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Posts posted by JoeyB

  1. As has been said, the problem is in the 'keyless works'. As Nanuk said, sometimes you can fiddle with the stem and gently pushing the button and it will re-seat itself. It is worth the effort to try it more than a few times. 


    If that doesn't work, Sneed posted a tutorial on re-setting the keyless works, and as your luck has it, it is an ETA2824 in his tutorial. 



    As many as I have done, I still pull up sneed's thread and go step by step. It might look difficult at first, but it is not real hard to do. The worst thing that can happen is that you mess it up, and have to take the parts you removed and the movement to a watchsmith. And you plan on doing that anyway. You just might fix it yourself. Then that will lead you to what many of us have been led to, doing more of your own repairs.

  2. Did you sign for the package? I assume you didn't. If you did you might be stuck.

    If you did not sign for the package you should be covered. FedEx insures each package for a minimum amount, I think it's $200. Ebay has buyer protection, so you should be covered there as well. Ebay owns PayPal and payPal has buyer protection as well. You will need to contact them all. 

  3. I'd like some advice. I have hesitated to leave negative feedback for Mike under his RWG profile. This is his way of making money and that's not something to mess with without good reasons. But it is also important that this site serve one of its main purposes--to provide accurate information. So I wonder if it is unfair to others if I don't leave some negative feedback. Anyone considering doing business with Mike deserves to know this stuff first (as well as all the positive things people have said in the past). If anything, I think I would just leave this thread's web address as the comment for the feedback so they can decide for themselves. Does anyone think this would be unfair to Mike?  

    Sure, here's some advice. Stop lying. 


    Finn, you threatened Mike, harassed him in PMs. emails, on the phone and at his home. He has done  just as you instructed, and you now want more. 

    12 posts? In my opinion, you are full of it. I don't believe a word you posted. I think you are lying and have been lying all along. I think your feedback would be nothing more than fabricated B.S., and therefore, not of any worth to the forum.  

  4. Hi folks. Just checking back in because I got one of MD2020's failed repairs back from the local watchmaker. This was a brand new watch keeping nearly perfect time that I sent to Mike in early March 2013 for a cleaning. I got it back in late August running over a minute fast. He told me he wasn't sure what had happened so I gave him a few more months to figure it out. Finally I asked for it back in August as it became obvious that Mike had taken in more work than he could handle and was blowing off dozens of clients.. So last week I took it to my local watchmaker to see if I could salvage the watch. He said it was probably lubricated incorrectly. A week later, I got back a watch keeping nearly perfect time. For some reason, Mike was not even able to clean this watch correctly.


    There is no good excuse for this. I fear there is much more troubling Mike than just "family matters". When excuses don't make sense, they're usually not true. I hope I'm wrong, but I'd get my watches back ASAP before Mike disappears.


    Finally, Mike please return my $320. You did not earn any of it at this point. It will cost me more to repair your repairs--even a cleaning by you required a repair.  There is no justification to keep my money. How can you treat people this way? In any event Mike, no matter what you choose to do, I wish you well and I hope you get your life in order.



    finn, on 27 Sept 2013 - 08:47 AM, said:

    It is kind of hard to say I burned my bridges with Mike--although the bridge seems to have been burned for sure. But I think Mike did the burning--which is convenient for him since he still has my $320--a nice trick. As an indicator of my complete frustration in dealing with Mike over a 6 month period, I told him he could keep the money if he would just send my watches back in one piece even if they were not repaired--which he did not (and sent one back with a totally new problem). But why would I rely on a moderator to resolve this and bother them with this? They have no authority to compel Mike to do anything. My choices are sue him (which I am not going to do), forget it or continue to rely on Mike eventually seeing that he has behaved immaturely and unprofessionally here and see that he has to refund at least part of my money. I want Mike to do the right thing for his and my sake. No one is doing Mike any favors by trying to cushion him in this matter. He will hopefully learn a valuable lesson and avoid this kind of stress in the future. He knows he is wrong here. He is just so angry at me right now. So I will continue to ask him to forgive me and call me so we can resolve this. At some point, I'll just give up. So Mike, if you are reading this, if you continue to avoid me I will just give up--but that doesn't mean you should allow this to happen. I am sorry in advance that this bothers so many people.


    Finn, you threatened Mike, harassed him at his home, he did just as you instructed, and you now want more.

    11 posts? In my opinion, you are full of it. I don't believe a word you posted.  I think you are lying and have been lying all along. I think a few here are just piling on, and being unreasonable. But I think you are worse. I'd strongly recommend that neither Mike, nor the mods/Admin, have anything at all to do with you. 

  5. Is it the same base movement design with a modified mainplate and keyless?  I did not realize that.   

    They are designed by the same manufacturer. They likely use the base and design it to be a GMT. It's not converted, as the ETA2836-2 is, but designed to be, and made from the factory as a GMT.

  6. The Rafflestime small GMT arrow was a joint work by yours truly and Ken. He has the hand to fit. Just tell him what movement you are using. The color looks right to me! A little 'orange' to the red.

