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Posts posted by JoeyB


    Can you read?


    Reply #82 

    That's right. And every word was true at the time it was posted. And, it all might still be true. 

    But you didn't address your false and phony accusations.

    Again: "You made the accusation, coward, now back it up. You show us all where I found humor in MD2020 ripping people off, or welcomed MD2020 back to find more victims, or welcoming him and endorsing his actions. "

    All you do is try to stir the pot so you can bash this site and the members here over on TTK's RWG. Your thread is page after page after page of bashing this site by lying. Tell TTK to loosen your collar. You choke a lot. 


    TTK has you running in circles. He does that to his lackeys. 

  2. That's right. And every word was true at the time it was posted. And, it all might still be true. 


    But you didn't address your false and phony accusations.


    Again: "You made the accusation, coward, now back it up. You show us all where I found humor in MD2020 ripping people off, or welcomed MD2020 back to find more victims, or welcoming him and endorsing his actions. "


    All you do is try to stir the pot so you can bash this site and the members here over on TTK's RWG. Your thread is page after page after page of bashing this site by lying. Tell TTK to loosen your collar. You choke a lot. 

    Who is TTK? Does he have anything to do with this? Why do we have to deal with this bulllshitt again?

    Ask the one who started it. 

  3. Nanuq, on 01 Nov 2013 - 02:23 AM, said:

    Do you see anyone here accepting and finding humor in MD2020 ripping people off? Have you read a post here that welcomes MD2020 back to find more victims? Have you seen anyone here welcoming him and endorsing his actions? If you have, point them out and I'll deal with them.




    Looks like TTK's lackey is trying to stir the pot some more. The thread you started on TTK's RWG is how many pages long now, bashing this site? And you just love to ridicule this site as much as you can. You really are more at home with the liars over there. 


    You made the accusation, coward, now back it up. You show us all where I found humor in MD2020 ripping people off, or welcomed MD2020 back to find more victims, or welcoming him and endorsing his actions. 


    Back in the day TTK used to be able to get much better help. Must be the economy. 

  4. Ok i just asked your help two times and the only reason why i did is because im thinking you know something i dont since i dont remember seeing you on our pms were we lost all our watches to a scammer. so obviously your just a troublemaker who contributes nothing to our problems. So heres what i would like to propose to my fellow RWG members, please if you can lets just give this jerkoff, yes you're a total windbag of a jerkoff, lets give this guy the good ole silent treatment there is and repeat there is no reason to speak to this jerk off of a windbag yes i called u a jerkoff windbag again. Thats how i will speak to u u jerkoff windbag and your not going to do nothing about it. Hows that for bad attitude. Yes im a internet tough guy you got me. Your just going to sit there and think about the next stupid windbag comment. You can call me whatever u want but your a jerkoff. Ok fellas like i said please give this "expert" the pay no mind and like a virus maybe he will keep quiet. We know what happened in our pms theres at leat 10-12 of us that knew what happend.

    You didn't lose any watches, and MD2020 is no scammer. Nor is he any of the foul-mouthed names you called him in the other thread, or this one. Yet you expect someone to answer you when you start cussing people out. MD2020 could have told you worse, and been right to do so.


    Your vulgar rant here, coupled with the one you made in the other thread, shows that you have no self control. "tough guy"?? You said that to another member here in that thread which is what started all this garbage. Well, 'tough guy', you're on a message board. Are you going to punch your monitor? 


    That's right. I'm not going to do a single thing about it. Now, aren't you brilliant. 

  5. Ok joe ill ask you again. Md2020 has robbed 7 of our watches. I dont know u from a hole in the wall but u seem to think you know what your talking about. So ill ask you again. I am out 700 buxx by a guy that told me and 7 ( might be more) to go f ourselves. If you are able to do something about it,that would be great if not then why are you involved in this? It was already taken care of through our private pm. I dont know what tissue pm means. You say you stood up for the truth and fact then good for you. Now since you are able to do that see if you can get our watches back if you cant or dont want in any way to contribute then what is it that you would want. I would love to know this.

    MD2020 has not "robbed" anyone. He told you what you could do with your attitude towards him in the 'Tissue' PM. 


    Yes, I do know what I'm talking about. You have a very poor attitude. 

  6. Bloody hell, do live on another planet joey. How can you possibly defend this guy anymore. You are now starting to look stupid.

    Mike has clearly (well clearly to most of us) decided that rwg members are worthless and dont deserve so much as a f*uck you. This has gone on far too long and to far too many people to be a coincedence. He has 7 members watches (that i know of), some for over 6 months and has ceased communication with them all including me. Coupled with the facebook message he posted telling all rwg and rwi members to go f*uck themselves i would say that it doesnt take s genius to work out that things have gone sour.

    I find it disturbing that you continue to defend mike after so many members have raised issues.

    Also how is mike not returning our watches any different from tony's example of a tv repair man not returning your tv? Or taking your car for a service to find the garage wont fix it or give it back?

    Well, you'll need to discuss this with Tony. He just said that Mike DID say exactly that to you in the 'Tissue' PM. 

    The Facebook message was NOT directed to ALL RWG members.


    I have yet to defend MD2020. I have corrected the lies told, and I have strongly objected to name calling and cussing out fellow RWG members. Seems like some people do protest too much. 

  7. We went on a private pm for the past ten days with people that have projects with him. He told us all to go f ourselfs so there I go. I'm not gonna argue with u but if you are able to contribute to anything I'm out 600 buxx. Your help would be appreciated.

    Yes, the 'Tissue' PM, and none of the rest of us are privy to what is said in it. 


    Being told that, in particular with all that was unfairly said about MD2020, is NOT "confirmed" that 7 RWG members were "robbed" by MD2020.

    Have you any other real 'confirmation' that MD2020 "robbed" anyone here? 


    Oh, and if you'd like my help you'd be well advised to change your attitude. I'm no kid, not a newbie,  nor do I accept disrespect from anyone. You will get back what you give me. 

  8. The mid-case of my 6542 shown in my signature made from a 1655 cartel with the crown guards ground off measures 4.39mm at 9 o'clock. To thin the case I use an 8 inch buffing wheel 3 inches wide mounted on an old furnace motor, and buff the bottom edge of the case until it looks thin enough to my eye. 

  9. Thanks, In the meantime I contacted Ken at Rafflestime to pursue it. The problem with the V1, the one I made the pictured 6538 from, is that the 6542 insert being flat bottom - not coned underneath - would not fit correctly. If it is the gen style it might fit. 

  10. Im not sure if it is gen like but i heard that this tiger case is a v2 so some improvements have been done ,problem with these cases is the lug holes apart from being too small are always placed to close to the lug edges but a little bevel work can hide it when done carefully as with my cartel tropic tudor build !


    Thats a great idea looks like awell thoght out solution !!!!

    Let me ask, what Rolex crystal did you use? Did it fit tight to the lip on the case pictured? Did you press the retainer to seal the crystal? Did the bezel snap on the retainer using the wire spring? 


    Mine pictured is the V1, and does none of that. If they've made it right, we have a whole new route for coin edge vintage Rolex. 


    retainer, bezel with wire spring



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