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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2015 in all areas

  1. Been a while since I got the camera out; grabbed a few shots before putting these away in the bank vault and thought I'd post, no rhyme, no reason...
    5 points
  2. Everybody, everywhere has history they wish they could undo. Stuff they hope the world doesn't uncover. All of us. Does that mean it's the end of the road? Does that mean we're forever stained with no hope of redemption? No. Every one of us has at some point secretly begged for a chance to start over again. We're all in the same boat. Nobody's better than anybody else. So what do we do with that? We extend grace. We swallow and look the other way. Or we grab the guy's hand, look him in the eye and take his measure. There's unspoken communication there, and an understanding. I know... don't do it again. And across the table comes back the same gaze... "Yeah me too." Mutual weakness relies on mutual honesty to build mutual trust. It's a flimsy fabric. But over time we keep looking each other in the eye and taking that measure. Some will rise to the challenge and others will fail. That doesn't mean we don't extend grace and keep looking each other in the eye. That's what communities are for, and where life happens. I sincerely hope I'm worthy of the trust people here place in me. And I hope each of you are worthy of the trust we've placed in you. There are no guarantees, but we can try to know each other and that's a pretty good place to start.
    5 points
  3. Just in, traded my red sub and a little cash for it, double swiss gilt!
    4 points
  4. Just received my 7206 bracelet that I sent to CWR (Michael Young @ Classic Watch Repair) in HK. His little shop of elves do a great job. When I bought this bracelet a year ago, it had some reasonable stretch in it. Not ridiculous, but stretched nonetheless. Now it's practically NOS. If you have a vintage bracelet that you're thinking of sending him, depending on the stretch, the finished product can be about 1 link shorter. He can add a link for you at additional cost. I ve dealt with MY several times and his bracelet repair is excellent and well worth the $200. I will be sending him my 6636 next.
    3 points
  5. I believe that they are cracking down, because thye want everyone who sells or repairs to be a "supporting Vendor" At a "Small cost". I hate to see what they are doing happen, but their loss is definitely our gain!! I have known Matt for several years, and everything he has ever done for me has been better than expected. He and I have a lot in common, because we are about the same age, but that aside, he is very competent and a great guy to work with. In fact i have a watch all boxed up and in my truck, ready to drop at the PO, going to Matt.He has worked on genuine Rolex watches of mine, and that's something that i certainly wouldn't trust to just anyone.
    2 points
  6. I agree the ban seems harsh Micky, but like Mike has said it was only a matter of time before they gave you the boot over there, hey there are far worse places to be than right here mate
    2 points
  7. tc sub with drilled lugholes, genuine bezel,dial,crown,tube,springbars,crystal,datedisc and a3135 movement tc sub with drilled lh genuine bezel,dial,crown,tube,springbars,bracelet movement swiss eta 2849-2 with mbw dwo (open 6 and 9) 6263 daytona with val72 in a dw case genuine parts: dial,crystal,bracelet,pusher,crown and tube
    1 point
  8. Still hanging around this beautiful city.
    1 point
  9. Let me start off by saying I have known Matt since I was a kid. He was there for me when i got my first rep DJ and he turned it into a master piece when I was 13. It blew my mind at such a young age and I've been in the rep scene ever since. I am so happy I got to introduce him to the forums and he has been able to extend his expertise to all of you guys. Matt is truly a remarkable person. Truly a honor to know the guy.
    1 point
  10. Honestly, you probably won't see a decline. there are a lot of guys there who will stay around for a long time. As long as they don't incur the wrath of the admin's. there is no reason to believe that anything will happen to them. I do go over there, as their AP section is by far the most active of the rep forums. They also have a very active sales section. However they do have a fair number of guys who are not so knowledgeable. The sales threads are sometimes almost amusing. When you list a Rolex 16610 as a Super Franken", which consists of a "genuine" ETA movement, gen insert and maybe a gen crown, that's oversell at it's max.
    1 point
  11. What they said!! biggest problem with these older models, are they gen like construction? IF you can't put a gen bezel, dial crystal on them, they aren't worth much. The ETA movement is a nice plus though. But to sell, you need to upgrade to VIP, take a tagged photo and put it up for sale. What did the infamous RBJ do in the way of modding the watch, you never said ?
    1 point
  12. Those TT jubilees hold up ok- the center links don't get that much wear and tear. It's a roll of the dice on whether or not a gen dial will fit in there- you just have to give it a go and see. I was never able to get a gen dial to fit in a rep DJ case until I got a case from Mymanmatt- the gen dial fit in there.
    1 point
  13. We picked up a new puppy last night. It's been to years since my 14 year old Yellow Lab passed. We are still in the naming process...either Gunner or Rolo. Now if you see dog hair on my watch pictures you will understand.
