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Posts posted by jonthebhoy

  1. I've never come across replica Gibson guitars and would be very wary of their quality, should they even exist.

    Buying replica watches and pens etc. is one thing but I could never see me being tempted by a Cheung Street Gibson.

    There are however many manufacturers out there that use variances on the Gibson and Fender designs and make fine guitars but this is not what you mean so no point in elaborating.


  2. Anyone that believes there's a Britney Spears Sex Tape doing the rounds may also be interested in this bridge I'm selling. It's such a shame they're knocking it down, but I've got the rights to dispose of the actual rubble, and for the right fee, I'm prepared to dismantle the bridge piece by piece and relocate it to your garden. Imagine being able to say you've actually got London Bridge in your garden!

    It's a deal, it's a steal. It's the sale of the fscking century.

    Oh, and I'll throw in the Princess Di sex tapes if you order in the next week.

    Damn..........you'll get Nanuq going on and on about bridges now!


  3. Is it co-incidence that next month is December? Pants, hankies and socks supplied courtesy of JTB's maiden aunty's reject Christmas presents....

    I have it on very good authority that Miss Understood may well provide some bloomers, girdles and chastity belts should we be short of stock!


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