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Posts posted by greg_r

  1. Back to the point of the thread. The elimination of the RWG1 header was not some hidden conspiracy. It was simply cleaning it up. I don't really understand why it is in the header in the first place. But no need to explain. I am not a contributor in the Loony bin. In fact this is my first post here in a long time. And hopefully my last for a while. :) Back to the loonacy. :lol:


    Fair enough - thanks for stopping by :)

  2. Greg recommended The Unit and I am half way through the first episode. So far I like it.

    Waiting for new episodes of Battlestar Galactica, Lost, Law & Order, and Weeds. Getting a little tired of Weeds frankly.

    Any suggestions? I am out of touch, so if there is a new equivalent of Seinfeld or X-files or whatnot that I am not aware of, please clue me in... Especially like sci fi and action... but has to be good. I stopped downloading Prison Break when it went to Panama, was getting REALLY silly, even more silly than before.

    hmm... I assume you've come across Firefly? Didn't last long, but what there was is good.

    Another (albeit old) short-lived series that I love is Profit. It's not like anything else I've seen - certainly not action, but it's exceptionally well written black comedy and quite gripping in an odd sort of way...

  3. I agree. Hopefully that will be the last of it. I don't expect they want to [censored] off quite a few new paying members over something so trivial in the Bin - a subforum whose thread count has probably grown by a factor of five in the short time we have been here. This was basically a trash bin before we got here. No one STARTED threads here before, they were all MOVED here.

    Anyway, I am sure that will be the end of it.

    Cool - I'm sure you're right. :)

  4. Don't be coy "Greg".

    If you don't remember Demsey, "Greg" is an Asian woman who was helping some of us find good deals on some lower priced watches through friends of hers in GZ.

    Here she is at a recent RWG1 GTG - Alphakazi, Greg, and Onze... Oscarmadfish is visible in background, facing camera...

    That'll surprise the hell outta my wife......

  5. Guys,

    All of our threads that started with RWG1 have been edited and the prefix removed.

    I have pm'd admin to let him know this was happening and asked that our headers be left unedited as they are not violating any forum rules. I am sure one of the mods did it - for what reason I won't speculate but it definitely miffed me a little bit.

    I have gone back through my threads to re-edit the headers. If anyone else cares to do so I know many of us like seeing the RWG1 header - to remind of us who we are. It may seem gay and pathetic and indeed it may BE gay and pathetic, but when has that ever stopped us from doing anything?

    We are RWG1.

    Miffed me more than a bit too. The RWG1: prefix serves a useful purpose. I'm sure we all contribute to other threads here too, but our 'bin threads are a way to keep our community together until 'home' rises from the ashes. That prefix isn't intended to exclude others, but it does serve as a warning that the thread will probably not stay on topic and is likely to include all sorts of unrelated nonsense. ;)

    Anyhow, I've re-titled all of my threads now. Hopefully, they'll stay that way. I've adminned/moderated all sorts of forums, mailing lists and IRC channels over the years, and that kinda pettiness definitely qualifies as misuse of mod privileges in my book.

  6. Dibujo.jpg

    How's THAT for gay?

    Greg, I am going to contact admin about the thread title editing. You are right, that is [censored] [censored]. Many of us are paying to be here, a lot of new subscriptions since RWG1 went down, and we are in the [censored] bin.

    I am going to pm him now. I am sure this was someone else - admin is cool with us...

    Yep - that's my take on it too. Admin's a good guy.

    And just so you know, we can edit our own thread titles so I am putting mine back there way they were.

    Yep - I'm already there - doing it right now.

  7. First of all, you guys are getting sloppy with labeling your threads RWG1: - DON'T FORGET WHO YOU ARE!

    I don't know whether you've noticed this, John, but all our previously-labeled RWG1: threads have had RWG1 removed from the thread title.

    I know FOR A FACT that I've labeled all of my topics that way.

    Kinda petty for a mod to go in and change 'em. Not impressed. If it happens again, my platinum subscription will cease forthwith.

    On a happier note, Hi Dems! Good to see you! :D

  8. how much for your old one?

    hmm - I'm not planning to do it right away, and haven't really checked out what they're going for lately. If I don't manage to talk myself out of it in the meantime, however, I'll letcha know as and when, okay?

  9. I noticed one interesting thing - most of cheapies now equipped with same cases, dials, bracelets and crowns, that usually top reps wear.

    Same cases, bracelets for sure. Same dial, however, is rare - the cheaper version will generally lack lume and, if we're talking about chronos, will normally be completely different due to the subdial spacing requirements of the cheaper movement.

    All the same, it's true that the cheapies are getting better.

  10. OKE, guys, enuf about fogs, politics, it's done and behind us.

    Let's talk about watchez...

    I have question. I want to buy PAM196, but this model has no cyclop. I want black dial, white date wheel and glass with cyclop.

    Will it look weird, or it's OKE?


    None of the 'Daylight' models have a cyclops. Take a look at the GMT models (029, 063, 089, 156 amongst others...). By the way, a white date wheel is inaccurate - should be black.

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