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Posts posted by bvc

  1. You get a welcome from me.

    When something is 'new' to people of course you are defensive at first.

    As you will see the people here are not out to con anyone. In fact most of us press the alert button on the net if anyone is trying to deceive anyone else.

    Apart from that, you will meet amazing individuals here with a real and sincere passion for watches. Many gen owners here too who have had their veil lifted to other passionate watch collectors who simply enjoy specific designs, watch movements, changing straps and generally looking for ways to elevate their love for watches to a high level.

    1. I'm not the Fakewatchbuster, but I know him. And I support his actions on IG.

    2. I commented in this thread because it was linked to from another watch forum.

    3. I was aware of the existance of replica forums, but I DID NOT know this was one of them when I made my first post.

    4. I'm sorry for calling you names. I really and truly am.

    5. I have not called or said that anyone here are criminals, but in my and many others opinion the fake-industri is.

    6. I did not log out because - well, I don't know. Curiosity maybe?

    7. I understand the forum members who wants me outta' here. My reaction would be exactly the same if someone came into "my" forum andbal acted as a troll - or even worse.

    If I'm honest, I don't have a problem with batman calling out the muppets on ig trying to pass off that stuff as gen to anyone that will look in the hope that their self esteem and value as a human being will somehow be increased. Again being honest as this bug has turned into a fever I have had to take stock and ask myself why I feel the need to buy more reps when I already own my three dream watches.

    It could be argued of course, the insatiable desire to purchase more watches that is only curbed by the capacity of my wallet and my landlords completely selfish demand that his rent is paid EVERY month, Is because deep down I'm trying to fill the ever increasing void that knowing I don't have the genuine version brings. Or conversely it could be argued that I simply like the way they look on my wrist and could not care less that they are not "genuine"

    I owned a genuine brietling gt some years back. I would like to again one day however I have a wife who loves me and 3 beautiful children that I would prefer to spend my money on. My value as a person does not come from a watch. Rep or otherwise.

    Minuteman, I challenge you. Stick around make some friends, show us your gens, educate us with your knowledge of the pieces you own, hell why not build the ultimate franken and get us all drooling. If you do stay surely you will have to take the prize for the most insane entrance ever made on rwg.

    Note to mods. Sorry to add fuel to the fire. Maybe I should have refrained and let the more established members deal with this thread. I've just grown to love this place, I promise to upgrade ASAP!!!


    • Like 1
  2. "There is no doubt that I was taken by surprise when I discovered that this was a forum for replicas and trolling was not my motive to sign in. I am in principle opposed to all kinds of fake manufacturers. There is no doubt that this industry supports criminal activity . That the legitimate industry, governments, banks or other are engaged in criminal activity to an even greater extent does not legitimize this . Statements in this thread can be interpreted as it is okay to steal one hundred dollars because someone else steals thousands. Statements like these are hopefully a result of my " trolling " and not a general opinion here. Anyhow , there is no point going further with this discussion in a forum dedicated replicas"

    Text book effort minuteman. Divide and conquer tactics eh? Marginalization of the potential threat to your argument then alignment with an individual you perceive could be of use in the conflict you initiated via apparent reasonable dialogue and establishment of common ground with legend.

    As one who clearly has a need to fight for your chosen cause, protect the innocent and uphold what is deemed to be lawful, (deduced In part by your choice of name and your desire to educate those you believe are ignorant to its meaning in the fashion you did) I have a question...

    If it was a mistake and you really didn't know this is a rep forum why didn't you simply move on?

    From your comments I perceive you are in fact not completely asleep, you acknowledge to a significant enough degree that none of the organisations we as a race have created are truly legitimate. Be it a rep Rolex or a rep government.

    Can I proffer my take on why you have come back to read this thread again?

    I believe your verbal attack on this thread was not an attack at all, it was a test. You appear to me, to be someone intrigued by the fact this forum even exists. This in turn I believe offends your value system, thus causing an internal conflict which you chose to transfer onto this thread. Choosing and defending the tag minuteman tells me you have a strong sense of justice and desire to protect. Those are amazing qualities and you clearly possess them in abundance. they could however be put to far better use in my opinion.

    No need to kick the door in bro. It's not even locked!. Just knock and let yourself in mate. Make yourself comfortable and let's talk.

    Oh yeah, just one piece of advice. Never say never........

    Actually 2. Don't [censored] into the wind either.

    Now I'm gonna make a cuppa tea and scratch my nuts. Over and out.


  3. I have to admit that I'm an ignorant regarding fake watches. Of what I'm actually proud. The fake industri is all about illegality and criminal activies.


    Good luck supporting those criminals.

    Time to wake up my friend. For every alleged crime committed with funds generated from rep industries there are hundreds if not thousands of atrocities committed by the "genuine" organisations and governments I've no doubt you would religiously pledge your allegiance to given half the chance.

    Its clear to me, it is you that has been seduced by the infantile, intellectually and morally bankrupt propaganda proffered by your owners. If you are truly concerned about this terminally ill system we call a "society" I am saddened that the best you can muster is joining an online community for the sole purpose of accusing its members of supporting criminal activity.

    The paradigm you so vehemently cling to is about to be shattered. Wake up and smell the coffee.

