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Posts posted by Admin

  1. OK., since the last cry for help from Admin . for future funds to support RWG , just where are we?

    A decision will be made later to-day or to-morrow.

    The supporters will be the first to know.

    Well that has come and gone and still , I for one do not know what the outcome of all this has been.

    Apart from the members , pulling RWG out of the poo, what has changed for the better?

    What changes have been made?

    What is the outcome and status of membership?

    Look, I should NOT be having to ask these questions.

    These answers should have been shown and told UPFRONT.

    Hi rodwc

    Unfortunately, things have taken much longer than I anticipated they would. This is entirely my fault, as I am looking into some new solutions for the forum that can handle some of the changes I have in my mind and this has taken time. My apologiez for this and not keeping you guys updated. Look out for a post in the supporters forum tonight, EU time.

  2. I would like to send a big "Thank you!!" to all of the members who have contributed to us these last couple of days. The response has been nothing short of amazing. There are still some unaswered PM's about upgrading, etc. and I will get to you as soon as possible. If I have forgotten to send a BIG thank you to any of those who have been in touch with me via PM, I am very sorry. This is not intetntional, but I have literally gotten hundreds of PM's these last couple of days.

    So again, thank you to all of you out there who have contributed financially to RWG these last couple of days. I also think that a big thank you to the entire RWG community and to ALL members is in it's place, as you, the great people who are out there, are the ones that make RWG to what it is.


    Your humble admin

  3. As I have said before; there are many good suggestions here. I'm off to bed now, but I'll try to assemle a list of all the suggestions and put it up for discussion in the admin area. One thing is for sure; the supporters will be the first ones to know what we would like to do and they will also be involved in making the decisions.

  4. will appreciate some answers before donating again.

    I'll do my best to answer your questions;

    How come other sites (we all know which sites I mean) they manage it ???

    Dunno if this is a good answer, but this is how things are; The other forums have a completely different hosting setup thatn we have. They are either hosted on shared or VPS servers, located either in europe (repgeek) or in the in the US. RWG is hosted on 2 servers; 1 powerful dedicated server to handle all the traffic we get and a secondary server who acts like a reverse proxy to hide the identity of our main server. On top of this, our main server is hosted at a offshore datacentre. We pay a high premium for this, because offshort hosting is quite a bit more expensive than "regular" servers located anywhere in the world. Same thing goes for bandwidth. You don't get the same amount of bandwidth included in the price as you would elsewhere. But it is a good setup and it is a secure setup. Do we need this kind of setup? Well, that is a good question since it seems that both forums in the US and in europe don't have any problems. You tell me if we need this.

    12000 members. That's not a true number.
  5. Thank you all. There are some wonderful ideas in this thread and I will for sure go for some of them. But you guys also need to keem a couple of things in the back of your mind:

    Yes, there is a very small percentage of members who pay to play, but the aother percentage is also what makes RWG what it is, like it or not. If we make this a pay-only board, we will loose big chunk of the members to other boards and this will decrease the quality of this board. I don't think a board where all members would have to pay would be a success, but I could of course be wrong.

    Re. recurring payments. I have no problems understanding that people have a problemw with this. These payments can easily be cancelled through paypal and we can provide detailed instructions on how this can be done. I don't mind charging a 1 year membership as a one time payment either. I guess my question here is if people are cool with paying $5 a month so that a year would be $60 or if they expect discounted memberships for a year?

    As someone mentioned above, it is the usual pattern on this kind of discussion; mostly members who are already supporters who post. I really wish the regular members would chime in here with both suggestions and their thoughts.

    But this is a good thread and a good discussion. Let's keep it up and together we'll find a permanent solution to this.

  6. Let me just throw this out in to the discussion: Should we start compiling a list of 300+ members who are willing to donate to the forum on a monthly basis ($5 a month supporter memberships)? That way, we would have everything covered each month. If we get more supporters than that, I could get myself a couple of beers ;)

  7. Guys, I really do not want this to be a thread for bashing non-paying members or making members feel bad for not supporting this place. All the facts are right there in the first post, so people can make up their own minds, based on their own situation and economy. Hell, maybe people even needs to be pushed into donating, but I guess that would have to be my job? But I have to admin that I really wonder what it would take to get enough supporting members? $1 a month memberships or is it not about the price, but more about the principle or simply the fact that members can not afford to support this place? Another reason is of course the multiple forums that are out there who all require some sort of support and you just can support them all. Maybe another reason?

  8. As I have written in some posts before, we've had a bit of bad luck lately. Last week our last remaining payment option got closed down. Since the forum rely on supporting members, this is not very good. What made it worse was that all funds in my account will be held for 90 days. These funds were supposed to pay the hosting/license bill that is due in 4-5 days. So this basically means that I have to do something that I really hate to do; ask for your hard earned money. We have needed your support before and now we need it again. It is of course up to you to decide if you can afford to contribute or not. I will not push any members into this, but I will say this; we now have 11673 members here. Out of these, we have 467 paying supporters. That's about 4% of the members. Last year, this number was 7%!

