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Posts posted by bvc

  1. Hi guys, although I have been content and fought off the fever for several years with my one rep (sa) I've succumbed recently. I now require a watch winder!!! Minimum 4 winders prefer more but I'm on a budget. Question is can anyone recommend a winder that's the best value (not necessarily the cheapest) need bang for buck but need it to be reliable.

    Don't care what it looks like, (for now anyway:-)

    Would buy 2 twin winders if that works out cheaper and build quality is negligable.

    Cheers fellas.


  2. Next time, hang upside down when your taking the pics. That's the only way you'll prevent this from happening in the future, seriously...

    Haha, ill turn the iPad upside down see if that works.

    Both reps mate. Dead chuffed with how they look on leather. Brietling reps need to be on leather or rubber imo the bracelets don't compare with the gens easy call out. Especially the super avenger. Ss Is too much for me.

    Thanks again to sixx. You the man!

    Ps. Don't worry I won't mention the gen deployment you gave me.....

  3. Thanks to sixx. Came home from work to a bce and new strap for me sa. For those that are interested the sa just sits so much nicer on leather. Completely changes the feel of the watch.

    Sorry the pics are upside down.



  4. remember if you up grade your membership you can get many more features and access much more info and advice...and of course you can post in the trade section too !!



    And if you go to the general discussion forum and look at this thread






    You see there is a great incentive apart from the above to upgrade and its very cheap to do it and also you can do it monthly for just a couple of bucks :)

    Now I know I'm not speaking out of turn, and based on this thread I will be upgrading, I would like to know who the td was? I'm sure I'm not the only one either. I will also be checking my Swiss eta's.


  5. bvc I like Sgt have the white from mirrors very happy with it (A clone running fine for almost a year), smaller dealer less chance of getting a DOA IMHO reasonably priced.

    As far as bracelet ,yes I know they all are not up to snuff.

    Thanks mike, I'm uk based and josh was generally very quick to deliver, however that don't mean much when you have to send it back for 6 weeks to be repaired. If the qc is genuine I really can't ask for much more from a dealer. Would prefer to buy from a member in uk but that comes with its own issues!



  6. Thank mate.

    Will take that on board. I'm going for white as well. I know some feel the colour may be off a little but It just pops to me. My mates got the gen. it sits very well, just a shame the bracelet isn't up to scratch, no contest next to the gen. my blue faced sa crown has finally stripped after a year clinging onto the last bit of thread. Stepping down in size with the sf so I think the white will look a little bigger. Been toying with the upo but I'm just a sucker for that brietling double ar.

  7. Hi guys, gonna pull the trigger on a steel fish and maybe a skyland avenger this week. Used to order from josh, had a couple of watches arrive doa and at least 3 only lasted a month before bits fell off. Not knocking josh. I was green, and there was communication from him. However, I lost heart a little and haven't bought anything for over a year. Can't resist anymore. I need a steel fish or I'm gonna explode!!!

    So my question, josh seems to have implemented some convincing qc on his site. Pics of actual watch, test and free waterproof reading. Should I give him another go or try another td?

    What do you reckon?


  8. Hi buddy, no idea what's coming out, but welcome back, I'm always keen to hear from a fellow brit.


    Considering your reputation around these parts, My post may have sounded a little Presumptuous on reflection, I meant welcome back to blighty old bean and that I look forward to reading your posts.

  9. My opinion for what its worth.

    With 3 boys under 5 and a wife and business to look after, I dont have the time to research and learn what a lot of guys on here have, However, I enjoy wearing nice watches.

    Now after quietly surfing the forum and buying a few watches that lasted a few months at best, I for one, would welcome a "quality" service. Some of the watches I have recieved were an absoloute joke. Completely non existent qc. I am totally put of buying from a dealer. As a result I now only look at private sales on the forum but some of the horror stories of late have made me reluctant to buy here also. (No offense to the straight up members. I know there are some here!) I would welcome a quality vendor with real qc, servicing and mods included and I would be happy to pay for it.

    As a side point there are not many watches I wouldnt wear. If someone were to take a punt on some popular watches a bring them up to the standards we are discussing and sell them of the shelf as opposed to providing a bespoke service that takes weeks. I am sure they would sell.

    Also I am sure I am not the only one that would love to meet a vendor and be able to see some pieces first hand. I am near london. Bring some nice watches and I would definatlely find some pennies.

    I have found through my experiences that when you believe in something you will make it happen. If you believe in this idea, then make it happen, (even on a small scale) and "they will come" .......well I probably will anyway!



  10. Ok guys. Fair comments, the question "who has the best sub/pam/breit is gonna p*ss most of us off, however it would be good to know if there are any good out the box pams out there. I am not into modding, I normally go for the "best outta box" version. I like the look of the pams (I wear breits) but haven't bought one cause I dont have the time to research "(he pam range is huge, a little daunting and obviously time consuming) and I wasnt prepared to ask the "question" because I knew what the response would be! So I bought a big pilot 5002. Based on the pinned guide in the IWC area.

    So, call it lazy, shallow or something else, mabye if you are not prepared to research your chosen brand/model then really you are not worthy or it. (I can appreciate some knowledge of your watch is respectful, but the question is how much should you know before you are worthy of wearing it?) Obviously the conniseur of the ferrari brand will be much better thought of than the lottery winner that walks into the garage and slaps down a 160 big ones on the bonnett of 360 modena and says Ill have that one!!!! However I do think there should be a place for the guys who like reps (like me) and would like to know a little and buy the "best outta box"

    As shallow as it sounds closeness to gen is more important to me than what I intitially am drawn to in a model. (sorry)

    I prefer the IWC potuguese but after 10 mins research went for the 5002. I have spent 2 hours on pams tonight and I am more confused than when I started!!

    So guys with respect, any decent "outta box pams" out there for us heathens?

    peace and love


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