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Posts posted by bvc

  1. Got this from sixx a while back. Never worn it, couldn't get on with the rubber, just didn't sit right for me. Saw this thread and made me look again, put on this europelli today also from sixx and I've found myself a keeper. Wears perfect.


  2. Brietling Bentley gt green face. Bought the gen when my business took off around ten years ago. It was the first and last gen I bought.

    When times got hard I had to sell it. It went to a watch buyer that uses claridges as his office. I went a couple years without a decent watch then stumbled across rwi1 around 2008. Never looked back.

    Glad you got your dream watch. Wear it well.


  3. Re read my post. It sounds like I'm going to do my mate over. I'm looking for an insert with a view to presenting him with his sub back in tip top condition. ;-) oh and that wonky cyclops needs to come off!

    The fact it stopped working put him off I think. I assumed he just didn't feel reps coz he never mentioned them again.


  4. Mate bought this from josh about three years ago. I gave him the link to his site. He bought this sub but never pursued reps any further. It died a year ago and he gave it to me yesterday. The pearl fell out and he stuck this diamond in it. It is real funny enough, but it looks terrible! He reckons when he bought it it was the "more expensive one"

    So came home gave it a couple gentle taps and off she went. Been going strong for 15 hours now! Could give it back to him I haven't decided yet.

    Anyone know what this model is and what insert would fit. I'd love to get it looking nice and give her a service. Is it worth it though compared to the subs you can buy now for £180.

    I don't know much about Rolex but the crown guards look too big compared to the new sub in the ad. Look more like the gmt crown guards.

    Many thanks in advance for any help guys.





  5. Will look into bk and also noob v3 guys. I like the idea of noob v3 with the option to go franken later. Great advice guys. Thanks. Just want out the box close as possible, he really won't see the difference in dw font and the like.

  6. I'd say don't go the route he wants you to go...


    Buy whatever watch you like for 300GBP, use some more GBP to have a nice weekend with your wife (or whatever you like) and record her moaning your name.

    Send a picture of the watch, the voice record and a picture of the girl grinning like a Cheshire cat and tell him what you paid for it...priceless I'd say :D

    Lol only time she moans my name these days is when I've forgotten to load the dishwasher!

  7. Lol great comments guys keep them coming.

    Live1 that's a beauty. At the risk of sounding like a lemon, where can I get one? I wear brietling reps so I'm really not that clued up. This is my beater as of last month and its what prompted him to go for the sub.

    Do I have to go franken to get near his sub or will bk be able to handle it? My mate doesn't even know what he's got. He wouldn't even know if it was a rep.

    Cheers fellas


  8. My mate has admired my reps for a while, he's worn a tw steel for a the last year and has taken the moral high ground as he wears a "gen"

    I've offered to help him source a nice rep but he wouldn't have it. He can be a self righteous little git sometimes.

    So he texts me the other night with this message. Sorry mate I had to buy this! Looks like your gonna have to up your game..........what a bar steward! No warning or even an invitation to the ad to try on watches with him.

    Now before you tell me he's not a real friend. I already know. We've had a love hate relationship for 20 years. He's more of a little brother.

    So what do I want. I want his watch. I want to show him how good our reps really are. Not to hurt him or be nasty. Just to challenge his views regarding reps.

    Am I gonna have to go TC on this one?

    And you won't believe this....

    it was 5k and the AD took tesco club card vouchers to the tune of a grand. He paid 4k and a wad of the wife's vouchers. £250 worth and the AD quadrupled the value against the sub. :-0

    Appreciate your help on this one guys. I got one piece in the pipeline then my next buy is gonna have to be this.

    How bout that for the longest, "who's got the best sub" question!!! Surely worth a prize?


  9. I had a similar experience with my sosf. Watchsmiths love telling you how bad reps are! You would think they would know that watches of the standard we have become accustomed to are out there! Even if they've never worked on one.

    Just confirms to me how lucky I am to have found you fellow watch nuts. Even if you have almost bankrupted me with your watch porn.


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