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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2015 in all areas

  1. If it's supposed to be flat in the middle it could be milled, and while being milled it could have a PanAm logo added...
    1 point
  2. Just finished modding this baby with a GEN dial, bezel, and insert. Added a double AR crystal. Detailed post pending on the mod coming soon to the Rolex section. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. You absolutely cannot go wrong with Matt. He has forgotten more about DJ's and DD's than most folks know!! Remember Matt is in Dallas, the home of JR, Big Oil, Big hair and lots of wealthy folks and even more that aren't but want you to think they are!! I bet Rolex sells more of these models in Dallas and Houston than they do in any two other places in the world. Matt has been building these outstanding watches for a long,long time, way before the Internet and watch forums. Useless trivia Texas State animal -Armadillo Texas State car - Suburban Texas State Official Uniform- Stetson Hat, Alligator boots, Wrangler jeans, Solid Gold Rolex DayDate You might not own an Armadillo, but you sure need the rest!!!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Straight from the Daily Mail............ A father who scratched his keys along the bodywork of a £100,000 Aston Martin while out pushing a pram walked free from court today after the car's owner said he did not want to see him jailed. Gary Brissett, 48, was with his 13-month-old baby when he caused nearly £8,000 damage by scratching the supercar while driver Oliver Hall popped into the shops in Hackney, east London. Mr Hall returned moments later and drove off before discovering a long scratch mark down the full length of the passenger side of his vehicle. The incident was captured by the car’s dash cam and was later viewed by millions of people online. The video was shown as evidence at Thames Magistrates' Court today before Brissett was given an eight-week suspended sentence and ordered to pay £1095. The footage shows him stop in front of the V8 Vanquish sports car before rummaging around in his pockets. After he finds his keys, Brissett pulls the cover down on the baby's pushchair and slowly approaches the vehicle parked in Tesco Car park. With the keys in his left hand, Brissett grimaces as he drags them down the complete side of the car, ruining the Aston Martin's paintwork and causing £7,741.28-worth of damage. The vandal gave a full and frank admission and pleaded guilty to criminal damage after he was identified from the footage and arrested. Brissett's personal circumstances were considered at his sentencing hearing today and Mr Hall gave a statement to court saying he did not wish to see the father locked up. Mr Hall has yet to claim on his insurance for the damage, and Brissett was ordered to pay £750 compensation to the victim from his benefits. Prosecutor Karen Phillips said: 'The victim parked his Aston Martin and he left it in a secure space while going into the Tesco supermarket. 'He later drove off but discovered his car had been scratched on the nearside. 'Upon watching the CCTV footage it was reported to police and Mr Brissett was later identified by three police officers.' In a statement read in court Mr Hall said: 'I don't wish to see the upbringing of his child be permanently affected by a stay in prison.' Daniel O'Donoghue, defending, said: 'Mr Brissett has to concede that this is a serious offence by virtue of the high value of the damage caused. 'The owner was not present at the time and it doesn't take place in the context of any violent action. We have heard from the victim that the impact is primarily financial.' Brissett trained as a painter and decorator with City and Guilds after serving a lengthy jail term for an unspecified offences in the 90s and has started his own home improvement business. But he has been unemployed since August 2014 and is now in receipt of £600 benefits a month. Chair of the bench Sharon Higgins took into account the impact a custodial sentence would have on Brissett's two children. He sends between £100-£150 a month to his eight-year-old daughter living with her grandmother in Jamaica after her mother died seven years ago, the court heard. Brissett is the main carer for his 13-month-old baby as the mother is suffering from post-natal depression, the court heard. Mr O'Donoghue said Brissett has had to give up work from August 2014 in order to be a full-time carer for his baby, and lives in emergency council accommodation. Brissett, of Hackney, was given an eight-week sentence suspended for 12 months and ordered to wear an electronic tag and observe a curfew from 9pm-7am for three months. He must also pay £10 a week towards a £180 criminal court charge, £85 prosecution costs, a £80 victim surcharge, and £750 compensation. So, almost Pete, almost ......
    1 point
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