problem

instead of being contrsuctive.. you choose to be destructinve and abusive..

so I will take your comment literally and erase your entry

i doubt i'll even participate

you really should think about "blowing smoke" when entering a contest.. weather you think the organizing is right or wrong.

you were warned once.. that should have been enough

obviously you don't learn..


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Cant we all just love eachother!????............. :bangin: ................... :group:

Oh come on Phooo!.... relax!.. lets just enjoy this. Im looking forward to see your pics, and so a lot of people here.

By the way, i never thanked you Lani for all the efford, looking forward to see the results!..



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a photo contest IS an art contest. if not, then you just basically looking at if the photo is in focus.

Art is the key -

That is not completely true. A photo contest is just that a "Photo contest". Photos are artistic, but what we'd like to see is the photos being judged on the basic photographic criteria like composition, lighting, color, focus, etc. Anyone can take 10 different pics and combine them to form one killer image, but when the final image looks nothing like anything that came out of the camera, it ceases to be a photograph and becomes a piece of art. Again, this is a photo contest, not a an art contest.

Lani has posted the rules, and Photoshop will be allowed for color correction, cropping, etc., so why do you still have a problem? You seem to be just arguing for the sake of arguing. Those are the rules, work with it.

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In "proper", professional photo contests there is usually a separate category for digitally enhanced/altered images. To mix pure photography and photos which are digitally altered/enhanced frankly make no sense at all, since the criteria for judging the two ought to be very different indeed. Simple cropping and perspective adjustments are of course a different thing entirely.

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if not, then you just basically looking at if the photo is in focus.

Good thing you are not a judge, you overlooked composition, color, light, shadow, depth of field...

There is much more to a good photo than focus my friend.

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In "proper", professional photo contests there is usually a separate category for digitally enhanced/altered images. To mix pure photography and photos which are digitally altered/enhanced frankly make no sense at all, since the criteria for judging the two ought to be very different indeed. Simple cropping and perspective adjustments are of course a different thing entirely.

Thank you for your input Agrippa..

this is the reason I had stated to "follow instructions" prior to the round that is to be shot.

I felt it would be more challenging to the contest to see "pure photography"

But since we are in the "digital" age and computers are a part of everyday life .. personal as well as 99% business.. I felt mixing the 2 would be a good thought.

We are first and foremost a community of watch enthusiasts.. and not a Photo Forum.. but since we do have an avid interest in the camera since the forum and images of our timepieces go hand in hand ... ergo this event is happening.

the Judges have been invited to participate not solely or in any part due to their knowledge of the camera .. but in part of their time here and their passion and understanding for the Community.

Andrew has put it well ... in his criteria for judging this event... and all of the Judges have the ability and honesty to do right by this contest..

nnomad Posted Yesterday, 07:20 PM

Cant we all just love eachother!????............. ...................

Oh come on Phooo!.... relax!.. lets just enjoy this. Im looking forward to see your pics, and so a lot of people here.

Sorry nnomad... but my decision stands.. I have removed Phoband from this contest.

He is free to appeal this to me or whomever he chooses..

and to repeat .. you are either a contestant or have part in organizing the event.. you cannot have both... and be the format to anyones "liking" is missing the point of organizing/competing ... constructive critisism is one thing .. personal diatribes at the organizer is totally another.


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Sorry nnomad... but my decision stands.. I have removed Phoband from this contest.

He is free to appeal this to me or whomever he chooses..

and to repeat .. you are either a contestant or have part in organizing the event.. you cannot have both... and be the format to anyones "liking" is missing the point of organizing/competing ... constructive critisism is one thing .. personal diatribes at the organizer is totally another.




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