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Posts posted by greg_r

  1. Yep, maybe in french that different. So, next time I will use "incongruity". Thanks for the english lesson.


    Having gotten so tied up in semantics that I didn't even answer the point you made (d'oh!), I'd better correct that...

    I get where you're coming from, but I don't entirely agree. I've owned expensive cars in the past and am planning to buy a Mercedes fairly soon. Yes, I could afford a gen watch or two, but I enjoy my reps - they keep excellent time, and for the price of a single gen Tag Grand Carrera I can own a VC, a couple of Panerais, a couple of APs and a bunch of others that I won't cry about if they get scratched at work (which happens on occasion).

    If I was wearing a gen, I'd be constantly worrying about it getting damaged...

    Anyhow, it leaves more money to spend on antique books and fast cars :D

  2. Now, that's antagonism!


    Sorry but the word is antagonism and not "anachronism". I know what I say.

    Sadly not.

    Antagonism: noun

    1. an active hostility or opposition, as between unfriendly or conflicting groups: the antagonism between the liberal and the conservative parties.

    2. an opposing force, principle, or tendency: Her plan to become an actress met with the antagonism of her family.

    3. Physiology. an opposing action, as by one muscle in relation to another.

    4. the opposing action of substances, as drugs, that when taken together decrease the effectiveness of at least one of them (contrasted with synergism).

    5. Ecology.

    a. a relationship between two species of organisms in which the individuals of each species adversely affect the other, as in competition.

    b. the inhibition of the growth of one type of organism by a different type that is competing for the same ecological niche.

    Anachronism: noun


    1. The representation of someone as existing or something as happening in other than chronological, proper, or historical order.

    2. One that is out of its proper or chronological order, especially a person or practice that belongs to an earlier time: "A new age had plainly dawned, an age that made the institution of a segregated picnic seem an anachronism" (Henry Louis Gates, Jr.)

    Strictly speaking, anachronism is also incorrect in this instance, but it's close to what you appear to mean. "incongruity" might have been a better choice of word.

  3. :lol: Funny stuff.

    Uhhh that's an E38. And certainly a different beast (smaller differential rear, etc) than E31. It's all about torque not HP :) Your E24 M/// CSi would've been a good example of what fast was all about in the 80s.

    Sorry - it was your 'fire breathing' comment that just hit my funny bone - couldn't resist :D

    I agree with you btw - I dunno where the idea came from that BMWs had no torque... :rolleyes: (not that I'm a big Beemer fan btw - as you'll see if you've read the thread).

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