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Posts posted by Admin

  1. I don't play so often anymore. Had a kid 6 weeks ago :2:

    But when I do play, it's mostly Counter Strike 1.5 :irvine:

    What is your infamous nick when you were a 1337 mofo in the CS world Admin? :ph34r:

    Well, kids will do that to you. That and the reason below was/is the reason I don't have to much spare time to play. Funny thing is that even if I don't have the time to play, I looove gadgets and new technical stuff, so I own a Wii and of course an Xbox360. Really dunno why, but it's a lot of fun when I finally find the time to use them.

    Oh and my nick back then, as it is now; Lt. BadAss

    I haven't had time to play anything since I came here. I am ill.

    Hehe...the forums are actually the reason I haven't played for a long time also.

  2. So it seems we have some online gamers here at RWG. I haven't played in a looong time, so today I actually installed both CS and Team Fortress2 after reading some posts here. Haven't played CS for a loong time and I used to be good. Even was a member of a pretty good clan 5-6 years ago. Well, let me just tell you right now; I am NO good any more. To funny, as I thought I still "had it in me". Once you have learned it it sticks. Well, obviously not. Anyway, I've just spent a couple of hours playing both CS and TF2 (that I had to try after reading about it) and TF2 was a lot of fun, with it's different classes. So I'm wondering if we have a lot of players here and what you play? (and I am referring to PC games here)

  3. I don't play 1.6

    1.5 is for the 1337s :p

    Personally, I haven't played a lot of CS since 1.5. I bought the Orange Pack to get the last episodes of HL2. Installed the latest CS Source thought this, after reading this post ;) and I have to admit that I think it's pretty good. But would you share your thought on why 1.5 is supposed to be better? As far as I can see, they are the same, but with better graphics on the new ones, plus the weapons/damage seems to have been adjusted.

    PS Also just tried Team Fortress2. Funny game :)

  4. I know there are a lot of people out there who use Firefox. Because of this I would like to know what your most useful addon is?

    Personally, there are 2 addons I can not live without;

    Firegestures - Control your browsing by just using your mouse, a must have

    Foxmarks - Synchronizes your bookmarks, also a must have, especially if you use several computers like I do.

    so give us your most useful addons and maybe also your fav theme?

  5. What you actually mean is you've got the equivalent of two hamsters running through tubes carrying bits of cards. One is carrying pictures, the other is carrying words. Because both hamsters use different habitrails, they don't get caught in a queue behind the slowest hamster.

    Well, that's another way of putting it ;)

    One word: memcached. Learn it, use it, love it.

    I use eAccelerator on this server. Basically no difference in performance between memcache and eAccelerator with our current setup. On a bigger setup, with more servers and more RAM to use, there's no doubt what I would have used ;)

  6. Great work. Impressive that the dB is indexed in 10 sec. Out of curiosity....what is the size of the dB and which dB is RWG on?


    The forum DB is just above 1GB. The forum is running on a MySQL database with a combination of InnoDB/MyIsam/Memory(Heap) table types, depending on what the different tables do and how much they are used. But when it comes to the search engine, keep in mind that it only indexes the posts and topic tables. These are about 800MB and I just tested it now, while we seem to have the regular amount of users online. It re-created the post/topic index in 14 seconds. So it's doing a decent job :)

  7. A little behind schedule, but things should be "finished"

    This is what has been done today;


    Security upgrades performed

    Report feature fixed so that it works for all members

    Forum images moved to a separate site/IP on the forum server- The effect of this is that instead of opening 1 connection to the forum, your browser will now open 2 connections to the forum; 1 to the forum files and another one to get the images. Two separate processes serving content will provide parallel processing, utilizing our multi-core processors and your browser loads 2 connections faster than 1.


    Hardware upgraded - Our server was over a year old. Prices has now dropped on new equipment, so we now get a more powerful processor and more RAM, without paying more.

    Software/DB optimization (ongoing process) - This is where the biggest focus has been. Server and DB has been optimized. Due to increased computing power, I have added more indexes to the databases, to speed up data fetching. Further utilizing of PHP acceleration. Instead of loading and compiling PHP scripts, the compiled PHP scripts are now cached (kept in the server memory) and serves up pages faster.

    The process of optimizing the database will take about a week, but this should not be noticeable to the members except that the site/pages will load faster.

    Search engine optimized further. The entire database is now re-indexed every 15 minutes and this takes less than 10 seconds!! :o

  8. Ziggys articles are once again available in our new watchmaker resource center;

    Link: Watchmaker Resource Center

    We now have a new dedicated RWG auction forum where members can auction away their items and donate a percentage to RWG. In this forum you are now able to add the end time of the auction when you post something for sale;


    The topic will automatically close when the auction is over and the time left will be clearly visible;


    Both the RWG sales and auction area has been moved to our Trading Zone

  9. maybe a warning upfront....would be hihgly appreciated

    Sorry, buddy, but sometimes I don't have the time to post warnings about things like this. The change was active for just 1 hours, so the effects should have been minimal, but apparently some ISP's ignore the TTL records in our DNS setup to update their DNS's.

    Hmmm still not working with my ISP's dns-server :(

    Well, g00d th1ng 1'm 4 1337 h4xx0r :p

    I hope you are still not having problems with this.

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