The orange uPO is my daily beater.
One of the greatest replicas money can buy.
The uPO is almost impossible for a non-trained eye to spot the flaws.
The logo is sadly, incorrect on the uPO.
Do you have any pictures of the watch you're about to order.
I'll let you know in a heart beat, if it's a uPO or not.
To be honest, it feels weird the first time you open the back. "Will I break the movement?"-feeling...
It's okay, and perfectly normal.
Just open it and take some pictures...
Hopefully you got an ETA, otherwise, stick to our honest collectors, who easily can source a watch for your taste...
The film hits the big screen 27th of July WORLDWIDE.
I guess what our dear RWG member went to, was some sort of preview for the media or something like that...
And commies???
Don't think so, since NATO's headquarter is in Brussels.
Or is it the commies fault that he saw the film before you did?