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Posts posted by bvc

  1. You gotta choose a good quality tie in the first place. Your fighting a losing battle if you start with a long tampax wrapped in so called "silk". Also make sure your tie is long enough in the first place (pre knot) Nothing worse than a 6 inch gap between the end of your tie and your belt! A good quality, very thick, raw silk tie, on a pristine quality white shirt, with polished black shoes is your best bet imo. If you get that right the rest will take care of itself.

    p.s 2 button single breast every time. Pure class.

  2. First, congrats...I hope that the vision and joy of the day have/will not be shaken by this awful situation.

    It sounds like you have been a pure gentleman throughout and that your karma points remain positive. I have some crazy family members and occasionally have to step back, take stock and ensure I am conducting myself at a higher level. Serenity now, rinse and repeat...Your feelings aside for a second, I worry about your wife. Doesnt sound like this will be one of those things thats swept under the rug. A jacka** indeed, but still a player in an event with much long-term, emotional gravity.

    Gonna try and apply this advice in my own life.

    True words of wisdom. In the real world, I know its the only way forward. B)


  3. And if you consider yourself skilled in that art there few people on this forum who I (and my circle of immediate friends here) feel might benefit from something like that. I'm sure we would all be willing to create a nice pool of funds for you to draw from so that you could be well compensated for providing such a valuable service to us...

    If I had found you guys 10 years ago I would have gladly offered my services, sadly though, with a wife, 3 little boys and a stint at "hmp" I am trying to mend my ways and show the boys a better life. Dont get me wrong, bring it to me and someone is going down ;) but i have come to realize you cant take out every idiot in life. However this guy needs dealing with imo. I think a very private, very quiet, very serious word would be in order.

    On a softer note. Why not hire the comedy boxing ring and gloves at the reception, invite him to "play" and just "accidently" knock his teeth out?


  4. You just made me think of something. My college roomate's Step Father was a real a*s and I forget but he did something real bad to Dave (my roommate). I forget what it was, but Dave never liked the guy and whatever it was ended up being the last straw I guess in his eyes. So he goes home for Christmas to CT as usual. He was kind of a rich kid. Grew up in Greenwich. It turns out his mom had bought his Step Dad a brand new S500 for a gift. On Christmas eve Dave waits until everyone is asleep and carries out his plan. He eats a high octane meal consisting of Mexican food, french fries and ice cream and a few hours later the rumblings hit him. He takes a massive sh*t in a brown paper lunch bag and puts it aside outdoors. He then proceeded to take the entire dash apart on the new Benz, then takes the bag and buried it in there somewhere and put it back together. The story goes that the Step Dad was going crazy trying to figure out why his car was smelling so bad. He literally couldn't even go in it. After a day or two he called the dealer and returned the car refusing to pay for it and the dealer said whatever was causing the smell was his problem and didn't want to take it back. There was a huge fight and I forget what the outcome was. But to this day nobody but me ever knew what Dave did. You might want to give that one a shot TJ. :D

    PS: Dave loved to do stuff like that ever since whenever he was mad. Later, a hotel gave him crappy service and wouldn't credit him so he welled up a whole roasted chicken inside the television set in his room and checked out...

    My personal favorite would be to put a paper bag full of the brown stuff on his doormat. Put a match to it, Ring the doorbell and run. He comes out and stamps out the fire ;) ...............He has a shoe covered in poo poo, you get your gratis.

    Or you could have done with it and just lay him out. It never ceases to amaze me the effect a good crack on the jaw can have. <_<


  5. Thanks for all the support, amigos, it is all very much appreciated. After a night's sleep, I'm feeling better about the situation, but the underlying anger that a 'parent' could behave that way towards their child is still there. I just can't believe that someone could actually be so utterly failing as a human being as to behave that way. He doesn't have to get on with, or even like me, so that's never concerned me, but to treat his own daughter that way... It just makes me furious...

    Of all the suggestion, this stood out the most:

    For some reason, I really like the sound of that plan. Ironically, he actually services watches (if swapping quartz batteries and straps counts as 'servicing' as we would understand the term :lol: ) so sending him some dead reps would certainly have some kind of perverse irony to it :lol:

    Thanks again, amigos :):drunk:

    Personally I would just post him a turd. :o

  6. If I was the person I was 20 years ago I would have burned down my inlaws house with them inside it, without a second thought.

    Trust me mate, its your wife that matters. I learned an important lesson from a very together friend several years ago. For someone to mess with your head they need one thing................................Your permission!

    Drop this bum and take the highground. He is nothing to you.