    I'd recommend that all of our members mention RWG when contacting Ken at Rafflestime. He likes us! 

  7. The DG movements seem to me to be a tad easier to work with than the ETA movements. The obvious advantage is the initial cost, but when it is time to service the movement the ETA will cost anywhere from $100 to $250, and the DG, well, you de-case it, strip it down, carefully place it on the bench, then, using a 40oz hammer, whack the SOB brushing the pieces into the trash. Put in a nice, new clean DG from Otto Frei or other supplier for about $25 and you're done. As was said by others, the movements that come in our reps are usually dirty, and a service is recommended. I have both ETA and DG in my builds, and just as far as function, they are equals. It's nice in my head to have a genuine swiss movement, but I'm not certain that is the 'best' choice. 'Best' choice is a very individual choice. 

  8. It is not my belief nor will I live my life as a victim or in constant anger over past wrongs. I see the best in people and do not let negative experiences shape my world because I choose not to. Yes there will always be stupid and also smart, I see the glass half full.

    Where does that come from? I certainly do not live my life as any "victim", or in constant anger at all. People I meet get the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise. Negative experiences do not "shape"  my world, but I do learn from all my experiences. Reality can't be wished away. 

  9. "This opposition is purely opposition to President Obama. It is my belief that the opposition is racially charged."


    Isn't that always your belief no matter what the issue with him get over it, people can oppose the President with no other reason than different ideologies. Now we can start the ugly arguments that paint anyone who disagrees with you/him a raciest I am not rising to the bait.



     We are talking health care, race has no place here.

    'It is my belief' based on what I hear, see and read. I have nothing to "get over". I lived in the `50s and `60s. I was in high school when we had  race riots every year, and the 'long, hot summers' when our cities burned. I saw the marches on TV, the way people fought to be equal, to the simple right to not have separate drinking fountains. I read when the Bear's Gale Sayers roomed with Brian Piccalo for the first interracial roomie in the NFL. I was a senior when Martin Luther King was murdered. And in my 38 year long career I shared dirt and blood and death with people of all persuasions. And I learned. I learned that no matter who I asked, I couldn't find a single person who was consulted before they were born as to how they would be born. I learned that judging another by their looks was stupid. I learned that bigotry and racism is stupid. I've learned that some embrace that stupidity, relish in it, take a false pride in something they had no control over. I've learned that some who never had those experiences think racism no longer exists. I've learned that stupid has not gone away. 

    I know racism when I see it. 

  10. Joey my position on this is more left than yours, I proposed scrapping this half measure and going all in with a system more like KB has described. In addition I proposed taxing corporations for it. You can not get more liberal progressive than that! This being said I still maintain no exceptions everyone gets the same coverage public ,private everyone period. My one conservative hold out privately run they make more money by preventative care than sick care is the model, out comes and cost need to be balanced.

    Actually, no, you are not more 'Left' than I am. As I said, I'd much prefer a universal health care plan. And I agree with your outline. However, as a Liberal, I realize that some things have to be taken one step at a time. conservatives would never have accepted any more of a plan that the ACA. In fact, the conservative model was used for the ACA as designed by the Heritrage Group and implemented in Massachusetts by Mitt Romney years ago. The idea being that congressional conservatives would vote for and support a plan from their own. There was one hitch. It was nicknamed 'Obamacare'. Anything that comes from Obama is automatically opposed by the 'right'. Even their own plans, as we saw this evening when they rejected the budget that used their lower dollar amounts that Democrats opposed. 


    This opposition is purely opposition to President Obama. It is my belief that the opposition is racially charged. 

  11. In fairness. I am 62 years old, drive a Mercedes, and my position would intimidate anyone thinking of questioning my watch. I do get many compliments on my watches, especially the 6542 and 1675, but the 16710 as well. 

  12. 30 million new patients sounds good











    unless you like your medical care to be provided with some semblance of quality and timeliness

    '30+ million new, paying patients'.  They've been treating those 30+ million already, but for free. 

  13. They did not go far enough and it is a cluster f**k we must change to national health care system





    It's only a cluster____ now because it is brand new, and being overrun by sheer numbers of people who want it. And there are so very many lies being told, fear peddling, by the opposition. 

  14. From the ambulance standpoint I'm not sure how things are going to change for me.  I've been giving frivolous ambulance rides to homeless and public housing people for years and I'm sure I'll be doing the same for years to come. 

    You'll get paid. Take the amount of rides, multiply by the charges, and figure out how much your income will be going up. You should go out and carry a sign screaming for the ACA. 

  15. I work in healthcare and have 2 physicians in the family, trust me the healthcare situation before was a nightmare to traverse. Now? Some speculate that MDs are going to drown in regulations and need to hire consultants to make sure that their carts and bills have all of the requisite dotted i and crossed t.




    With 30+ million new, paying patients, and the end of 30+ million non-paying patients, I think they can hire someone to handle the paperwork. 

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