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Posts posted by jonthebhoy

  1. I'm taking advantage of the Orange Wednesdays half-price offer (to save some money) so I'll be watching on Wednesdays, so it looks like I've missed out on "The Departed", but will be go to see "Saw 3" tonight (my sister wants to, saw the first 2 with her too), and next Wednesday I can see "Borat", then the following one will be 007 :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    jeez..............I wish my life was as organised as that. I'll get to see the six o'clock news tonight if I'm lucky and anything after that is a lottery!


  2. Well, I think this thread is short enough, so no more posts are needed here......go away........nothing to see here........

    I was just about to say that I think people are missing the point with this T, when you posted!

    Oh well.........DO WHAT THE MAN SAYS!


  3. Hang on ... no watches as prizes? :blink:

    Not this time...........next time maybe.

    Nice accessories though!

    Be honest - you may be spoilt for choice as to what watch to wear tonight at that romantic dinner with the missus at University Cafe in Byers Rd. but can you honestly say that you have to pour over your collection of cuff links, wallets and pens before you make your decision..........nah didn't think so. Makes complete sense to offer these wonderful and yet necessary little accoutrements.

    We ought to pay more attention to those fine little details IMHO.

    Watch for next months PoM being rewarded with underpants, hankies and socks.


  4. Which reminds me of the old Chic Murray joke (in a broad Scots dialect).............

    "I was wandering about the Olympic Village as you do and I saw this chap with a long thin stick.

    I said "Excuse me, are you a pole vaulter?"

    He replied, with a quizical look on his face, "Nein I am German, but how did you know my name vas Valter".


  5. Mrs Pugwash's brother does rock star for a living. He went to rock star college and everything.

    Who is he then?

    Jonthebhoy, at least you stuck to one thing! I am sure you are good at what you do.

    Stuck is the word. Can't say I love it anymore but the pension benefits are too good to walk away from it.

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