  7. I have a 6.75 bentley needs double ar. Its with josh a the mo getting repaired.would be ready jan, and probably another by then. I dont have a clue how to remove the chrystal. suppose we would have to do that?. And I just thought, what if chrystal has a single ar? i.e my bentley. would they remove the single ar and start over like chief? or just coat the other side?

    Never understood ar fully. just know it looks awesome when its done. does single ar mean its just on one side thats coated or does it mean the strength of the coating is weaker. as in double ar is 2 coats so to speak. sorry if that sounds pathetic.


  8. Another issue lately is the return of broken watches. Theft of these returned watches is on the rise as these postal workers easily figure out that watches are being returned.. yeah.. they are broken.. but obviously easily fixed there in GZ... I know one dealer who will not accept returns in GZ anymore.. they are mailed to a different city for him just to avoid theft.. It's getting crazy folks.. (but dont hit the panic button... most of these occurrences are far and few between.. these dealers know how to do it obviously and are 99% successful at making it happen for you)

    c'mon man just sent my bentley back to josh today, didnt want to hear that :mellow: what dealers are willing to replace watches that go missing on the way back to china. outgoing yeah... but incoming?

  9. I felt the same when I got my Skyland.

    I was totally paranoid about the dodgy lume, but to be honest, no-one has noticed, even under close scrutiny!

    Yep im thinking about the very same thing. it looks like either dial removal for my super avenger and send it to u.s. or buy a gen dial. they are goin for about $250. How much for a relume in u.s? Cheap enough to warrant the time and effort?

  10. No 1: I have owned a gen breit gt

    No 2: I have made several visits to my local ad.

    Went round my mates house tonight and he has a gen sosf. Seen it several times and it looks nice. Now, he thinks my 6.75 is a gen (I know, he's not that good a mate) He is the same kind of gen owner i was when i had

  11. Hey guys,

    Sending my 6.75 back to josh tomoz, re dodgy subdial postion. However when the crown is pulled out fully it feels quite loose. Is this worth mentioning to josh? I have given him a bit of grief and he has agreed to fix for the 2nd time. So I dont want to bring it up if its not a big problem, I would have thought it should feel tight and secure is it a 6.75 thing or is it an issue? would appreciate your thoughts. thanks


  12. Should a Rep Breitling Bentley have a sweep second hand or should it be a sub-dial?

    Normally you would get a good slappin for not "searching" for the answer. However I love the bentley and although having a very limited knowledge regarding the rep game, I thought I would give you your answer. From my experience this is one of a couple of freebies you will be entitled to as a fellow newbie. :D

    Second hand sweeps on the subdial, Large second hand sweep when chrono is in use.


  13. No, nothing misleading at all. The genuine ETA 7750 is made in Switzerland, yours is made in China, which means it is not a genuine ETA movement - it is a clone (copy). The Asian-made clone is a very good clone, but it is still a clone. As has already been suggested, there is a wealth of detailed information on these movements - both Swiss & Asian - in The Zigmeister's section as well as a number of other RWG forums.

    I think your datewheel may have had an overlay glued onto it & that may have been what your watchmaker balked at dealing with. And this is another good example of why it is important to phone a watchmaker to see if he is willing to work on a replica watch (with a replica movement) before you make the trip.

    mmm! if you had heard my ex watchsmith you would believe chinese 7750's are the work of the devil. Not sure if they can be called clones of the swiss eta. he said the quality was nowhere near what the gen 7750 is. he said "very cheap copy, rough, inferior parts, nasty to work with, not worth servicing or fixing cause they are only 30 or 40 quid if you know where to find them" he charges 20 quid an hour for his work. said there is no point in wasting my money servicing or fixing them. as a result I thought i would ask josh if he could sell me a couple of movements in case i need them. sadly they are "strictly not for sale"

    tried searching but couldn't find what movement is used in the 6.75 or if i can buy them anywhere.

    i am happy with my "chinese clone" especially taking into consideration the price of the gen 7750, so dont shoot the messenger :D its just a lot more difficult than I though it would be to find a watchsmith that will work on the clone. the first two said no problem when i rang and said i have a 7750 that needs work, then when they saw it was chinese they booted me out the door!!!!


  14. I doubt it's the hammer. 9 out of 10 the chrono cam is just gummed up. Most a7750s are full of dirt and dibree. Let your watchmaker remove the chronocam and clean it in an ultrasonic cleaner... that will do the trick.

    Ok buddy. Its wierd i found two watchsmiths who were happy to work on fakes, when i called them. then when they see the watch they seem to change their minds. do you think they are p*ssed at the quality or maybe my breath just stinks.

    the last guy, informed me he was not a watchsmith but a horologist. said over the phone changing datewheels wouldnt be a problem then when he sees it says its to risky coz of the hands having to be removed!!!!!!!

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