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Posts posted by siesta181

  1. Sweeet.....

    Great work as always. I really don't know which amazes me more, the lumework or the turaround time? Both are unbelievable.

    I remembered my Slevin's time in The Zigmeister's spa. I emailed J to check if the watch has arrived. She said work was completed and was about to email me the cost of the mods. Awesome turnaround time.



    Still thinking of which watch deserves the The Zigmeister treatment in April

  2. I buy what I like.... and I almost never sell my reps. Ratio of rep price vs gen price never comes into the picture. I also buy a rep based on its modding potential. Afterall, modding is the exciting bit of this hobby isn't it?

    My philosphy is simple I set aside about USD350.00 per month into this hobby. If it does not get spent, it gets carried over to the next month. If there's an expensive piece out there, I'll have to wait for 2 or 3 months to get it. Discipline is paramount. While you wait, an interesting piece might just come up for sale via the sales corner.

    Honestly, reps are rather affordable but its the modding part. Gen dial, crowns, luming, servicing, AR coating etc etc that makes this hobby a bit pricey. However, that's also the exciting bit. A one of a kind rep.



  3. You are right Lani.... Its important that the order form is filled out to your requirements. The details should not be left out especially if you are stickler for all these things.

    Being a noob, my knowledge of the differences between gens and reps are pretty shallow and thus I am easy. Watch serviced and lumed is all I need to know. If there's other details I know, I'll list it down.

    It's good to know that The Zigmeister's more detailed than I am as the watch will always come back to me better than how I expected it to be. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  4. Errr... Tapping the watch hard to "free things up" does not say much about the movement does it? Definitely not a solution.

    Best you find a watchmaker to open the watch and see what is it exactly that is not freeing things up.

    I am in total agreement with Toad, the skyland's a wonderful replication. I have the grey dial on Cajun's Cognac gator strap. Awesome


  5. Like most ppl here, I dont have a beater in my collection. All of them have their time under the sun especially after I found this place.

    The piece that holds the record of longest time on my wrist is probably the first watch that I bought with my very first paycheck...

    It's gone through tennis games, diving trips, "jungles" of LCK and Shoalwater Bay. Got scratches on the Hardlex crystal and dinks on the case to show for all its trouble. Running fast.... too fast for my liking. Nothing a visit to the watchdoctor won't cure though...


  6. Shows what type of person the seller was.... but at least you sleep better at night. Don't worry too much abt it.

    With regards to your photos.... lighting is the key.

    Rule number 1: No directlight - use a lightbox

    And almost instantly pictures will look a million times better.

    Cheers mate - catch up with you one of these day.


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