Ten days ago, I sold my MBW Black Themes to RWI member Bansenshukai - he received it a few days later. It was an easy deal all around. Great buyer, good questions, no newbie sillines. An easy, Intra-ConUS sale. Bansenshukai is a gentleman and knowledgeable, sensible buyer: My valued 'Themes found a good home.
Last week, I purchased a 10d from Burnz. In oldskool terms - Burnz is a perfect gentlemen - easy deal, good answers to my few questions and quick shipment. Burnz shipped the package via EMS per my request. I tracked the package via http://www.track-trace.com/post and usps.com after the package arrived stateside (SFO Customs).
The package arrived yesterday (Saturday am) empty. It was a manilla paper bubblewrap package, similar to what I've received other watches and parts in many times. I refused the package.
It appeared to have been torn open on the end with the 'string' but not using the string -can't remember. The value field said: Watch repairs $40. (or watch repair parts?). Burnz and I discussed posting this and agreed that he should address his side. This is my first failed watch buy (out of 20 or so). It is also one of the most drama-free: I cannot heap enough praise on Burnz who has been as thoughtful and communicative as he was prior to the sale.
In the past, I've had two problems with packages from Singapore being delayed. This represents around 30% of the non-ConUS, non-Chinese watches that I've bought over the last 2 years or so. Although, I can see LAX from the top of the hill behind our house. (Most of my watches have been processed at LAX). This one went through SFO and was lost - coincidence?
Though I've already - 'let go' and ascribed it up to the law of averages catching up. For those of you with more experience than I: What did Burnz and I do right/wrong? Thoughts? Lessons?