jfreeman420 Posted June 24, 2009 Author Report Posted June 24, 2009 Atually you are 100% wrong. It has nothikg to do with political slander IMO. It was an observation of society itself. Michelle Obama is not the centerpiece of the picture, nor is it criticizing her for helping out (although I'm sure the stunt was politically motivated). You are reading into this far to much, mick. My political agenda is none. I just call em as I see em. If you want to get into a right wing, left wing debate, it's obvious your tax bracket favors this administration as you have no problem letting the people in the higher tax bracket be penalized for harder work and higher intellience. Start making some real money, pay real taxes and maybe you won't be so pro Obama. It's aways the broke people whining about how the rich get off too easy and cry right wing bastards. Keep the change sir. A: I suspect some people don't understand how inexpensive cell phones are, or how critical they are to this population. These days, you can purchase a cell phone at 7-11 for $10, then pay for minutes as you go. Our clients have a very fragile safety net. Many of them don't have shelter and are extremely vulnerable. For them, cell phones could literally be a lifeline. If they're looking for a job, the cell phone would also be incredibly important - can you even imagine trying to apply for a job without a phone number? Cell phones simply aren't luxuries anymore. If a guest can scrape together some money to purchase a cell phone, I think that's wonderful. That is the most ignorant statment of the century so far. When did a cell phone become a neccessity? Food, shelter and clothes are neccessities, not cell phones. However little they may cost, I'm sure if you can pay for those minutes as you go, you can afford to eat. Leave that meal for someone who really needs it.
Corgi Posted June 24, 2009 Report Posted June 24, 2009 Mushroom risotto???? These people eat better than I do.
jfreeman420 Posted June 25, 2009 Author Report Posted June 25, 2009 Mushroom risotto???? These people eat better than I do.
Nanuq Posted June 25, 2009 Report Posted June 25, 2009 I lived on beans and rice and whatever I could catch for months on end in the dark end of the wilds of Alaska, and thought I was doing pretty well. Mushroom risotto? Pretty cushy. Rice and beans is way cheaper.
KB Posted June 25, 2009 Report Posted June 25, 2009 Beans you say nanuq? No wonder you camp alone. Ken
Nanuq Posted June 25, 2009 Report Posted June 25, 2009 Hey Ken, c'mere a minute, I got something I want to show you...... Oops! Scuze me.
KB Posted June 25, 2009 Report Posted June 25, 2009 See people in Alaska don't wear masks because of swine flu, they wear masks in case nanuq flung one. Ken
jfreeman420 Posted June 25, 2009 Author Report Posted June 25, 2009 Just noticed the name change. Next we will call ken K diddy.
kbh Posted June 25, 2009 Report Posted June 25, 2009 That is the most ignorant statment of the century so far. When did a cell phone become a neccessity? Food, shelter and clothes are neccessities, not cell phones. However little they may cost, I'm sure if you can pay for those minutes as you go, you can afford to eat. Leave that meal for someone who really needs it. That's a pretty ignorant statement itself. Having been in the construction industry for years, I've dealt with hundreds of day laborers from Central America and Mexico and the first thing they need, if they have any hope of getting more than one days work, is a cell phone. They may be living 10 or more in a trailer and eating beans and rice every day but they know the importance of a cell phone if they want to survive in America.
jfreeman420 Posted June 25, 2009 Author Report Posted June 25, 2009 I've dealt with hundreds of day laborers from Central America and Mexico So what you are saying is you employ illeagal aliens? And I suppose they get payed in cash and don't pay taxes either. Are they even getting minimum wage? Not a sector of the disadvantaged that I am concerned about staying in contact with their employers who are breaking the law.
kbh Posted June 25, 2009 Report Posted June 25, 2009 So what you are saying is you employ illeagal aliens? And I suppose they get payed in cash and don't pay taxes either. Are they even getting minimum wage? Not a sector of the disadvantaged that I am concerned about staying in contact with their employers who are breaking the law. They are a fact of life in South Florida whether you or I like it or not. I guess you would rather see them all starve to death rather than make a days wage to feed their families. I would think they would be your favorite sector of the disadvantaged. They use almost no welfare and social services other than when they end up in the hospital after getting robbed and beaten up by another segment of our population that looks at them a walking ATM machines. They also do most of the work that lazy assed Americans wouldn't do no matter how much you paid them. I don't know where you live but if it's in the US you better realize that they will be in your city soon. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.
kronos twin Posted June 25, 2009 Report Posted June 25, 2009 Wow, jfreeman. You're a piece of work. Keep calling em as you see em. What you see is extremely myopic and crude. And your assumptions about the financial status of the people here is the very same assumption people are making when they see the image of the man holding the cell phone. It's obvious you want to believe that you work harder for your money and that you're more intelligent than everyone else. Anyone who wants to see a poor, undignified man holding his cell phone in that image will see it. This reveals your bigotry at a level far more profound than you are aware. Or are we just too poor and stupid to know better? Of course, you have no political agenda. You are the only apolitical person on the planet. And humor is almost never about the truth. Right... Atually you are 100% wrong. It has nothikg to do with political slander IMO. It was an observation of society itself. Michelle Obama is not the centerpiece of the picture, nor is it criticizing her for helping out (although I'm sure the stunt was politically motivated). You are reading into this far to much, mick. My political agenda is none. I just call em as I see em. If you want to get into a right wing, left wing debate, it's obvious your tax bracket favors this administration as you have no problem letting the people in the higher tax bracket be penalized for harder work and higher intellience. Start making some real money, pay real taxes and maybe you won't be so pro Obama. It's aways the broke people whining about how the rich get off too easy and cry right wing bastards. Keep the change sir. That is the most ignorant statment of the century so far. When did a cell phone become a neccessity? Food, shelter and clothes are neccessities, not cell phones. However little they may cost, I'm sure if you can pay for those minutes as you go, you can afford to eat. Leave that meal for someone who really needs it.
jfreeman420 Posted June 25, 2009 Author Report Posted June 25, 2009 (edited) @KBH: I also live in S. FL. and yes illeagals are a fact of life. They work hard and feed their families, have cell phones and you don't see them looking for handouts. Totally the opposite of the subject of the picture. Nevertheless, I am strongly against anyone illeagaly entering the country. They should go through the proper channels. Whether you believe they use our public services or not, they do not contribute anything to the legal tax paying public and are a noose around the neck of legal US citizens. @Kronos: Yes I am a piece of work. I have my opinions politicaly and otherwise, but this post had no political agenda. I didn't mean for it to start a 2 page debate. I just thought it was funny. This reveals your bigotry at a level far more profound than you are aware. I'm no bigot, I hate everybody equally............. Edited June 25, 2009 by jfreeman420
KB Posted June 25, 2009 Report Posted June 25, 2009 Ok this thread has gone way off topic, so far in fact it is not worth reeling back in. Thread closed. Ken
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