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Posts posted by Admin

  1. RWG would like to welcome our newest vendor; Panatime ( http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showforum=186 )

    Panatime offers straps and other accessories to your watches and they are staring out with a great 20% introductory discount to all members of RWG that is available for 1 week :tu:

    I suggest you check Panatime's section; http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showforum=186 to get the discount code and them maybe a visit to their website http://www.panatime.com ?;)

  2. The last paypal payment I made, as far as paypal is concerned, was for a large trojan kangaroo to overthrow pesky new zealanders who think they're so tough with their platypii and fancy kiwi birds...mmmm...kiwi birds...so cute and tasty.

    Previous to that was a consulting fee for a study on the feasibility of using a giant stuffed rabbits to manage traffic congestion.

    Whew....you are going to get so much trouble!! If there is anything illegal that Paypal will block your account for, it is large trojan kangaroos and not to mention overstuffed rabbits that manage traffic. I believe they even sent some of their snipers to the last guy who paid for such items using paypal. Fortunately for this guy, PP used their own service paying the sniper and wrote "Sniper service" in the comment field and the sniper never got the money because the account was locked ;)

  3. @capice

    You can only rate others posts.


    The rating system puts several different kind of "loads" on the server. Instead of giving you a very technical explanation (unfortunately, this is very complicated :() I'll just say that the older version of the rating system was not so tightly integrated into the forums built-in caching system, while this version is supposed to be better. But a fast board is more important than ratings, so if there are no improvements or if the system start using lots of system resources, it will be removed again.

  4. The question is why is there a 3% drop in supporters? What do you attribute this loss to, if you can ?

    I think it is because it was easier to upgrade your account before than it is today. You could use paypal and it was all done automatically. After all of my paypal accounts got closed because they don't allow websites discussing illegal stuff, people just don't upgrade their accounts as often as they did before. Also, could be because we started charging in Euro last year, because of the weak dollar and the fact that I pay for all the boards service like server rent, licenses, etc. in Euros. Is is also noticeable many members that doesn't renew their memberships when their old ones expire and many membership will automatically expire and not be renewed again since PP does this automatically since my accounts are locked. Just speculations. It's not exactly hard to upgrade your account to day: You pay using your credit card and PM/e-mail me your transaction id and username; http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?autoco...ticle&id=29

  5. Currently, there are only minor optimizations going on in the background. For now, the shoutbox will stay offline.

    Hopefully, we should have a New years raffle online within a day or two (just waiting for prize confirmation from the supplying dealer). When this raffle is finished, RWG will be taken offline for a day or two to upgrade software, install services, etc. Then the shoutbox might be online again ;)

    Re: the optimizations BT talked about above. The pages are generated faster by the server, but high load times might be due to congestions on our connection or other html loading issues ;) Hopeully you will see the full effects when the site is brought back online after the "main" upgrade.

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