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Posts posted by JoeyB

  1.  yes its the tiger case


     although the coin edge is still flat looking 


    Is the 'Tiger' case a gen style mount of the crystal and bezel retainer? Mine from a couple of years ago was the 'cartel' style with a groove for the crystal that had to be glued in. Is that a new design? 


    I took the coin edge bezel and mounted on one of those rubber sanding drums for a drill. Spun it a few times to get it seated straight, and using my drill press, used emery cloth mounted on a popsicle stick and slightly beveled the edges, top and bottom. You can sorta see it in the pic. The GMT is more beveled than the Submariner. 



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  2. I could post your quote from back then, but this back and forth wont change your view.


    Post what you like, feel free to wind up people...


    All the smart members have already acknowledged your idiocy.  :clap2:

    You could post my quote from two replies ago, but you won't. It doesn't satisfy your agenda. 


    I can and will post what I like, thank you, and regardless of your suggestions.


    Yep, my PM box has been quite busy with the smart members here, and I appreciate their support in my replies to the "idiocy". 

  3. I did. I was banned for making a fuss when Nanuq posted that picture, remember?


    I was asking for your personal opinion.

    Do you think what he does is alright or do you think it's a violation of the board rules?


    If you think it's a violation why don't you demand a ban? You are all about the rules aren't you?


    No, I didn't know you were banned, and evidently, not banned all that much.


    I expressed my opinion when it happened, many pages ago, and it's still there. 


    Why are you trying to change the subject? 

  4. Like the man said Joey, leave it alone, this is getting us nowhere fast  ;)


    I for one won't be responding again.



    If those who attacked a fellow RWG member for simply stating his opinion, cussed him out, called him names, and those who threatened, those who lied to the RWG members wish to apologize to the RWG member and membership, fine. If they choose to run away, that's fine too. I won't. 

  5. Stop it Joey, you are making yourself seem really unpleasant and immature

    I'd hope to be "unpleasant" with those who attack fellow RWG members, who cuss out fellow RWG members, who name call RWG members, those who threaten fellow RWG members,  and those who lie to RWG members. 

    I look back on my replies and the immaturity I see are those attacks, cussing, name calling, threats and insults, and those defending those actions.

  6. Hold on I'll just rename this thread 'The Joey tirade thread' 


    You know you are really showing how much of an arrogant person you really are Joey, MOAB is trying to help as are most of us involved with this thread.......you must be getting pretty desperate to have this thread shut down........there is only one troll I can see and it sure aint MOAB..... :inverted:

    You think me "arrogant" because I object to a fellow RWG member being attacked and cussed out simply for expressing his opinion?

    You think it's right for someone to call that RWG member an "idiot"?

    You support someone who has lied several times to all the RWG membership in this thread?  


    I see several newbie trolls here who insult RWG members. 

  7. That's not even remotely close to what I posted in the private PM group, and you're getting on MOAB for 'fabrication'?



    I didn't say you posted that at all, I don't know what you posted in the private PM group, I wouldn't go there. 

    I posted the status of your repair. If you have not seen the two emails, maybe check your spam file. They were sent, and your movemnent will be shipped early next week. 


    Yes, 'MOAB' lied. I didn't. 

  8. Couldn't agree more mate  ;)


    @ Joey - J has had a box delivered from Mike on 10th October, he hasn't opened it yet and will let me know when he does so, 2 days is a short week Joey isn't it? please gather ALL the facts before posting. When I speak to J regarding the contents I will post in the private thread so that everyone including Mike is aware. 

    You don't seem to grasp shipping times too well. But then, while this thread does seem to be more embellishment than facts, I have to wonder why someone would send their watches half way around the globe with so many watch repair people in Oz. Then complain about the time it takes to finish the job. And start a thread to pile on the watch repair guy. 

    This whole thing reeks of B.S. 

  9. Why is it that everyone except JoeyB is trying to not argue?


    Why is JoeyB talking over all the legitimate participants in this thread?


    You can't drown out the truth, JoeyB.  You can try, but you're only showing everyone here who you are. Everyone is watching this .. haven't you damaged your reputation enough, yet?


    So, you support RWG members attacking fellow RWG members? You condone RWG members cussing out, name calling and/or threatening another member here? 

    I do not support nor condone such things. Even with someone like you. 


    Can you read? I posted the truth and challenged the lies. You ignored the lies, ignored the name calling, ignored the cussing, ignored the threats and attacked me.

    Says a lot about you. 

