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Everything posted by JohnG

  2. Sabre rattling. They don't have the stones to nuke Poland. That's my hope anyway, if they do, we will all be dead or dying within a couple of days.
  3. You need to be more patient - you are not going to lose the right to make a chargeback by waiting another week. In the mean time you should ask the moderators for assistance. That is the way this should be handled. A chargeback is a LAST resort. Why not? When a member has a bad experience and does not tell the forum, you are impairing others' ability to make informed decisions. Who should we protect, each other or the dealers?
  4. You have a lot to learn about women.
  5. The Daily Mail. What a rag. The worst sort of trash journalism. The journalist herself said, "There is no one to be seen here and I have no idea who shot me," but now somehow it is a "Russian sniper." I am no fan of the Russians, but the fact is NO ONE but the guy who shot her knows what the shooter's nationality is (and if it was a stray bullet, even he doesn't know) or if he was a sniper, infantry soldier, or civilian militia. What a farce. This is exactly the problem with the media - they can say anything and everybody starts running around crying, "a Russian sniper shot a Georgian journalist." Google it, and people are repeating this idle-speculation-turned-fact all over the web.
  6. It's not a Vostok it's a Poljot and it's 39mm. I think you didn't read the question I was answering.
  7. Well the UN's authority is theoretical. In jurisprudence, one accepted definition of the word "law" is "rules backed by the threat of force." A rule is not a law unless there is a real possibility of being punished. Russia (and the U.S.) is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and as such has veto power over any sanctions that the UN may wish to impose. There is NO threat the UN can make against permanent members of the Security Council - they can just veto such actions. And the credibility of the UN and the legitimacy of international law in general were harmed severely by the unilateral actions of the U.S. in Iraq.
  8. It says your age below your avatar: slay Group: Member Posts: 2,435 Joined: 18-March 06 User's age: 28 User's local time: Aug 14 2008, 01:00 AM Member No.: 489 Trader Stats: ....made you look!
  9. He is our only mod over there. And not a very busy one at that. You can pretty much say or do anything over there - it is one of the few genuine experiments in anarchy being conducted today... and it works. There are real flame wars - but when the dust settles, we are more close knit than the members of any other forum. Children who fight until they are sweaty and panting and covered in dirt become life-long friends, those who are separated prematurely just continue to harbor resentment and hostility.
  10. Iraq is much more complex than just oil - there were a host of interests being served and more than a few egos. But you are absolutely correct about S. Osettia - the United States would make a cookie-cutter condemnation about aggression, national sovereignty, etc., but were it for Georgia's strategic importance. That is why the U.S. has been courting Georgia and why now diplomatic pressure is being brought to bear on Russia (and Georgia).
  11. Show me where I say that lobbying does not influence the political landscape in the United States and I will buy you any rep of your choice. Come on... I'm waiting. Oooops, I DIDN'T say that. I guess NO FREE WATCH FOR YOU!
  12. Yes and Yes. He has a controlling interest in Dow Jones which owns the Journal. But I haven't read of any direct interference in editorial decisions. The Journal has always been a politically conservative publication and if he were to start tinkering in any important way with content, he would only sabotage the paper. He is not stupid and I don't think the Journal will change in any important way - if it does the paper's reputation for excellence and editorial independence will evaporate and consequently its profitability and influence as a respected conservative paper. I did a little research and there has been a shift (slight) on the front page towards domestic and international politics and away from business issues. This reflects decisions taken by the new editor who was editor of Murdoch's The Times (London). It also apparently reflects Mudoch's stated goal of taking on the NYT more directly. But that does not mean that the integrity of the content has been compromised. I would be surprised, shocked actually, if Murdoch did anything to alter the paper in a way that would rob it of its prestige. Turning it into a print edition of Fox News is out the question - and he already has the NY Post for that. And he will never take on the NYT (take customers away from the NYT) if the paper's reputation doesn't remain impeccable. It will be interesting to watch. I don't read the Journal much anymore - there is a European edition but I live so far out in the boonies that I just get the Economist every week and read the online edition of the IHT. So I confess I was not up to date on the change in editor at the WSJ.
