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Everything posted by Watchman

  1. Hi guys, somwhere I lost the pearl from from my 4th generation PO I bought from Josh. In another post some months ago I asked if anybody would happen to know where I could source a pearl without buying a complete new bezel insert. But since nobody responded I suppose there is no way to get a pearl without buying a complete insert. So I decided to buy a new insert from Josh. Unfortunately I ordered it together with a watch from him which German customs liked to much they decided to keep it along with the insert. And since I have decided to quit buying from asian dealers I am now left with the problem where to ge a) a pearl or B ) an insert that will fit my PO and c) an idea how to change the bezel insert. I found someone selling inserts for gen(?) POs on ebay. Anybody happen to know if it would fit my watch: http://cgi.ebay.com/BEZEL-INSERT-FOR-OMEGA...p3286.m63.l1177 Thanks in advance for your help
  2. smells fishy to me
  3. UTC = Universal Time Coordinated ... ex-GMT O.
  4. There aren't any credible reps of Zenith watches. And I seriously doubt there ever will be any
  5. I would like to do a final addition to the subject. Many people, even if they do not believe in such theories, say that "the US is responsible for 9/11 because of their partisan position in the middle east and their aggressive and imperialistic bullying around the third world". If this is true, ALL OF US WESTERNERS, in Germany, France, Belgium, Liechtenstein are just as guilty. We ALL have ignored the threat that was growing in the third world out of poverty and ALL our governments. Our wealth (originating from colonial times) is partially built on the poverty of the third world. Even if our governments didn't want to get their hands dirty by proliferating dictators and juntas that seemed acceptable or by starting/feeding the proxy wars in the last century, we are all guilty of ignorance and bigotry. On 9/11 this hit us right in the face!
  6. Ok, I suppose that you are referring to "theories" that state that it was the CIA/the jewish world council that were actually behind that vicious act (or condoned it) and that have produced "evidence" for this. Suggested reading for starters: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_conspiracy_theories. While it is obvious that A LOT of things went wrong before and after 9/11 regarding intelligence, investigation and actions taken on the base of such intelligence and investigations and while it is probably also true that interested parties and cliques within the US government chose to "make the best of it" in terms of seizing control, cutting deep into civil liberties, deliberately misinforming the American people, I cannot get myself to even take into consideration in any of the theories mentioned above. I even believe that most of the actions taken after 9/11 were taken in the faith that it would do good to the US and "the rest of the world". I recall seeing a program in which average Muslims were asked on the street who they thought was responsible for 9/11. A lot of the answers were based on and even cited such conspiracy theories. When the people were asked why they believed that, the answer was in many cases "because muslims wouldn't do this". This reminds me of post-war Germany. After the war many Germans were led through concentration camps and were shown gruesome pictures of piled up bodies, gas chambers and so on. Many of them said that they would never believe that Germans had committed these atrocities. It did not take long for "theories" to emerge that it was "all staged by the Allies or the 'jews themselves' ". And those manifested themselves later on to the present day in "theories" like the "Auschwitz lie" and STILL TODAY there are Germans that fail to believe that the Nazis actually killed millions people because of their ethnicity (or sexual orientation or religious believes or ...). Still TODAY the Turkish state and a MAJORITY of the Turkish people fails to acknowledge the genocide committed among the Armenians. Most of this doesn't come from "hard facts" but instead from a psychological DENIAL that ones own people could commit such acts. Take this, add some (partially comprehensible) resentment of US foreign [and domestic] policy as fertilizer and you will have a flourishing ecosystem of conspiracy theories. And those theories are rather strong "memes" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme) because the mind finds them easy to absorb.
  7. Well, I would go so far as to say that media in general cannot be trusted. And this becomes more and more true every day. Media in all countries (not all media in all countries) today sometimes serve partisan interests. And we have seen such things in Germany with the "Springer Press" and also TV-Networks like SAT1, which was formerly owned by Leo Kirch, who was a good friend of our former Chancellor H. Kohl and took every opportunity to help the Christian Democrats (the "conservatives") in campaigning. The conspiracy "theories" that have been circulating about 9/11 are hilarious and you'd have to be cynical beyond measure to even consider such crap. I found those "theories" especially revolting that were obviously making use of the dull anti-Semitic dispositions that you will still find rather widespread in Germany (and other european countries).
  8. Watchman


