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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2015 in all areas

  1. With 6.5" wrist size, I was thinking I never like DSSD...looks too big, too heavy, too clumsy...those are the thoughts when I never see a real one. It was about 9 months ago, there was a local boy selling his BK DSSD V6 at an incredible good price. I told myself, let's try it on. If I don't like it, I can always sell it at the same price because it is a great price to start with...so I bought my first ever DSSD. Since then, I started to love DSSD. I feels great on my 6.5" wrist. Never feel it's too big. Also I got used to the weight of wearing an AP ROO with bracelet, this DSSD does not feel too heavy to me. The love just keep growing in me. Then I was thinking...I need a franken DSSD. I want to make it perfect. Fast-forward to another 3 months, I encountered a franken BK DSSD from @Heisenburg here, with gen insert, PBDAD's matte processed and relumed dial. I snapped it right away. I also learn a lot from Heisenburg about different versions of the dial...about the difference on the gen and rep bezel...He is truely a great member here! After I spent a bit time with this DSSD, I found that the relumed job on the dial is not 100% perfect. It can only be seen if I take close up photo and mag x10 to see that. Normal eyes are not easy to impossible to see within a foot, not even talking about 5 feet away...And after I read lots of gen and rep forums, the gen DSSD dials seem to be "satin" instead of "matt" finished. I am an anal-perfectionist in this aspect...I want to make it perfect. So I sold this franken and started to think of building a franken starting from scratch. So I went out looking for gen parts...lucky enough, I met another good member (now a good friend) @sacsha1 from the sister forum for some gen parts (gen insert/bezel/spring-click-ball-bearing, dials). At the same time, after I learnt that there are different versions of the dial, I couldn't stop myself to get each one of them. With everything's ready...it was the time to send everything to the modder to assemble everything together, also let's do some more modding like darken the OGEV text, brush the braclet, single AR the crystal... and it was the beginning of the nightmare... The modder was great, promising and responsive to start with, and estimated the work would take around 2 weeks...made sense and sounded good to me! So I paid and went ahead to send all parts to him. At the same time, I ordered a BK DSSD 2015 version and send directly to him as well. It took about 1.5 weeks to finally have the watch arrived to the modder. And he also confirmed that all parts has arrived and will start the work, also send the crystal to his lab for the single AR. Then I waited for a week...no update from him. Which is ok because he said it would take 2 weeks. But I sent him an email anyway to see the progress. No reply in 6 days, then he said no news from his lab. Waited another a week, asked again...no reply in another 7 days, then an email came back said no news from the lab. Back and forth for 2 months...finally got the crystal back...but modder said AR was not done right. Returned to the lab and redo... Email back and forth and waited another month. Crystal was done right. Then modder said will finish the work by the weekend. After the weekend, an email came back saying 2015 DSSD case cannot fit gen bezel and the size is too big. Then I happened to see another 2014 BK DSSD on m2m, so I snapped it right away and sent it to the modder to put the gen dial and bezel on it. Modder came back in a week saying that the already AR'ed crystal on 2015 DSSD does not fit with the 2014 DSSD case. Asked me do I want to send the 2014 crystal to his lab to AR. I didn't want to wait another 2 months so I said no. I know rep game is a waiting game...but I nearly spent $3k and still never see anything except the pic from the seller. I needed to see and touch a DSSD badly...like NOW!! Fast-forward to all the chasing email and frustrated super non-responsive breif emails... Finally...the franken DSSD arrived, and I love it! It's so great to look at...the dial...the bezel... But wait a minute...my buddy sacsha1 told me that the gen DSSD has a tiny sunken HEV, and the razar sharp edge center link SEL...which the noob DSSDs aren't still up to the gen spec at the moment. And I really blame on sacsha1...one day I randomly walked in the AD after lunch, asked for whether they have black dial daytona (sold out everywhere all the time), they routinely said NO...then I asked...what about Deepsea BLUE? I never have any love on the d-blue, only dssd black. But I know it's rare from the AD. They only have one or two to sell in a year. Suprisingly, the guy from the AD said..."I might have one". Then he went to the back and took out one. It was still in the small transparent plastic box (not the big green rolex box). He took it out to me, and I immediately put it on my wrist...oh...that moment...my love to d-blue exploded. I resisted to take it off. And I took out my wallet... This blue/black gradient dial just grows in me everyday. I love it so much. I look at it all the time under different lighting and see how it changes... It was very difficult to catch that bad boy LEC from the gen crystal...with my presbyopia eyes...took me 5 minutes to look for it. So now, I have a few dssd and dials to play with... a 2015 BK DSSD with AR'ed crystal, modded OGEV (top center without bracelet) a 2014 franken BK DSSD with gen mk1 dial, gen bezel, modded OGEV (top right) a gen d-blue (top left) a gen black mk2 dial (lower left) a gen black mk3 dial (lower center) a rep black mk1 dial (lower right) I think other members have done lots of comparisons on the DSSD...but I am doing a few as well on some particular areas Let's look at the OGEV... Gen d-blue: 2015 BK DSSD: 2014 