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Posts posted by jonthebhoy

  1. A well dressed car salesman went into a bar to quench his thirst after a long day. He sat down, ordered and began to drink his beer.

    Almost immediately he heard a strange high-pitched voice say, "Nice tie!"

    Looking around, he could not discover the source of the voice.

    Next he heard, "Your taste in clothes is impeccable!" The salesman's eyes darted about the bar, searching. Nothing!

    And shortly thereafter, "You are obviously a very intelligent man!"

    Again he could not figure out who was talking or where the voice was coming from.

    The salesman could not understand what was going on, so he called the bartender over and said, "I keep hearing voices! Where the hell are they coming from?" The bartender smiled, "Oh, don't let the voices bother you, sir... It's just those complimentary peanuts."

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