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Everything posted by repfreak

  1. if you are using Garena, add me ID:kaku84
  2. CS is old school! lol I am playing Left4dead mutiplayer free online using Garena
  3. Sorry I cant go, have fun.. I am guessing United Square 101 Thomson Road #02-02/05 Singapore 307591
  4. 25th I cant make it as well.. if I have really the luck to do my papers well, I treat you guys bbq at my place...
  5. I thought that was your wife already... Congrats!
  6. Actually how many gtg did I miss? May is a crucial month for exams so I really cannot make it in that month..
  7. +1, I have the same problem as well.. I need 2 such dials, base.. Thanks..
  8. I will wear all your reps while singing! 5 pam on my left and 5 breitling on my right arm.. hm... you guys have to hold the mic for me...
  9. What about the GX SL from Flav?
  10. I think I will just go and heck care my exams.. I need a little break... I hope you can drag the GTG a bit later, so I can do up the crap pam i got from Bichoo (RG)... I ran out of lume, I am going to get from Flav's new GX lume, @taka, how's ur glowinc lume? if it not working well, we can share this lume... $250 for 20g.. I am interested into getting the black lumepowder which glows green at dark...
  11. @chuan: thanks man, I have a fun time dismantling it.... I think I sounded sick... So confirm KTV ar? so many people in KTV? hm.. I thought lighting no good, siesta181 hard to take photo?
  12. Finally, I read this... But my final exams is coming in 3 weeks time and I am stressed to hell... Put it in June, you all can come to my place... I promise you guys best BBQ hotplate food... Fresh salmon, you can eat it half grilled and half raw... hm...
  13. Wow, that was neat! So with a Nalgene Water bottle and a car tyre pump, you can make your own pressure gauge? Wont the bottle burst or the cap burst out or something? I dont use Nalgene Water bottle... lol, Wont it be better if you use a clear bottle? Very nice work friend.
  14. I have werid taste for B.effect. One man's meat is another man's poison... My life has been a comedy that's why I need serious themes...
  15. 1) Butterfly effect 2) The last Samurai 3) The Matrix (Only Part I) Sorry, I need to put in another Braveheart.. SBreene I love interesting plot with a twist and movies that express the heart of a true warrior..
  16. AT was simple and nice, not really surprising though... But hey, By-tor, we stand in the same line for Tags!
  17. Finally I got to post a small family of reps... I am currently trying to improve on my photo taking skills... Do advise me how to improve on shots. These photos are taken by a noobie using Canon Powershot G9. Enjoy. Bvlgari B zero 1, Jap quartz This is a nice ladies rep which you guys have buy one for your wife or mistress/es... Rolex Deep Sea, ETA clone Beefy fat ass! Omega Aqua Terra 21J, black Classic as usual... Cartier Seatimer 21J I picked up from Atlantis...
  18. I think birdman in RG has a few movement holders selling at only USD12++
  19. do remember, you need to discount some depth off cos of friction of the water.. when you swim or move, this create more resistance...
  20. Hm.. exactly... "well what pisses me off is that people follow crowds" Sorry, I put it in the wrong thread in my excitement.... @to the rest of the guys: will you grab more citibank shares now?
  21. In this case, will u buy the > USD1 cheap shares?
  22. Now that Citigroup's share has dropped from USD$85 below US$1, I heard of so many people who wants to buy Citigroup shares... From bus-stops to schools, its everywhere... I am not a expert in this field but I believe everything is in a balance. When someone wins, someone is bound to lose, this is the equilibrium. There are so many ignorant people who do not do their homework and try to make a fortune through Citigroup . They probably think the US govt will pull Citigroup up just like AIG. As far as I know, US govt have already issued a rescue package to Citigroup. Yeap, we know that Citigroup is well known and well established but it may still fall. I think people (including housewifes who stay at home and know nothing of the outside world) should do some research before investing... I mean the new announced to us is definitely old compared to those big players who have information first hand. I am not cursing Citigroup to fall but I hope some of the ignorant I chanced by can do some research before investing... Let's see what Obama can do... Anyway, despite that, I may wish to buy a bit to try my luck. What do you guys think?
  23. That's interesting.. Can how real can be noob rep can be?
  24. Hi sorry, I didnt meant to doubt you but it just sounded so strange that your first post is a review on exactwatches. 100% its gold plated for $75... Its highly unlikely, if you think its solid gold for USD$75? Then again, I am glad at least you can get at least something but from scam website, most of the people there dont even get anything...
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