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Posts posted by bvc

  1. I service and repair Asian 7750's all the time, and have done so for close to 4 years now.

    The quality is there, otherwise I would not waste my time, and my customer's money servicing a poor quality movement that would only have problems.

    Replacing the DD wheels is very simple and without any risk, heck I tear Asian 7750's down to the last screw and spring all the time, and amazingly once I put them back together, they work better than new :)

    In other words, find another watchsmith. He's clearly not looking beyond the actual job at hand.

    Very few reps have or have had Swiss ETA 7750's in them, the cost is much too high. But don't be discouraged by your Asian model, it's a great movement and should give you years of service with regular servicing. Even the Swiss 7750 needs regular servicing to keep running.


    Wow, I am not worthy. :D

    thanks The Zigmeister. I wish you lived in the uk.

  2. Yup .. Have a look at at the following two watches (as an example).



    Note the main diff is Swiss/Asia 7750, then look at the price diff.

    The Swiss is what the Gen's use, the Asia is the cheap copy.

    The problem is that ETA, who makes the Swiss one, has opened a factory in China .. so are those Swiss or Asia movements?

    Have a browse in the The Zigmeister section, there are a few detailed posts about the 7750. Loads more details than I could ever remember.

    I have enough problem pronouncing 'valjoux'.

    wow. thanks for the info bibbs. the more i find out the less i realize i know. surely better to buy 4 asian of the same watch than one swiss? load of parts then eh? ok so now i gotta find a smith that will work on asian movements.

  3. Hey rolexman. thanks for the advice and offer of help. I just got back from the watchsmith. He has told me the chrono hammer is sittin to far from the reset button (not by much but enough to stop the button hitting it.) if you press reset about 10 or 20 times it will just catch. Cant repair it so gonna have to speak to dealer. Its not stuck just not in right position.


  4. Hey guys, can anyone help? I am using search just wondered if you can help me on my way.

    Took my 6.75 to my watchsmith (1st face to face meeting) spoke on the phone and he has no probs working from home. went to his house and he works from a unit in his back garden. got a horologist plaque on his front wall and hundreds of clocks and watches in his unit. so he seems to know his stuff. On the phone i said ive got a rep breit with a 7750. could you work on it and replace the datewheels? he said yes bring it in.

    took it in today, he opens it has a look with his mag glass and says sorry mate its not a 7750 its a copy of a 7750 and not a very good one at that. To replace the datewheel would be risky and quite involved. not something he would want to do.

    So do our reps have rep movements? or is this movement a cheap version of what should be in there? its advertised as a valjoux asian 7750. Is my watchsmith being silly am I being silly or have I got a dodgy movement?

    sorry if this sound stupid but all the stuff on 7750s is a bit confusing am I just not getting the obvious? that our watches have replica 7750s in them.


  5. Maybe too obvious but....did you press 'stop' before trying to reset? Otherwise reset won't work.

    yeh bro. the bottom button (reset) just goes in now. its not catching on anything, no click, just a springy feeling if that makes sense.

  6. Hey guys, wonder if you could help. got a week old bentley 6.75 and the chrono worked fine till just now. (used it 3 or 4 times, I haven't been playing with it) and the reset button at the bottom has stopped working. chrono starts with a nice click of the button but now there is no click for the reset button. pressed about 10 times and it reset. defo a problem. feels like it has come away from something. is this an easy fix or is it b*ggered? would appreciate your help


  7. Think he's saying that he doesn't sell the movement separate.

    The only issue with your watch is the alignment of the date wheel. Nothing wrong with the movement itself.

    And the datewheel sits on top of the movement, so he's saying it doesn't need to be opened for the replacement.

    (all how I read it.)

    Thanks for your comments bibbs, but my question to josh was in part about fixing the subdials on the watch that he had already supposed to have fixed. at my own expense might i add! Bought a watch it was faulty, sent it back and it came back with different faults, emailed to ask advice about how to fix one of the faults at my own expense and i think i am being told there is no fault!

    I have b*tched about josh before and been told to sort it with him rather than moan on the forum. (fair comment) I believe I have followed protocol respecting my issue with josh.

    So - does anyone know what is involved in fixing my subdials? can they just be moved or do I need a new part? Not slating josh cause i am sure if i sent it back he would fix it, would rather get it done this end though.

    Thanks guys.

