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Posts posted by greg_r

  1. Very creative John :-)

    Update: The fire died right down about 2am but we're now geting a wind change thats going to have 20+ Knots behind it blowing things this way. Its going well further up the hill but we will just have to see if it starts up again this end. I;m trying to get a truck painted and this shure ain't helping any. Tired as all hell too after three hours sleep.

    Such is life.


    Glad to hear it has died down a bit - hoping it stays that way. You must be shattered - not just the lack of sleep, but the worry. Hang in there, mate...

  2. I find it quite difficult to find a dealer offering a genuine swiss movement. All of them claim it but none of them does :( . Can anyone suggest a good and reliable sellers offering the best quality pam 127 with a swiss movement?

    i am also looing for a marina militare [censored] swisss movement 44mm, full sapphire.


    The thing is that even the "swiss" movements will often have asian parts as they are modded to copy what Panerai do to them. If you want a top-quality movement, however, start looking at those with swan-neck regulators and don't get too hung up about Swiss vs Asian - in the case of the 6497 its rarely clear-cut anyhow and they're BOTH darned good movements.

    As has been said elsewhere, there really isn't a "best" Fiddy worth the name around at the moment. Time4Direct (aka PrestigeWatchCo), who is a dealer over on RWI and Repgeek has one of the better ones I've seen around at a little under

  3. Awesome thanks! I have seen Tonyxkf on cqout but did'nt match them, are they par with cannel street style reps or a little better his prices are super low!

    Thanks again

    Depends on what you buy - like most of the dealers, he sells a fair amount of low-end stuff, but he doesn't do much in the way of street junk. He also sells a lot of the higher-end reps too. He's good for some of the less-common watches - I've had a couple from him that are tough to find elsewhere.

    Most of what I've had from him could be described as "mid-range' stuff, and it's been fine, but I took my time making sure I knew what I was buying. If you're going to buy cheapies, though, be careful (this applies whatever the dealer), there are some really nice watches to be found for under $100, but also a lot that ain't worth having. You need to be fairly selective if you want to get something good.

    If in doubt, post a photo of what you're thinking of buying - maybe someone else here has had the same watch and will be able to advise.

  4. I found this site not sure if its real or not? they seem to have intresting watches at good prices..

    any ideas guys?


    That's Tonyxkf. He's been around for years - is currently one of the probationary dealers over at RWI.

    Yes, I've bought from him several times. No problems at all. Dependent on what you're after, it might be worth your while to check his CQout shopfront too, as the prices on there can sometimes be a little cheaper.

  5. oscar= i know its a lil cheeky god but could you sent gregs money to me and blame a [censored] up

    god= what would you do with such ill gotten gains oscar ?

    oscar= buy lots of cheap watches and hoes

    god= ok oscar its yours

    Coming between me and my new mercedes is likely to result in getting run over, mate..... :evil2:

    edit: .... admittedly by a crappy little courtesy car that is like to come off worse in the engagement :lol:

  6. The B&R are growing on me. Especially the first one in post #1 of this thread. *Since getting my gen SMP 2531 in May, I tend to alternate between that and my SMP chrono from Andrew!

    My BR02 is my regular weekend watch - one of my favourites after my PAM111h

    I have a real hankering after a BR01, though - especially since SA bought his.

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