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Posts posted by JoeyB

  1. Scientists wanted to examine just how much alcohol the famous fictional secret agent consumes, and what effect that could have on his health. They published a study, led by Graham Johnson of the emergency department of Royal Derby Hospital, in the British Medical Journal's Christmas edition, which features a variety of offbeat research papers.

     British researchers predict he could die from alcohol-related causes, such as liver damage, by age 56.  Researchers found Bond's weekly alcohol consumption totaled 92 units a week, which is more than four times what doctors recommend. A real person would not be able to carry out such complicated tasks and function as well as Bond does while maintaining such habits, they conclude. 



  2. Great...Thanks mate.... so just so the less discerning amongst us can be sure  :)... generally there was no clear bakelite? And regardless that comment in the link is just incorrect and likely for same reason you explain in your post.....just a misplaced name


    So again just so I am clear ;).... you would treat that insert in the same way you would a plexi glass...say in terms of refurbing etc?


    Now my last question and probably the most important one..


    Do you know any "more discerning 6542" wearers that I could contact to discuss further.... :) :) ;)



    Thanks again though :) Always learning .....  :)

    An original, genuine insert would be somewhat rare to find in one piece. As acrylic plastic does, and the older formulas even more, they dry out and get brittle and break. I saw one in something like 8 pieces on Ebay sell for over $800usd, as I recall. So, no. I would NOT refurbish a genuine insert. In fact, two that I know of were sold to people with genuine 6542s who put the genuine insert in a safe place and used mine so as to wear the watch. 


    freddy is one, and in the linked threads in my sig are more. 

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  3. :snorkel:


    I never knew bakelite could be clear.... :balloon:

    The inserts used in the 6542 were Perspex, not bakelite. Bakelite is a thermosetting phenol formaldehyde resin, an early plastic and the name was misplaced on other plastics. Perspex, a Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) transparent thermoplastic,  is a brand name for an acrylic plastic, others being Plexiglass, Lucite, Optix and more. Modern acrylics are not as brittle as they were initially. 

    Lexan is the brand name for polycarbonate resin thermoplastic. It is used for many things including bullet resistance canopies for fighter aircraft.

    And, of course, worn by the more discerning Rolex 6542 owner.  :whistling:

  4. Mine is a 1st generation 'Tiger' case. I made the dial by using brass stock cut in a rough round shape (maybe octogonish) with a tin snips. Flatten it out with a small hammer, drill the center hole. Then using a bamboo shish-ka-bob skewer as an axle, spin it on edge against a fine stone bench grinder, checking to size/diameter. A metal axle will enlarge the hole, and a toothpick will break, while bamboo is a perfect tool and can be used for many mods. I then use a decal. If you are careful it won't  harm a finished dial. 





    Is your 'Tiger' case the V2? It looks as though it is a gen style mounting for the crystal, using a retainer to hold the crystal, and the wire spring to hold and spin the coin edge bezel. Is that the way you got it, or was that machined for you as well?  

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  5. I used the 16570 to build my 16710 per bklm's tutorial. http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/144657-making-a-gen-style-16710-case-out-of-a-16570-case-and-tw-bezel-assembly/page-2


    Then I replaced the 2.0mm Clark's crystal with the new gen spec 1.8mm Clark's crystal. http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/164909-clarks-new-25-295-c-2-crystal/


    The dial might look too close because all aftermarket crystals have been 2.0mm thick. The new 1.8mm seems to be much clearer and sharper. With this build the crystal and bezel are mounted as the genuine 16710 is. It looks great. 

  6. I used a sliver date wheel as well, read it somewhere, but can't remember where. ceejay, I built my 1675 much the same way as you, using the cartel 1655 and RolexAddict's tutorial, along with my eye. RA said the 5.3mm crown is too small, but I used one as you did, and I think it looks OK. 




  7.  I don't know.what Rolex is doing.  But I've always maintained that gen owners don't always keep their watches 'stock'. And we know they still make, and Clark's still sells, the sapphire conversion kit for the acrylic crystal models. So, having the crystal you want should be just fine. 