    On the other hand if you are a simple troll looking for a bite. I'm as introverted as they come and draw bat cave amounts of power from "calling out" rep belief systems such as those held by your good self when they are forced upon others.

    Knock yourself out pal I love it!


    • Like 1
  4. Found a great little repair guy near me. Spoke a bit about what he can do. No movement work but Happy to do dial work, hands stem/ crown replacement. loads of tools and bits in his kiosk. Showed him sosf he was quite impressed. he had an old tag quartz on.

    He then tried to take control of the situation by telling me how horrific Chinese movements are and that inside it would be piece of junk. Handed her over and he commented on the weight. Blimey he says that feels alright don't it?

    Yeh I replies, so now his time to shine, with a little smirk on his face as if to say you ready for his sonny...he opens the case back, bloody hell he goes, that's an eta in there, out comes his eye glass, takes a sniff, bloody hell, that's a SWISS eta mate. (Sead comes up trumps) Where did you get this?

    Fix me watch and I might tell you, go back today all done. Even set the date to change at midnight again. What's the damage mate? No charge sir just tell me where I can get one. I says the same place I got these. Out comes a super avenger, and a sixx bones bce and crpo. He nearly falls over. Massive smile on his face. Tries them on and begs me to get him a brietling. Told him to visit rwg and that I'd see him soon for some stem work. ;-)


  5. Alvin, that is what I have always preached. The manner and temerity in which you carry yourself determines what reps you are able to pull off with due aplomb. When I had money I bought a wardrobe of clothes that are still in vogue , but on any given day I;m wearing 1 to 2 thousand in attire, shoes, and a couple hundred bucks for the watch. Never have I been questioned about whether my watch is real or not. Maybe it has to do with my being 6'4" and the question poser fears instant death. ;) However, that is not as plausible as how we carry ourselves. Simple as that. Thanks for bringing that up Legend!!


    No point wearing a 10 grand rep rollie and getting out of a shed on wheels with no road tax! (I've done it!)

    What you wear is just as important as how you wear it IMO. I'm a window cleaner and never get called out on my 3k brietlings.

    My mantra is the gen version of your rep should never be worth more that your wheels. Unless your sixx bones then just do what the hell you want! Normal rules simply don't apply to that man!

    • Like 1
  6. Hey jerkstore. I agree I really don't want to send it back. Not just for my sake but seads (I'm sure he's sick of newbies moaning) if its that easy a job I would happily pay for a local guy to sort it.

    I'm assuming its movement out and slight raise of the hour hand so it clears the logo. I'm even tempted if I can get clear confirmation its the logo to try it myself.


  7. Hey mike,

    Is that the tappa talking or the jack daniels? I think your saying let sead deal with it? I understand its not his fault and I'm cool with that. I really appreciate him entertaining the issue. Got a couple off cracking prezzies from sixx today so I'm feeling a bit better today.


  8. Small development. I've let the watch run and it has indeed got stuck at 11. Exactly on the left wing of the logo. This has in fact enabled me to Adjust the hands to correct setting because the minute hand can be set. So watch now reads exactly 11pm.

    Of course the date still sets at 8pm but I could live with that strangely enough!

    If I'm gonna ship it, it will go to sead (thanks for the offer though ssteel) but could this be sorted inexpensively by a local watchsmith? Or is it buggered, should I just let sead sort it.

    Cheers guys


  9. Hi guys thanks for all the advice. Sead has offered to sort it so ill be sending her back. The hour hand getting caught on the logo makes sense as the tip of the wing is right on the 11 marker. Where it originally stopped. I thought it was out of charge but clearly it was stuck. It's buggered it up now though coz hour hand is on the half hour and the date changes at 8pm now not 12.



  10. No offence taken mate. I now realise I have to do 2 things.

    1) upgrade, as I can no longer stand taking all the advice and help without giving something back.

    2) buy some tools and get reading.

    Suppose that's 3 but hey you get my drift.


    Guys please note I didn't mention sead on this thread. Lol! But yes it was him and he's communicating with me so we will see what happens.

  11. Hi guys

    Anyone familiar with this one.

    Been wearing swiss steel fish for a month on and off, but last night hour hand stuck on 11 second hand going round but nothing else. So I adjusted it to the correct time now its losing hours a day and the hour hand is pointing at the half hour when the minute hand is on 12.

    Paid top dollar for this, and treated with care. I'm thinking its not a quick fix, hoping I'm proved wrong.




  12. some of the lady replicas out of Thailand aren't quite 'correct' - make sure you check all the parts before committing, as they're likely to slip something inside that you really don't need or want, and will cause issues further down the track that may never be fixed. A thorough QC is recommended prior to purchase. This will save inevitable embarrassment and pain


  13. If you find any of the TDs can get hold of a cool lady replica please let me know.


    I'd like one about 6 feet tall, slim, attractive of course, either blond or a readhead or afro carribean, definitely got to have display front and backs, and the crown jewel guards have to be completely removable otherwise it'll be no fun at all!

    Ha ha, I was thinking the same thing sadly wasn't eloquent enough to do it justice. Good call, friend.

    The wife has had my sosf away white face. Looks really good, I'm sad to say. Apparently men's watches on women are all the rage. Female Celebs wearing no end of subs and daytonas.

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