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Posts posted by greg_r

  1. an absentee voter is someone voting from outside of the state they are registered to vote in or someone who is disabled and cannot reach the polling station. They are allowed to send in a ballot by mail - this is how we vote from overseas. I sent mine in a long time ago.

    Yup. My missus sent in her vote quite a while back too...

  2. *sigh* I know Guanaco is an animal too, funny thing is I was referring to how they call out nationality, Salvadorans. Christ.

    Yes. I figured that was what you meant. Equally, I could have referred to you as a Chilean water cannon..... Guess you're suffering a sense of humour failure this morning, eh?


    As for Obama, he plans to redistribute wealth that is taken from the rich, i.e. favoring the proletariat... plus his stupid taxes on the rich only are moronic as are his promises, 1st thing I'd ask is where the hell is he going to get the money to do all that BS he has promised, and second, IF he wins he will do what Clinton did, promise low taxes and then screw everyone with a big tax increase. :rolleyes:

    I'm not arguing any of those points, and at no juncture did I say I support Obama. I have no intention of arguing politics on this board. I simply commented on the fact that his left-wing tendencies (which, given that the Democrats are still fundamentally a right-of-centre party are still rather limited) do not make him a communist any more than McCain's right-wing tendencies make him a facist.

  3. So I see ignorance is your stronghold... hmmm... you do realize how stupid your post was calling my nationality a goat right? And trust me, I know first hand what a communist is, in our country they're the biggest pests.

    Hmm - I see you don't know what a Guanaco is:


    Yes, I am aware that there are other possible meanings - this sort of 'misinterpretation' is often considered to be the essence of many types of humor.

    And it is you who are displaying your ignorance if you claim Obama is a communist. Whether or not I would support him if I was a U.S. citizen is neither here nor there (I'll admit to being cynical about both major candidates), but failing to be a right-wing politician does not make Obama a communist. I'd suggest that you do not try arguing the definition with someone who has degrees in both English and Political Science. You will lose. Try reading the dictionary sometime.

  4. Check your PP account and contact the admin here - I have seen this happen before and they will fix it right away.

    Yup - will do at some point today. Tempted to upgrade anyhow, if only so that I can tell Oscar where to go.... :D

  5. Calling me Guano, lol, you don't even know what Guanaco means to begin with.

    Don't get JohnG started on goats or anything even vaguely similar (yes, I know they're actually a member of the camel/llama family, but trust me, you don't wanna go there...)

    I don't vote for Communists like Obama, so I vote for the lesser evil instead.

    hmm - Obama vs. McCain aside, methinks this man doesn't know what a communist is.... :lol:

  6. :lol:

    This board is great, but the longer it takes, the more I miss RWG1... I'd even pay to say [censored] on there if I had to....

    ... and on that note, I notice that I seem to have lost my supporter status here somehow. I'm paying monthly via paypal, so maybe that's the reason for the weirdness. If I don't get my status back by the end of the day, I'll have to drop Admin a PM I guess....

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