  9. Point taken.
  10. It took a long while for me to decide if I should reply to this posting or not. In the end I decided for posting to counterweigh your view as an "American" as you put it with one that would typically be attributed to us libertarian and wimpy "Europeans". I am not going to "discuss" 9/11 because I think there is nothing to discuss about it. It was an abominable crime of mass murder and whatever reasons there may be in the world to resent the US policies of the past, not any of these could ever justify such an act. But...I simply do not get what you mean by "Freedom isn't always free". What kind of freedom are we talking about here ? To me it looks we are talking about the freedom of the American and also us European people to indulge in their lifestyle at any cost ? Then you are right. For this freedom the US and the world is paying a high price. But I seriously doubt that this is the freedom that comes to ones mind when we are talking about freedom in a true and meaningful sense. Freedom is the ability to own your own destiny, within the limits of ethics and morality. It is the freedom to speak ones mind without having to fear repressions. And it is the freedom to go about in your life without being threatened. Today people from many western countries, not only americans, who are travelling to certain parts in the world has to fear for his life. Is this freedom ? Today communication is being tapped, privacy invaded, people are being denied due process ... is this freedom ? Today the "terror threat level" is constantly (deliberately kept?) somewhere between yellow and red. People are scared. Is THIS freedom ? So, what freedom are YOU talking about, Lanikai ? The freedom to pour 30 gallons of gasoline into the tank of an SUV ? So, why is the US still in Iraq ? Because they went their in the first place, under false premises I might add. That is THE ONLY REASON why US troops are still in Iraq! They went there, made the country an even bigger mess than it was before and now they have to clean up this mess. And anyone who believes that there was any good reason to go there, is just gullible. The Bush administration WANTED that war and they GOT it! Yes, landmines are bad. But did you know that the US is one of the few countries that refused to sign the international ban of landmines ? And is one of the most prominent exporters of landmines ? Or that the US has picked up producing landmines again just a few years ago ? And don't you think that the frequently belabored "innocent little girl" torn apart by a "smart bomb" gone astray looks as revolting ? And, forgive me if this sounds rude or insulting: Anyone believing in "my country ... right or wrong" is a displaying utmost ignorance and is no better than any German Wehrmacht Officer who pledged allegiance to the Reich and thought this to be sufficient justification for his doings. Don't get me wrong. I am not calling anyone a Nazi. I am just trying to show where unconditional obedience leads. Ethics and moral do not stop at the border of a country.
  11. Is it by any chance a pattern produced by the AL simluation "life" ?
  12. Watchman


    Mil_sub, as much as I agree with you regarding the stupidity,cynism, ill judgement and disinformation that led to the war in Iraq you simply cannot offset one body count against another. This math leads to the kind of old testament justification that will get even more people killed in the end. And I am sure that the people killed in Iraq or Afghanistan are being mourned for as much as the people who died on 9/11.
  13. Count me in ... although getting it through customs here in Germany will be hard... but I am willing to give it a try. I currently own a "pro hunterish" rep which has become one of my daily beaters. I bought it from skool for little money a few weeks ago. Overall it isn't a bad rep but the dial and the crown make it a fantasy rep. Picture (taken by skool) is attached. I want the real deal now ... not the gen obviously ... but a pro hunter rep that is much closer to the gen.
  14. Watchman


    It was a sad day and nothing could ever justify that horrific act of violence. I recall our former foreign minister J. Fischer saying on that day "The world will never be the same from this day on". And it was true: The world has become a place where civil rights are being sacrificed on the altar of false security and we have a new concept of enemies which led us to new wars and justifications for those. In the state of fear that the western world (not only the US) has been in since then we have started to accept very simple answers to very complex questions. To quote G.W. Bush: "the reason the terrorists hate us is because they hate freedom". Shame on those who commited this abominable act of violence, shame on those who condoned it and shame on those leaders who back then and today misuse our concern and fear for holding their people hostage in that state of fear.
  15. Well ... after all we are all financing international terrorism according to some postings on the net.
  16. Actually some of the views expressed in the mentioned thread aren't nearly as one-sided, paranoid and hateful as much of the other stuff I have read regarding our hobby. In one posting the poster divides buyers of replica watches into 2 categories: a. the ones that will never be able to afford the gen b. those that own the gen but prefer to wear the rep because they are concerned about ruining the gen or having it stolen I think that there also is a category c: Those people who think that buying a Rolex means that you are spending way too much money on the brand name compared to the real value the watch holds. I do have serious doubts that a Rolex for 3K is actually a much better watch than an Oris. Matter of factly I have talked to a watchsmith whom I consider a friend and he told me that from his point of view the real value of a sub (16610) is not higher than 800 - 1200 EUR. The gens I bought and most prominently the Sinn 756 offer a good countervalue for what you will actually spend for the watch. . And beyond that, when we are talking about the segment 25K and above, no one who doesn't have shitloads of money and is in a sane state of mind would buy such a watch... unless you want to buy it as a (risky ?) investment and are hoping for ROI in some years.
  17. yes it was ... to my eyes the DF looked closer to the gen on the older reps
  18. Why is he holding this hideous "thing" into the camera ? Is he intending to sell it on ebay ?
  19. Just found out what it is ... this is what you get when you hatch a Faberg
  20. Seeing this watch next to his "bling" (WHAT on earth is THIS anyway ... looks like something that you might encounter on a peyote trip) gives me nausea ...
  21. Probably not regulated correctly ... By the way: Are rep movements regulated for anything more than one attitude (if at all) ?
  22. If I was to choose between a U-Boat and a Graham ... I'd choose the Timex ... but ... as the Romans said "de gustibus non est disputandum"
  23. Thanks again for the advice guys. I'll get to it next weekend and will let you know how it went. Cheers Oliver
  24. Thanks a million ... and: Great t i t s you got there Oliver
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