  8. Sounds like a great alternative for rep builds like the 16710 and the 16610/3 . I would love to see someone make a really good aftermarket crystal with the AR'ed Cyclops, but I suppose that's wishful thinking.

    Gary will have the AR'd crystal soon, if not already. The problem will be no etched crown at 6 o'clock. I told him we wouldn't tell Rolex... :nono:

  9. I just today received and installed Gary Clark's new crystal in my 16710. My 16710 uses the 16570 case modified per  bklm1234 tutorial. I used the bezel from Clark's along with his crystal.   http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/144657-making-a-gen-style-16710-case-out-of-a-16570-case-and-tw-bezel-assembly/page-2


    Gary has been working on making his crystals as perfect to gen as possible. Up until now all the after-market crystals were 2.0mm thick, while genuine Rolex is 1.8mm thick. Well, Gary finally has the 1.8mm crystal, and it is really nice. Noticeably and flawlessly clearer to me than the old one, and the mag looks to be quite accurate. This will fit the 16610 and 16710. With his old crystal I used the 2.35mm gasket to get the proper height. With the new crystal I used the 2.85mm, which is the same as gen. Gary said he had no idea which gasket would fit the cartel case with his after-market bezel. Looks like the combination is a good one. Clark's crystals do not have the etched crown at 6 o'clock, which is what I want for my 'K' build. The etching started in 2003. This 16710 has come a long way, being my first buy as a 'Retro' from Joshua when I came to the forums years ago. I almost followed By-Tor's lead and bought a gen, but I like this one better  because I built it!    :whistling:   



  10. I don't have any pics, but the 'Noob' Submariner from Andrew that I got for my Son when he went away to the University of Hawaii went through a rough 4 years. My Son isn't into watches, knew it was a rep but figured a Sub is a Sub. I greased all the gaskets and tested it, and regulated the movement. After his 1st year I had to re-install the hands, all 3 had fallen off while surfing. The 2nd year I had to replace the crystal that hit a rock while cliff diving. He refused to tell me how he broke the bracelet link twice. But it still runs and the 21j still keeps very good time. And it looks more like a gen 16610 that is naturally aged. 

  11. Memorial Day is the day set aside to honor our heroes fallen in battle. 

    Veteran's Day is the day set aside to honor all who served. 


    An  "unknown soldier" was buried in highest place of honor in England at Westminster Abbey,  and France in the Arc de Triomphe   on November 11th, celebrating the ending of World War I hostilities at 11 a.m., November 11, 1918 This day became known internationally as "Armistice Day".

    The United States of America in 1921 followed France and England by laying to rest the remains of a World War I American soldier -- his name "known but to God" -- on a Virginia hillside overlooking the city of Washington DC and the Potomac River. This site became known as the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier," and today is called the "Tomb of the Unknowns." Located in Arlington National Cemetery, the tomb symbolizes dignity and reverence for the American veteran.

    November 11th officially became known as Armistice Day through an act of Congress in 1926. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed a bill proclaiming November 11 as Veterans Day.

    The Veterans Day National Ceremony takes place at exactly 11 a.m. each November 11th. A color guard, made up of members from each of the military branches, renders honors to America's war dead during a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery. 
    The President places a wreath at the Tomb and a bugler sounds Taps.

    Lest we forget. 

  12. My first build is a Rolex 6542, and it's been improved several times since. I almost wish I had never built it, or my 1675 cornino with the exclamation dial, as my 16710 - also improved several times - was my 'all' watch. All 3 are now gen style crystal and bezel mount. I really can't choose one of them. A half step behind is my 6204 Sub. I could sell any of the rest, but not these 4.

  13. I travel with my GMT IIc with the hour hand set to my home time (central). My GMT hand is set to GMT/UTC and I turn the bezel to the time zone I am in (GMT/UTC +or-). I read the visited time from bezel at the GMT 4th hand. It seems to work for me. I've never suffered from jet lag. And this watch has the GMT 'quickset' jumping hand.

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