  8. Allright, found a new watchsmith, he has said 7750 movements are cheaper to buy than to repair and sometimes even service. best to buy new movements and replace in his opinion. Sent my 6.75 back to josh for repair of subdials they were wonky. it has come back with a misaligned date wheel and the subdials are still a little off. improved but definately still off. I am not sending it back. so josh has sent me a new datewheel with a clear instuction that his responsibility toward the watch is now finished.) i am getting it fitted at my own expense. I have mentioned getting the subdials fixed at my own expense also and asked josh advice on how this could be done. i.e do i need a new movement to realign the dials or can they just be moved? i think he is getting p*ssed off with me now. This was his reply:

    Hi Josh. Good news I have found another watchsmith. he can replace datewheels for me! Could you tell me what is required to re align the sub dials. I think new movement? do you know the "caliber" of the movement in the 6.75 you sent me. Watchsmith wants to know. how much for new a7750 to me?


    The movt is strictly not for sale.

    All is needed is to line the datewheel.. there is no need to touch the movt parts.



    Is josh telling me there is nothing wrong with my watch, or is it just a language thing? I would like to know what is needed to fix the subdial problem. I think josh believes i am just making trouble.

    Now my watchsmith says needs to know the caliber of the movement. does anyone know what it is on the 6.75 josh supplies. I am pretty much done with hassling josh. I think he has had enough of me too.

    Thanks guys. bvc

  9. ummm... precious time and narikaa DON'T dropship. Are you confused about that?

    Puretime and Precious time are two different dealers... Is that what you meant - you thought we were contradicting each other?

    Sorry guys, I am a [censored]. Its about time I learned to think before I speak! Be gentle with me :)

  10. Sorry to interupt, but where was the friendly watchsmith in the UK?


    sorry bibbs, I thought i found a good watchsmith, he's just decided he cant help anymore, (he was pretty shocked by the "fake" i asked him to look at.) Even though i would still rather spend a month looking for a rep friendly "smith" than send it back to josh. let me know if you find someone buddy. B) i am still looking.

    and by the way. doddsy has a big reputation around these parts for blowing his load early in the game. :p Lightweight.


  11. i'm learnin, its not about the faults' it's about the faults you can live with. lume is not the issue i thought it was. "for me if it glows in the dark, its good enough". but give me the wrong caseback and i will burn your house down!!! I took my 6.,75 out today for the first time (bought it in sept, a whole nuvva story) clocked by several peeps, (one nearly fainted) none of them gave a crap about the lume. i wanted a perfect rep. they dont exist, unless you wanna mod. (i dont).


  12. ok guys. josh is sending new datewheels so assuming my guy can fit them i am once again back in love.

    thanks for the advice and especially for not telling me i was being too fussy or that its all part of the excitement.


  13. ok then found a rep friendy watchsmith. not a modder and cant get parts, but he said he can service and adjust reps. he took a look at the datewheel. he says the datewheel is perfectly alligned but the numbers are printed a little off on the wheel. hence the slant, he also said though that if you look closely the numbers are different sizes and create an added optical illusion on some of the date settings. he set it to 11th and you can see the left numeral is shorter and thicker and the right numeral is longer and thicker!!

    anyone got any thoughts/ experiences of this? I am hoping josh can send me a new datewheel and i can have it fitted. anyone think this is do-able? or is the datewheel part of the movement? i.e whole movement replace?

    cheers bvc

  14. Hi,

    Ok.. Got the pic..

    after you have quick set it.. can you wingle it a little to line it ?

    Also when you quick set the date.. move the hands to 4.30pm..This is important for the date flippers..to work without any interferance.

    Let me know further.


    Ok this is josh's reply. can anyone help me out. I dont want to mess is up even more. I dont think the quick set works, a problem on some other 6.75's i have seen from other threads. you unscrew the crown and you can wind the watch. pull out for one click and turn (I assume quick date setting) and you can spin the crown freely, nothing happens. pull out for second click and you can set the time. (this is how is set the date) I can live the quick date not working but cant get the numbers to line up.

    With crown fully extended it is very loose!! is this right guys? almost like it could fall out.

    thanks bvc.

  15. bearing in mind i am just a noob. can anyone explain in laymans terms what the problem is? does the datewheel just need a nudge or does it need to be removed and replaced, or something else? No way I can do it myself but I am interested as to how this has happened.

    thanks for your help guys, I know there are bigger fish to fry so I really appreciate your comments.


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