    1 point
  14. MMM is a great guy. I don't like how Repgeek owner is making him look like a villain. He adds a lot to the community. We are beginning to loss sight of why we are all here....its for a hobby! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. We are not worthy... thank you for this small glimpse from the Patekosphere.... I'm feeling a touch faint
    1 point
  16. Some details... -'Voldemort' dial (2 line red depth with numeral markers on an original Beyler plate) -Genuine Rolex caliber 1030 -Hands (?? Dunno) -JW case -Genuine Rolex crown -Genuine Rolex fat font insert -Genuine C+I bracelet -Genuine PPCo dial (champlevé enamel) -Valjoux caliber 23 -Genuine PPCo hands -JW case -Genuine PPCo crown (unsigned; period correct) -Genuine PPCo/Camille Fournet strap -Genuine PPCo steel buckle (14mm period correct) -Genuine PPCo dial (champlevé enamel) -Genuine PPCo caliber 27SC -Genuine PPCo hands -JW case -Genuine PPCo crown (unsigned; period correct) -Genuine PPCo/Camille Fournet strap -Genuine PPCo steel buckle (16mm period correct) -Genuine PPCo dial (champlevé enamel) -Genuine PPCo caliber 12-120 -Genuine PPCo hands -JW case -Genuine PPCo crown (unsigned; period correct) -Genuine PPCo/Camille Fournet strap -Genuine PPCo steel buckle (16mm period correct) -Genuine PPCo dial (18k hallmarked dial base; some of the gold is peeking through on the patina) -Genuine PPCo caliber 23-300 -Genuine PPCo hands -Steel vintage case -Genuine PPCo 18k WG crown -Hirsch strap -Genuine PPCo steel buckle (16mm)
    1 point
  17. The ole master pokes his head out to shame us all. Beautiful as always old friend Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. I've chipped in over there for what it's worth. Anyhow, Micky fits in fine here.
    1 point
  19. Thanks guys, Home is where the heart is, and the RWGF community have shown that this place has a heart. When I get some time, I will contribute to the forums more with tutorials, and alike
    1 point
  20. Well said, Legend. Micky, welcome to the home of the grown-ups. The adults around the table, so to say.
    1 point
  21. I totally agree Freddy, it is a terrible disease, that takes everyone, irregardless of race, color, creed, station in life, etc. it is a cruel and relentless killer. In my almost 40 years of anesthesia, I cannot count how many times I have looked at the total devastation., and the hope that often turns to despair as the disease slowly destroys the body. While there are a few glimmers of hope, they are few and far between. It is a very close adversary to me. I lost my wife of 38 years to Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, and I am a 5 year survivor of Prostate cancer, so it hits very close to home for me. I hate it with a passion. It's really sad that our and other governments fritter away billions of dollars on BS projects, that could well be directed toward finding cures for a lot of different cancers. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. They're clearly a bunch of assholes. They'll never see a dime of support from me. I made my point clear, but the clique is going to try and defend the egotistic moderator who imposed the ban.
    1 point
  23. Alan was 1 of the guys I kept running into (in a good way) when I 1st found RWG. He was both helpful &, on occasion, a bit confrontational (about watches)......but always a gentleman & someone I learned alot from. As a mod, we did not always see eye-to-eye, but I still respected & missed him when he decided to resign his position. I knew he was dealing with health issues, but had absolutely no idea they were life-threatening. It is very sad when reality makes clear how impermanent & finite we are. But I am happy to hear that he was able to spend his final days with the woman he loved & hope his final thoughts were positive. It is about time we finally won the War On Cancer - a grotesque disease that has claimed far too many good people.
    1 point
  24. This makes me so sad, Alan was a personal friend who I have shared beers and dinner with on a number of occasions, he used to live not far and if fact serviced my fathers boat regularly before moving to the Gold coast. He even took time to do a little tour guiding for my parents when they were up his way years ago. A genuinely nice guy who built his watch parts business the hard way travelling to Gaungzhou. Sadly missed buddy Ken
    1 point
  25. Added my $0.02 worth. Whether it gets a reasoned reply who knows, but I hope it will. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. Guys get a admin on this and work it out Even though my opinion is this seems really shady Thegrail ?? You Should have told about it as dont Think Anyone Would buy a watch with a missing serial shaven off ??? And this behavior about how you talk to people and being a ***** i seen it before rude answers to alot of people But again get this with a admin and work it out But i Think a refund is due not believing the Whole Thing about it looks worse Then it was before because Well i cant see Anything other Then i seen on the sale topics pictures But we are gentleman here on this forum so lets not swing attacks out so work it out either with a admin and get on