  10. Ok your great. Happy. Yay Joeyb is the best. You told me! And I'm done with this thread. I'll stick to my pm thread that Nanq set and I'll let the know it alls keep saying how smart they. Good for you Joeyb now comeback with your awesome wisdom because your so smart.

    It has nothing to do with me being "great", or the "best". It has to do with treating your fellow RWG members right. You've not learned that, so no, I'm not "happy". You still think your fellow RWG members are "know it alls", and none said they were smart or not. Except you. 

  11. Gentlemen Nanuq has set up a multi PM system amongst members whom are still seeking communication in regard to their watches. 


    sgtguk - 3 pieces - all 3  pieces have been with JMB for a week now, with the owner's direction and full knowledge.  

    Tonyyammine - 1 piece, several ingod watch parts - The watch would be finished with the proper second hand needing a longer pinion tube. Sourcing the hand has been the issue, all with the owner's knowledge.

    Billyfras - 1 piece - The 7753 movement has a broken pinion. Sourcing the pinion is the issue, all with the owner's knowledge. 

    Devilseam - 1 piece - Mike is still waiting for the insert from the owner to be installed. 

    tomhorn - 1 2846 movement - Two emails sent in the past week, the movement should be shipped early next week.


    Mike on a bike - no watches or movements or projects with MD2020


    So, by his own announcement, Mike on a bike won't participate in the multi PM.


    And Mike on a bike, you still have not addressed your fabricated B.S. lie about Mike/MD2020. 

  12. For the record my last post in this thread was in defence of an RWG member that has outstanding business with MD, and against another member who was telling all members who have work with MD to "shut up and stop moaning" (my paraphrasing) I've stuck up for MD from the start and still do.


    All I can assume is that JoeyB misread my post and thought I was having a go at the member I was replying to (Tony).


    If that's not the case the only alternative is that JoeyB supports the opinion that those members who are trying to get watches back are "just moaning and should shut up and suck it up," which I find hard to believe.


    If anyone wishes to respond to this post *please* start a new thread, PM me telling me where it is and I'll happily discuss it in there, lets keep this one on track.

    I didn't misread anything. It looks as though you have misread what I said. 


    You can paraphrase all you like, that's not a quote, and not what  L8terz said. 


    I said, as a member of RWG, L8terz has every right to express his opinion on any thread on any subject, as we all do, without being attacked, cussed out, called names and/or threatened. I also said that those RWG members who have come to Mike/MD2020's defense have been attacked. 


    So, after another member went into a vulgarity laced tirade, one that absolutely breaks the rules of this site, and a tirade that was completely out of line in several posts complete with false bravado, and came back and apologized for that rant, YOU called  L8terz  and "idiot".


    Rather than chastise the attacker, rather than address the foul-mouthed rant, rather than condemn the cyber-testosterone muscle flexing, you instead said, and I quote - not paraphrase - "Arguing with an idiot is pointless". 


    Now, if you think that name calling a fellow RWG member is defending another member who actually did the attacking and rule-breaking foul-mouthed tirade, then yes, we do have a strong disagreement. 


    I also addressed another poster who had posted some fabricated lying B.S. in regards to "missing watches".


    I say again, refuting the lie that was ignored 4 times by the poster who wrote it,  NO RWG member is missing a single watch with Mike/MD2020.  


    You failed to address that lie as well, instead addressing me. 


    I read your claims, then read your posts, and they don't match up. While you're not the only one, you did pursue it with me. And I will answer. I hope that clarifies what I said, even though what I said is still all there in black and white and clear when originally posted.

  13.  I can puff my chest in the real world thank you 


     everyone else's opinions, especially when it comes to personal attacks are not welcome at all. I think if the thread is shut down/closed etc another will pop up pretty quick until the members involved have their property back, 


    Good for you.


    This is RWG and this is the RWG message board. All member's opinions should be welcomed. Not attacked for their views or position on a subject. Not called names or cussed out. 


    No RWG member's property is in jeopardy with Mike/MD2020, and repair progress reports are not necessary in any thread here. 

  14. I am painfully aware that you do not by your posts, further more if you were in the know and truly concerned for Mike as I am as well as other members you would let sleeping dogs lie. :pimp:

    PS yes you are in the know called out fraggle as an anti Mike guy. :frusty: You are like talking to a wall....................


    Got a GTG to plan bye bye!

    You are not aware, painfully nor any other way, aware of any such thing.


    I already explained my replies in this thread. 


    Can you read? I did not call fraggle out as an anti Mike guy.


    You are the wall. For the third time, Why say RWG members are missing any watches with Mike/MD2020. Why fabricate B.S.? No members are missing watches. 

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