    Now I am not saying that this number need to be as high as 7%. If it was that high, I would actually be making money from this forum, God forbid :o;) All I really want is enough supporters so that I;

    1. Don't have to pay anything of the hosting bill myself. I do not like the fact that I have spent countless hours here and then I have to pay for all the work I have done. Last month I paid almost $500 out of my own pocket and since I don't have a steady income from my business yet, it really hurts in my wallet.

    2. Don't have to worry about if we are going to have enough money to pay next months bills.

    And yes, I know that I created this forum, so why should I not pay for it myself? Well, if you think that's fair and all info on the Internet should be free and bla, bla, bla, then so be it. We all have our opinions and you are of course entitled to yours.

    So what are we going to do about this? Every time I post a post like this, there are several extremely generous members who step up and donate a lot of money. Already, a couple of these members have sent $100 each to help out this month and this is of course highly appreciated. But this forum is not for a few members. We have almost 12000 members here and all of these members use this server. They use it every time they read a post, load an image, send a PM, post a new post, etc. We are all responsible for the almost 400GB of bandwidth this server uses every month. And for those of you who do not know; RWG has a secure setup to protect it's members. We are hosted on a ridiculos expensive offshore server + we also have a reverse proxy server to hide our real location. Not gonna go into more details here, but try doing a search for offshore hosting. If you know anything about hosting, you will know that you can get a decent dedicated server from $100++. Offshore hosting does have it's own life and providing servers and bandwith is expensive and we are paying a high premium for this. Our monthly bills for everything has passed €1000 because of all the bandwidth we are using. Because of this and what I wrote above, we are €789 (about $1200) short this month.

    Now, as several members have said before, there are many, many members who contribute with valuable content here and we truly do not except that you should pay to upgrade. You should be rewarded for this and we will look into if this can be done. The problem is that the members who contribut with content very often are dedicated members who often feel that they use the forum so often they upgrade or they upgrade because they feel it is worth it or they like it here. We all have our own reasons for upgrading or not.

    So what should we do? Ideally, we whould have 300 members who paid $5 (that's dollars, not Euro, as we currently use) If more members were willing to pay, the price would be even lower. So should we just use monthly payments? I dunno. There are of course a couple of things to concider; Will we have the same amount of members who are willing to upgrade when they will have to pay $5 a month and not can just pay a lower, yearly price? You tell me. The dilemma for us in the last year has been the low dollar. Since we are paying for all of our services in Euro, we had to change our memberships from $ to € last year. And I have no problem understanding that €5 ($7.8) might be expensive. So that's why I am suggesting $5 as a monthly price again, as this might seem a bit more fair. But then we need more supporters....

    If we then keep the yearly and discounted memberships (these would be $30 a year/$2.5 pr month) we would need an even higher of supporting members. But maybe this is just what will bring more supporters to the forum; a lower price?

    Or maybe we should try the model of other forum; find a regular dedicated server somewhere in the world and cross our fingers that it will not be confisacted or monitored by some federal agency? This would for sure bring down our bills drastically. Another solution is to downgrade to a cheaper server. That would make the forum run slower and would not make it very enjoyable to spend time here, but that would also lower our bills.

    So is there a point in all of this. Maybe. Even though it is highly appreciated, I think it is very unfair that we have a forum with the number of members we have and a very small percentage pay the bills. As I have said before, I do not expect every member who spend a lot of time here to contribute, since many of them provide extremely valuable content, but at the very least there should be enough members that contribute so that our bills are paid.

    Even fewer people pay the bills when I post these posts, because we usually get some very generous donators who contact me fairly quickly when the board is in trouble. Since all members use of our resources, I don't think that's fair. But that's just me. Maybe I'm wrong and should not think like this?

    To finish this off, please visit this site; http://www.seochamps.net/forum. You can use your excisting username(e-mail) and passord to log on and create a user account there. ;)


    Apologies for the terrible spelling. Missed a nail with a hammer and, well...you get the picture ;) My fingers are not as accurate as they should be.

  9. I would recommend an option of donating any amount you want and amounts below the current minimum would not give you "supporter" status. I don't care about the supporter tag or the upgrades but would donate something if I could give less than the amount currently listed...

    That would be a nice way to increase donations because I am not the only one in the thread that has mentioned this issue. Others are probably too shy to admit that they would donate if they could give less. And the people who want the upgrades will still want them and be willing to pay for them...

    Unfortunately, that is not an option, as things are today. We got three paypal-accounts closed last year because PP for some reason doesnt alow this kind of site to receive payments through their system. If we were able to publicly accept PP, it would be easu to just add a box where people could type in the amound and click a donate button. Unfortunately, the credit card system we use today, doesn't allow this. But as I have mentioned before; Feel free to contact me for alternative ways of paying. This also includes donations.

  10. Why does every post end with a blank post from something/somebody called "googlebot" ?

    - Board is once again ad free for supporting members. Ads will be visible on top, bottom and on the bottom of every topic for regular members.

    Apparently, you are using an ad-blocker, so you don't see the ad itself.

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