    1 point
  27. Wow, floored with this news. Rest in peace ole boy.
    1 point
  28. I'm not going to say anything related to the ban as I'm just a tech administrator at RWI and not an admin making decisions like this, BUT let me make this clear: the only admin having knowledge to read PM's is ME and it takes quite some work to read conversations from the database. There is NO plugin in RWI's system to read private messages as we respect the privacy of the members. I'm the only admin with database access to optimise it and fix problems. I can assure you the PM's where not monitored. That's all I wanted to make clear, and like I said I'm not going into discussion about the banning as it's not my position to do so. ** This message may, or may not, be sent using Tapatalk **
    1 point
  29. nice and here the same of ´89 in white
    1 point
  30. Nice view. Sent from my droptop using telepathy [emoji466]️
    1 point
  31. Gentlemen, I'm sorry for my brief message this morning announcing this sad news. I'm back now and have a little more time. Here's what our friends next door wrote about Alan... he was a giant walking among men and I'm going to miss him terribly. ------------------- It is my sad duty to inform you we have lost a member, dealer and friend. Alan "Offshore" Day passed away yesterday afternoon in the Gold Coast hospital from complications connected with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and an existing heart condition. Alan has not been well for some time but this still comes as a great shock to many of us. I last saw Alan about a week ago and he looked better than he had in some time and had finished his last round of chemo. On Wednesday he was returned to hospital with a possible heart attack and diagnosed with kidney failure. Due to his heart not being up to it dialysis was not an option. He passed away quietly with his partner of two years by his side. The forum, it's owners and staff pass on their deep condolences to Karen, his partner. For now Watchbitz is closed, Karen will take care of any outstanding orders and the shop will re-open in due course. Alan did well in life, he owned and ran the largest marine dealership in Victoria for many years and was the largest Mercury dealer in Australia. His nick derives from his days racing F1 powerboats, something he did with great success. Before that Alan was co-founder of the first wetsuit maker in Austraila and the owner of one of the first dive tank compressors in the state. Shark Wetsuits provided the tanks and fills used in the search for Harold Holt, the AU Prime Minister who went missing in the Victorian surf. Alan stayed and filled dozens of tanks while his mates accompanied the Federal cops who had called in and told them the news in greatest secrecy to help dive the search area. Alan was diving before PADI existed and helped formulate the dive standards used in AU to this day. He was a pioneering cave diver and was one of those who often conducted searches for the bodies of those lost in caves in Victoria and South Australia. He was one of the divers who recovered the bodies of the divers portrayed in the James Cameron film Sanctum (Sanctum is based on events that took place in Australia in 1963 and 1988). He was the technical adviser on the film and also signed off on the technical correctness of the rushes each day. He also supplied some of the watches used in the film including the watch he wore on the recovery dive. He was the last of the great cave divers (US and Aussie) from the era still alive. All the rest have either died doing what they loved or passed away from diving related illness. After selling the boatyard he set up a business selling wholesale plain box OEM parts for outboards, another success before moving to the Gold Coast and working as a project manager on several super yacht builds which is where I came to know him. After that he managed operations for a jetty and pontoon company before going into semi retirement and starting first watchwerks and then watchbitz. He also became the Australasian distributor for Squale Watches. With that the wheel turned the full circle as Squale is Italian for Shark, his old wetsuit brand. Whilst Alan outlived his family (his mother passed away at Easter) he will be sorely missed by many, many friends.
    1 point
  32. Thi sis one of the least expensive watches I have ever bought however what a great watch and great colurs. AJ
    1 point
  33. IT IS FINISHED!!! Rolex 1966 "5513" Gilt Underline Submariner ​Genuine Rolex Cal.1520 movement, +/- 3 seconds per day, completely serviced and rebuilt by master watchmaker Reshaped 1680 case by DBane to 1966 Point Crown Guard 5513, bevels re-cut, significant shaping work done Mid-Case engraving done by NeckyZips Genuine Rolex T-19 plexi Genuine 5512 caseback with affixed NOS Genuine 5513 factory sticker, pre-hologram Genuine 700 crown and tube Genuine 2mm spring-bars (not employed at the moment as they didn't fit this bracelet) (found them!!) Yuki Dial & Hands relumed and aged by Daz Genuine bezel assembly OEM aged/faded insert from Daz (I also have genuine insert as well, but prefer this "ghost-like" insert) StoneP sourced rivet 7206 style bracelet, also have horween shell cordovan and worn&wound horween straps What do you all think? I took some shots with the Canon 35mm DSLR, and I took some with the iPhone and OlloClip.
    1 point
  34. I don't post here a lot, but I have gained a large amount of knowledge from members. I want to share my latest build. I present my 6205 homage. Silix 6538 case ETA 2836 Stock crystal, but shaved to sit lower Insert bleached Lugs beveled Custom Helenarou dial (lightly baked to puff the lume) 3 hands from 3 different sources Here's my inspiration side by side with my finished product. Thanks for looking.
    1 point
  35. Macros. Case reshaped, beveled, rebrushed, polished, aged.. etc.. Before: After:
    1 point
  36. Here's another seller that I've had excellent luck with. Same bracelet as far as I can tell as those $200 ones. He's also an eBay seller but you can contact him direct and he will send full QC pictures. Nice guy to deal with and the gold wrapped ones are in the $70 range. Specify that you want a branded one to get the Rolex markings. riyi002@sina.com
    1 point
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