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Posts posted by greg_r

  1. I just wanted to take a look at Chris his site and I couldn't connect to it....

    Would he be uploading his new site? I thought he was working on it?

    Anyone else who has troubles connecting to it?

    Kind regards


    Yup - his site's down for me too at the moment.

  2. Oh, John!.....download Callan!

    Seriously good!...First 2 seasons are lost, but season 3 should be about.....circa what Col? 1973?

    Awesome...Edward Woodward is a complete bastard.

    Big points.


    I should have mentioned Callan myself, I'm a big fan - have been since I saw it the first time around in the sixties. Seasons 3 (often advertised as season 1, but there ya go) 4 & 5 are available on DVD, so should be out there somewhere. Superb writing.

  3. Greg, again - IT IS NOT PERSONAL INFORMATION, it is PUBLIC information.

    But, anyway, thank you for help in editing.

    I just thought somebody can find JB and ask for help in RWG1 things.

    Yes, I think $160 is not a big money, I thought it's thousands.

    I'm willing to pay for a year or more, no problem.

    Just get our home back, PLEASE!!!

    Luthier: sorry, but you don't get it. Knowing who or what to look for is one thing. Posting said details on a public forum for viewing by casual passers buy is another. :p Never mind, sorted now. :)

    Anyhow - thanks for offering to kick in some dough. FWIW when IPB was first available it was even cheaper - i.e. free (!), but they pulled the free version offline a couple of years back. There are also some hosting options that include a licence for iPB, which may be a good starting point for us. I'm looking at the options now.

  4. Gosh, it's really cost just $160???

    Half of good rep.

    Originally it was free, but it's now commercial software. There are free alternatives, but if we're to re-use the existing database, then we want the same software - it's better than most of the open-source alternatives anyhow...

  5. This is Tennis Cub address/phone, anyone can find it on Google.

    And I don't know, how to edit NOW. Teach me.

    oh damn... no, you can't without being a supporting member. Edit privileges time out after a few minutes for non-supporting members... The only way for you to do it is to ask a mod to do it for you.

    For future reference, however: whether you can find a person on Google or not, it is highly unwise to post someone's personal details to a public forum.

  6. Jean-Francois Mathieu beat Andre Agassi in a 14-and-under event.

    Luthier. Please do not post addresses/telephone numbers on a private forum. I would be [censored] off in the extreme if you published my details that way, and I'm sure the same will go for JB.

    Kindly edit your post to remove the relevant personal info and think before you do something similar in the future...

  7. Cool.

    I have found what I think is JB's contact info but am going to wait until I hear from Demsey. As Demsey knows these guys better than I do I would rather he contact them on our behalf, but if necessary I can try the number I have for him. He knows me well enough I don't think he would be upset by a call from me.

    If Blade is willing to transfer the domain name that would be preferable I would think - to maintain continuity. Also, if the database transfer would take time, I myself would be willing to wait however long it takes. I don't know about others, but I could be very patient if I knew that we had control of the database and that we would get it up and running eventually. I am in no hurry, I would just like to know it will not be lost for all time. Otherwise, it is just another new forum, but un-moderated.

    I am kind of sentimental I guess - hell, I would even prefer to keep the logo the same - and that recycle symbol would make more sense now that ever...


    Yep, I agree.

    I think Alphakazi has some database experience, so maybe he might be able to help with the transition. In the meantime I'll do a little research and try to find us an inexpensive host. As things stand, I don't think we'll be using a vast amount of bandwidth to begin with - we just need to make sure that we have room to grow for the future.

    I agree with you about the logo and colours too - I'd be keen to make the place as much like home as possible :)

  8. Probably the best way is to go for specialist forum hosting.

    There are a variety of hosting companies who support IPB (which I'd suggest we stick with). The software itself is around $160 with yearly maintenance, but we can avoid that by going for a hosting plan that includes it.

    Invision themselves provide hosting, and there are several other companies who specialise in forum hosting (which is going to be the way to go as a specialist company is more likely to have their IPB installation configured so as not to cause CPU overhead problems). Costs start fairly low from just a few bucks per month. We just need to make sure that we sign up with a host who will allow us to upgrade as the site grows. As and when we're ready to go, I'll do a little research and come back with a definite proposal. All we'll need then is a domain name (or to transfer the original, if Blade is agreeable) and we're in business.

    I can organise all of the above without any problems, and am happy to do so as it's very straightforward. However, if Blade does allow us to move the old database over, I'm going to be struggling to find the time to do the transition as work and other commitments are taking an awful lot of my time at the moment. It's not just going to be as simple as copying the old db over - it's bound to need cleaning up and tweaking for full compatibility with the latest version of IPB.

    I'd suggest that the first thing we do is try to get a definite response one way or the other from Blade. At that point we can decide how to approach this.

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