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Posts posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Extraplay.com has been redesigned and all previous votes are now null and void.

    I'd be grateful if you all paid a visit to:


    and hit the play button on our track 'I Don't Know Why'

    Please feel free to pass this on to all your friends and family and get them to do likewise.

    If 10 let 10 know and they let 10 know............well you know how it works! :whistling:

    Let's prove that payola works! :lol:


  2. At the risk of prompting another double entendre from JTB, I'm trying not to get too anal about the accuracy of a rep watch for my wife and simply go for something I know she would find appealing and not too flashy, but the face on Paul's rendition of the Quadrella is unusual, and I'm sure not accurate.

    Sometimes you have to fly by the seat of your pants but the last thing you want to do is make an [censored] of the decision. It has to be right. Whatever you finally choose we are all right behind you. :whistling:


  3. Have you ever wondered how a woman's brain works? Well....it's finally explained here in one, easy-to-understand illustration:


    Every one of those little blue balls is a thought about something that needs to be done, a decision or a problem that needs to be solved.

    Good thing a man's brain requires only two balls.


  4. I voted for:

    "Honey, where the hell's my Insulin!"

    I'm sorry, and if anyone can remove my original vote, I'll look at it again and vote again.

    Unfortunately I can't guarantee I won't make the same choice.

    I have no faith in my own government far less anyone else's (regardless of party).

    I don't need the media to tell me what a [censored]-up the Iraq war has been - it's there for all to see and the US and UK governments ought to pay some price for their blinkered action.


  5. HEY JB that stuff is great ! you guys sound 100% pro ! great sound & production !

    did you guys do your own recording & mixing ?

    also was that you singing ?

    great stuff man ! i dont know why ROCKS MAN !

    THANX FOR shareing !!

    man they have great musicians on board ! PHOBAND also rocks !

    We recorded these tracks on an 8-track Fostex HD, with some bouncing giving us 12 track recording.

    I play guitars and take the lead vocal + some harmonies with my brother Tom.

    Bass is played by my mate Jim and all keyboards by the wonderfully talented Stuart, who at the last count was involved with 4 other bands!

    I'm slowly moving over to PC recording (Cubase, Reason etc.) but I've been really lazy this past year so haven't really done anything that I would be happy putting out there.

    You guys are fine players - leave me standing.

    I think I played a lot better 20 years ago - but purely because I was playing more and learning lots of covers, which is how you hone your craft.

    I have to say life would be a lot less enjoyable without my guitars.


  6. Indeed. I hope you didn't read anything negative towards either Sash, RWI or RWG in my comments.

    Nope did not. :console:

    Just wanted to reassure other readers, should there be any doubt, that sash is here as a dealer having met our criteria and moreover with our blessing and good wishes.

    Regarding the "refund" issue and following on from what I've said in the previous sentence, I gave him the "Dickie Bird", which for the benefit of non-cricket lovers is..............the benefit of the doubt, on account of him having used the word "refunded". ;)


  7. To quote sash:

    i have refunded a esteem member 100% money of a wrong watch send to him

    As for RWI - I have no interest in how they run their operation.

    We, in the Admin at RWG, are happy to have sash here and he has most certainly been made familiar with our rules and our expectations.

    He starts here with a clean sheet and I for one wish him well.


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