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Everything posted by Undermeman

  1. Please take the time to exercise. This is important. American Heart Association approved exercises Here are the latest exercises approved by the Heart Association CLICK EACH 1 BELOW Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3
  2. Maybe we can have the search button amended to look for lurkers
  3. Happy Birthday to this guy as well
  4. Man I've got to get my head out th gutter. When I saw this post today for the first time and then noticed who posted it, I thought , great watch pics now with oil added to the mix ... I've got to get out more.
  5. Bin Phone...Hello Nais its me Luckky I've found your ...
  6. Bin Police (Hope You Like Her Better Johnny)
  7. Is it just me, or is Kings' new site much quicker.
  8. Bin Packaging, Where's My Watch
  9. to those great pics of his, and some great watch deals.
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