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Everything posted by capice

  1. what can I say..... :akuma: I'm just jealous
  2. volgens mij gaat het niet lukken...............
  3. Hope we can do bussinness Stan, looking forward to it...
  4. vrijdagavond moeilijk voor mij ivm koopavond, liefst een zondag, dan hoeven we ook niet op tijd te letten
  5. Kalimera, Looks great, I noticed Stephan had these for sale also, even brass ones I can imagine you are a happy man V
  6. mothers in law...?
  7. looks great A, took the liberty of retouching it a bit to make it darker on top...
  8. He is known in the Brussels GTGcircle as the European The Zigmeister........... We had great fun in the Amsterdam redlight district and he uis truly a supernice guy (allthough he didn't want to sell his LV chrono to me )
  9. but still no date........
  10. Wish I had the skills frank, you know i love chrono's.....hope you can trade it for something you don't have to work on...16 days and counting
  11. nice project F
  12. sounds great , I will be happy to join, Is a Sunday an option(because of work? )
  13. I have the aquaracer, the Omega SMP and the Pam 212 , absolutly love all. Can bring them next month if you like
  14. Congrats my friend, I will always remember the morning you got stuck in the elevator in Brussels... and the evening before where we didn't do a headcount and you arrived in a private taxi at the secret meetingplace......Man, I wet my pants laughing, seeing your face when you entered the breakfastllounge. Whenever I feel bad, I will remember that and I will have a smile on my face. It was a joy to meet you in Brussels, looking forward to our next encounter in a few weeks
  15. Congrats to Corgi and Crystal, happy birthday guys.......
  16. Yeah....ROB, how is life these days? We would love to know
  17. Don't be Corgi.......Who is twisting your arm not to become one @ Kruzer...in my humble opinion EVERYBODY in this hobby can afford a small yearly fee of around US 50-60 , I really cannot believe the amount is holding people back. The majority here are just consuming and not willing to contribute so I agree with Rodwc on this, it won't be a big loss to loose the people who post one a year and are not willing to pay the price
  18. Is it the crown or the stem? If the stem you have to remove the caseback and push or turn the stemrelease while re-inserting it, otherwise you will damage the mvt
  19. congrats Sam..., only 11000 to follow
  20. Fully agree, it seems we ere talking about the same idea...
  21. On our little Dutch GTG there seemed to be a ghost from The Zigmeister present, spending a lot of the weekend working on a few watches and reluming some hands... Can't remember his name but there is a European The Zigmeister
  22. so what would be your suggestion for solving the problem here Rodwc..? cause I'm not following you.. In Africa thousands of people are taught how to prevent aids but a majority simply doesn't listen or is ignorant. People are taught how to grow there own food, some will succeed and sell there crop on markets but a minority ect ect ect So, hand us a solution m8
  23. Taka, welcome to the club....
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