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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2014 in all areas

  1. I have done it a few times. There is really nothing to it if you can get to the 2 screws that retain the entire DW. Sometimes the one screw is slightly obscured by the overlay, but if you use a smaller blade or go in at an angle you should be fine. Reassembly is all about getting in at an angle. I use Rodico to hold things in place, then screw the retainers down. Just jump in. If you can't access the one screw, you will have to remove the overlay.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Ok, so now we all be like F#CK YEAH STRIPPERS AND COCAINE!
    1 point
  4. My lovely Black Bay on bomber strap
    1 point
  5. Kinda disappointed with you guys. Vegas is Disneyland for adults. It's about getting dressed up, drinking too much, having a beautiful girl on your arm with not enough clothing, and spending too much money, which you hopefully won at the BJ table. I wear my gen tag with gen diamond bezel all the time there. To me, it's part of the fun of going to Vegas. I've woke up so many times in Vegas with a wallet hang over it's ridiculous. But you know what, everyone of those is one of the best times of my life. Here's to iced out watches in Vegas and convincing the hottest girl you've ever seen that she should go home with you. Let's face it, she's not going to call you out so it can't hurt.
    1 point
  6. Lol just saw the comment, my 7159 has returned home from mod. Pretty much all gen except the case, hand and strap.
    1 point
  7. 100 usd more and you could have the best sub, TC sub.
    1 point
  8. I would never wear it, but all that's important (as others have said) is that you like it, can afford it, and it fits with your lifestyle. But your point about Vegas is wrong. Vegas is my second home (I work in the gaming industry) and everything doesn't have to be loud in Vegas. Vegas is the land of the poseurs. Anyone who lives and works there knows it, and can readily spot them from a mile away. Fake atitudes, fake clothes, fake jewely, fake watches, fake bags, and overbought fake lifestyles. All trying to make people think they have more money and a better life than they really do. Your post is a prime example. The watch (if genuine) would easily be worth far more than the car. Can't tell you how many times I have seen guys sporting blinged out watches, chains, or clothes (while bragging about how much everything cost) all of the sudden clam up when they get asked to buy a couple of bottles at a club, or when the meal comes to $1,000. Wearing a $30k watch (if genuine) and can't sit at a $100 blackjack table? Consider that being called out ... it happens all the time ... When in Vegas, I am able to get VIP treatment everywhere I go. Although I certainly don't dress like a bum or wear a Timex, there is no need to be "loud" to get treated well. People figure out I am probably doing well financially because of how I carry myself, and how I actually spend. No flash, no hype necessary. I don't have to advertise or try to sell it. Even if someone is an athlete, celebrity or rock star it's still really not necessary. Look at LeBron James. Could wear all the iced out stuff anyone could afford and he's normally wearing conservative clothes, and an understated AP (due to his endorcement deal). Yet everyone knows he's the man. He doesn't have to prove himself to anyone. When anyone has to dial up the volume to "prove they belong", they ususally don't, and it readily shows to those they are trying to impress.
    1 point
  9. It's a nice release from university study to be perfectly honest. I like knowing how things work and a complex mechanism like this is even more fun. I just seem to be damaging more than I fix
    1 point
  10. Hayden, I'm going through the same experience Isn't it amazing? And also a great patience exercise
    1 point
  11. Just because I've a perfect way to get rid of them I don't have real terms of paragon since I don't own any high level gen with AR coating, but out of the 3 it's the best one.
    1 point
  12. Looks great to me. Super critical points. Date looks a bit low and pic 4 and 7 it looks like the rubber strap is splitting a bit? I'd be more concerned with the strap if I'm reading the pics right. It could be a seam/ join though...
    1 point
  13. So I got the diver from Andrew at Trusty Time on Tuesday. As per, the transaction was flawless, and the watch got to me a week after I placed the order. The watch looks superb and feels well made, keeps time well (though the rotor on the movement is very noisy, it seems the bearing is of poor quality and makes quite a racket). Going back to the original topic of this thread, one of the reasons I bought the watch was to use as a dive watch. I decided to have a look inside. I started by taking the 8 screws off the bottom of the case. These were not tightened very well, so lesson number one is if you are planning to taking this watch anywhere near water make sure to check that these are not loose. Once I got them out I took off the case back to find a greased rubber gasket on the case back. As a precaution I re-greased the gasket with some silicone grease that I normally use on my underwater camera and torch o-rings. Next I removed the 8 mini-nuts that hold the hexagonal bolts and the ceramic bezel and the front glass in place. Upon taking the ceramic bezel off I discovered that bezel was cracked at the nuts in at least 3 places, similar to what is described by olreon in his post here http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/158555-carbon-diver-on-trustytime/page-8. I believe this to be due partly due to the lack of rubber mini-gaskets on the bolts (gen has them), so when tightened the metal on ceramic pressure simply cracks the bezel. I believe this can be solved by the manufacturer by including these mini gaskets in. In terms of water resistance, these gaskets stop the water from getting into a space below the bezel and corroding the bolts. This would be quite relevant if you are going to expose the watch to salt water which is quite corrosive. Having said that since the movement is sealed by the front glass which has an additional rubber gasket, this issue with the bolts does not affect the water resistance of the watch. Taking the front glass off, on the underside I found a well placed rubber gasket (though this one was quite dry). I greased it with silicon, checked for dust and re-assembled the watch. Throughout the process I did not take out the movement, as there really was not need for it. Once done I greased the gaskets on both crowns, and dropped the watch into a glass of water to sit overnight. Next morning I check the watch and it seems to have passed this initial test. I will take it diving over the next couple of weeks to see how it holds up at depth over a period of 1-2 hours. Having taken the watch apart however I must say that something like a Rolex Submariner should make a more reliable dive companion, as it has far fewer potential failure points than this AP. As such I think I might splash out on a Sub (possibly even a gen). Hope you guys find this useful. Will keep you posted on further developments.
    1 point
  14. The factory is out of Blue dials until after CNY... Hopefully they will have the correct rotors as well. Get the grey dial, it's amazing too!
    1 point
  15. I usually replace bracelets immediately, but this one is very comfortable and the double lock clasp system is very solid. Overall finish is excellent. It will stay on this watch
    1 point
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