  13. It doesn't sound cynical. Georgia's NATO aspirations, Saakashvili's antagonism towards Russia, the strategic importance of Georgia as a supply conduit for oil from the Caspian Sea, the large Russian ethnic population in Osettia, ALL these things factor into decisions being made in Moscow.
  14. Sadly most people rely exclusively on the television for their news. Television coverage in the U.S. is the worst sort of processed and vacuous pulp imaginable. There are many reliable sources of news. ALL news media have some bias because they are all comprised of human beings and it is impossible to completely eradicate bias from editorial decisions. WHAT news is reported reflects inherent judgments about what is important and what is not. It is certainly possible to acknowledge political bias and fallibility in a news source without twisting that into complicity in every silly cover-up theory that comes down the pike. Nevertheless, there are fairly reliable English-language sources, easily accessible in the U.S., that have very high standards for the factual accuracy of the information they report: New York Times Washington Post The Economist (UK publication, available anywhere in the U.S.) The Wall Street Journal Los Angeles Times Chicago Tribune National Public Radio The International Herald Tribune (international publication edited in Paris, now owned by NYT, available in major U.S. cities) Those are just a FEW - there are many more.
  15. So if things suck so bad in the U.S. - they are liars and manipulators, ALL the news sources are "state-controlled", the Rockefellers and Bush and Company attacked the Trade Center and then pinned it on poor innocent Osama Bin Laden, AND they are now trying to put a chip in your body to make you into a domesticated sheep... and if in Russia everything is the "opposite" as you put it... I am trying to figure out what you are doing in the U.S. (several of your comments lead me to believe you are in the U.S. so forgive me if I am mistaken). I mean, given all you believe, I sure wouldn't want to be in that place. I would go back to Russia where Putin PROTECTS your rights and an independent media rather than trying to enslave them. If I believed all the things about Spain that you believe about the United States, I would get my ass OUT OF HERE. It's a no-brainer man! Or are you working to fix things from the inside?
  16. Good! So when is it arriving? PICS!!!
  17. I know enough to BE CAREFUL! I have a Poljot and I did a lot of research in forums on dealers and there are a LOT of shady dealers of Russian watches. It is not worth saving a few bucks. I did most of my research at Watchuseek - I can't remember anything except that the dealer I selected has an impeccable reputation - Julian Kampmann. But I don't think he carries Vostok. Nevertheless, it might be worth asking him to recommend another dealer. He himself is a dream dealer - and he sends cookies with his watches. I read nothing but great things about him. He wasn't the cheapest but he wasn't the most expensive either. And he services Russian watches as well (only from his own clients though). His site is http://www.poljot24.de/en/index.html - I am sure he would offer a recommendation. But just be sure to do lots of homework - I have heard some real fright night stories of Russian scam artists. Here is my Poljot Sturmanskie:
  18. Ooops, sorry, I forgot, it was the Rockefellers.
  19. Because then we all wouldn't get our commission checks from the preferred dealers.
  20. The USS Liberty is a good one, but it doesn't make the top ten: TOP TEN TRUTHS THEY ARE TRYING TO HIDE FROM YOU: (If you don't believe me, Google it - the truth is out there!) 1. Dinosauroid-like Alien Reptiles are dominating the World 2. Apollo 11 Moon Landings were faked by NASA 3. September 11 was orchestrated by the U. S. government 4. Barcodes are really intended to Control people (RFID chips is the latest step in this nefarious process) 5. Charlemagne never existed, he is a fictional character 6. The truth about Area 51 7. Microsoft sends messages on Wingdings Font 8. The Nazis had a Moon Base 9. The U.S. military caused the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami 10. RWG.cc is run by the NSA to keep you distracted with toy watches so you don't ask the HARD questions!
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