fraken BK DSSD: Conclusion: the noob version OGEV are pretty much flat level with the case. But if you are not 1 foot away looking at it, you won't be able to see. Next, let's see the bezel height... Gen: it has a tiny gap between bezel and case...I would say less than 0.5mm. Also SEL center link edges are sharp 2015 BK DSSD: pretty close to the gen with tiny gap 2014 franken BK DSSD: I think the modder did not do a good job assembling the gen bezel on this so it leaves a rather bigger gap here. Also the SEL center link edges are rounded. Conclusion: The out-of-the-box noob DSSD are pretty good on the bezel. Very gen like. I would say the gen bezel feels a tiny bit sharper on the teeth. One note that the gen bezel with gen ball-bearing spring turns very softly and feels great. While the rep noob bezel turns relatively tighter. But who cares? I don't turn the bezel everyday. I will later install the original 2014 bezel back to the 2014 case to minimize the gap on the franken. Last but not least, let's look at the black dials...I want to show the difference under the light. It's definitely not matte in anyway. Gen mk2 dial: Satin under light...still glossy tho Gen mk3 dial: (at the left) Noob Rep mk1 dial: Conclusion: The Noob mk1 dial is glossy, without the satin light reflection under light. But again it is very very hard to see under the crystal. Also the prints on the mk1 dial are definitely embossed onto the dial. Not just flat print on it. Very gen like!!! One more thing...the Crystal...the gen crystal is very very clear! Since I have done a single AR on the 2015 BK DSSD, it is definitely more clear than the stock noob crystal on the franken 2014 DSSD with gen dial. The AR makes the crystal to look amazingly clear and very close to the gen's clarity on my d-blue. If anyone has a chance to do the AR, it's no brainer for a simple upgrade! This is my journey so far within 9 months. Thanks for reading and hope you are not too bored...
    1 point
  2. Still wearing my GMT-C
    1 point
  3. I think that this discussion is remarkably civil, considering some of the other forums that I venture onto.
    1 point
  4. The world has changed a lot since 2005........ Not sure of your point and how it relates to the world TODAY.
    1 point
  5. "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims". Right? Here are the facts… you decide. The FBI published a study of all terrorist attacks in the US from 1980-2005. - 42% Latino based (Christian) - 24% Extreme left-wing groups - 7% Jewish Extremists - 6% Islamic Extremists - up until 9/11, the worst terrorist attack on US soil was conducted by a White American Christian. In Europe: - Europol reported that the vast majority of terror attacks were separatist base with only 2% being religiously motivated. The majority were based on ethno-nationalist and separatist belief. - FNLC a French terrorist group carrying out coordinated rocket attacks in France. - FAI an anarchist group in Italy carrying out numerous terror attacks in Italy. -ETA a terror group in Northern Spain and Southwestern France. - 2011, one of the worst terror attacks in Europe was the attack that saw the slaughter of 77 people in Norway by a white man to further his Anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, Pro-Christian agenda. - the IRA (have we forgotten them) until recent. There is less likely to be a religious base terror attack than an attack perpetrated by a separatist group trying to further their political agenda. Just because the media reports, sensationalized, or say that it's so… does not make it so. Go out and learn things. Form your own opinions. But please, learn the facts before you promote what talking heads are saying. That's all I have to say about that… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. What do the terrorist organizations want? That will determine the strategy to defeat them. Are they after world domination? Or, are they wanting the rest of the world to get out of the middle-east and leave them to themselves? While I'm no middle east expert by any means, I'm guessing the latter is the right answer. My solution would be clear and to the point....... Pull out of the region completely. Make it crystal clear that once we are out, if we are attacked, the country where attack originates from will be obliterated within 3 days. Then we need to be ready to do it. Then make it crystal clear that a second attack will result in the obliteration of Mecca. And, we need to be ready to do it. The threat against Mecca will get the attention of the entire Muslim world, especially the Saudis. They will reel in the terrorists in short order, once they know the rest of the world is serious and has had enough. Unfortunately, this kind of response is the only one that extremists understand. Negotiation is not part of their cultural make-up. Now, will any of that ever happen? IMO, NEVER........... Correct in that all Muslims are not terrorists. However, virtually all terrorists are Muslims. The rest of the world is not going to put a stop to this mess we are in. Muslims themselves, need to rise up against the terrorist organizations and squash them, themselves. A number of Parisian Muslims spoke out against the attacks in France over the past few days, but that's not enough. They need to rise up and take back control of their religion. The rest of the world cannot do it without massive attacks that no one has the stomach for.
    1 point
  7. You need to send this one to me my dear
    1 point
  8. So just looking on the flip side. If a hand full of Christian nut jobs went to Pakistan and shot up a lot of civilians they would be justified in putting a few nukes into most of the major American cities? After all these nut jobs are Christian so they represent all the Christians right? No? Thought not. Ken
    1 point
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