I hear what you're saying. They're not good 'replicas', and they don't look as good as the real thing.
On the bright side, the reps that are out there are gorgeous watches in their own right - and for a forty grand price difference I can just about bring myself to forgive the differences
I started out looking for genuine watches at the high-end jewellers (not uber-end), you know the sort of range (Omega, Rolex & co), and wasn't really taken with anything. I don't really like 'flash' and prefer leather straps. There was a Longines watch I didn't mind, but you need a bit more enthusiasm to spend a fair bit of money like that.
Then I saw my first photo of a Lange (online)....
Couldn't afford a real one, obviously, but I'm utterly chuffed to bits with my rep. My point is, I think my rep is better looking than all the gens I saw when I was out shopping. So from that perspective I win.
Sadly, I don't see the Lange reps getting better any time soon. Because the movements aren't available like with other brands, they will never pass close inspection. And because of this there is no demand for them at the high-end of the rep market, and without the demand I don't think you get the effort being made to improve them in other areas, if you know what I mean.
But bottom line - beautiful watches.